r/AskReddit 10h ago

Redditors not from America, what is one "American take" on your countries cuisine that you actually enjoy?


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u/Cool_Difference_7047 7h ago edited 4h ago

All pizza is good pizza. Unless you make the crust with cauliflower, then fuck you.

Edit: yes, yes. I get it. Plenty of you like cauliflower crust. Plenty of elevators play Celine Dion, doesn’t make it right.


u/Admiral_Gial_Ackbar 7h ago

As a Celiac, this is the best kind of pizza that I can have, way better than the rice flour crust ones. Costco deluxe cauliflower crust is legit delicious.


u/firstbreathOOC 6h ago

Surprise it’s not well liked, cauliflower pizza tastes pretty damn good, not much of a difference from ‘real’ pizza at all imo. Gotta find the right shop or product though like everything


u/artificialavocado 3h ago

I think when most people go for pizza they are going for a guilty pleasure not vegetables lol.

u/Artistic_Muffin7501 19m ago

Maybe from the selection in the freezer section they are similar. But there is nothing like well executed pizza dough. The taste and texture are very different.

u/k1nd3rwag3n 18m ago

Like, you replace the dough with cauliflower? How can it taste nearly the same?!


u/IkujaKatsumaji 6h ago

I've been looking for a good pizza that doesn't threaten to murder me via blood sugar spike, I am absolutely marking this down.


u/Abbot_of_Cucany 6h ago

Beware! Commercial store-bought cauliflower pizza crusts often use corn starch or tapioca starch as binders. They may be gluten-free, but they're not always low carb.


u/IkujaKatsumaji 6h ago

Whoa, yikes, thanks for the thought; that pizza turns out to not be the low-carb option I was thinking it was.


u/Abbot_of_Cucany 3h ago

There are cauliflower-crust recipes online that are low-carb, if you want to make your own.


u/Admiral_Gial_Ackbar 6h ago edited 6h ago

These guys + Penzey's Frozen Pizza spice blend = fantastic

425°F on a pizza screen, on rack like 1/3 of the way from the bottom of the oven so the crust gets crispier before the top browns too much. 10 min, turn it 180 then another 5, turn off oven and let it finish in hot oven to your desired level of brownness!


u/relevantelephant00 5h ago

Holy shit yes, I was so surprised. Im not gluten-free but I loved it.


u/algaefied_creek 3h ago

Is a Ciliac a Celine Dion in the Elevator fan?


u/Direct_Surprise2828 3h ago

I love cauliflower crust pizza!


u/Dangerous_Stretch_67 6h ago

I fucking LOVE cauliflower crust. Maybe you had a bad experience? I've enjoyed it almost anywhere I've had it as long as it's hot and fresh


u/Cool_Difference_7047 6h ago

I despise cauliflower… so, I don’t think it’s gonna happen for me.


u/Dangerous_Stretch_67 2h ago

I'm not really big on cauliflower but good cauliflower crust just tastes like yummy pizza crust but it's gooey/flaky in a way that I enjoy.


u/Cool_Difference_7047 2h ago

I’ve tried. I just cannot do it. I’m normally not picky when it comes to veggies, but something about cauliflower hits my tastebuds wrong, even when in pizza crust form. It’s a shame too, because cauliflower is a very visually appealing vegetable in my opinion. I want to like it. I just can’t.


u/Kolipe 5h ago

Or it's St Louis style


u/casey-primozic 5h ago

I watch what I eat and limit my carbs but if I'm going to destroy a pizza, it damn better be the real thing.


u/CParkerLPN 2h ago

Weird thing: I ordered a cauliflower crust pizza once. I’d never had one, and I’m a diabetic, so any carb I can cut is a good carb to cut.

I had to call the place back to let them know that I’d paid more for a cauliflower crust, but they’d sent me regular crust.

They hadn’t. Their cauliflower crust was THAT good. No idea how they do it, but you won’t hear me complaining.


u/WestCoastBestCoast01 6h ago

Shit I even like cauliflower pizza.


u/Stingray88 6h ago

All pizza is good pizza period.


u/MizStazya 5h ago

I just went to a chuck e cheese style arcade/pizza place for a kids' school fundraiser. That pizza was not good pizza. It's disturbing how much they fucked up that pizza.


u/memphool 5h ago

I see this comment, I upvote this comment, I SAVE this comment.


u/sportsareforfools 4h ago

I worked at a pizza place and our cauliflower crust came pre made and was actually great


u/Traditional_Fan_2655 2h ago

This made me laugh out loud. Literally. At 2:40am in the quiet. Thank you.

u/Cwaustin3 10m ago

How else am I supposed to eat an entire “pizza” without feeling disgusted with myself? Cauliflower crust is the way to go


u/neobeguine 7h ago

Congratulations, San Francisco. You ruined pizza


u/SunburntPalkia 6h ago

First the Hawaiians, and now you


u/FlappyBoobs 3h ago edited 2h ago

Hawaiian pizza is Canadian, and like Celine Dion should only be enjoyed in an elevator.

Edit: Some people downvote because they are ignorant and refuse to educate themselves, some downvote because they don't have a sense of humor, I can't help the second type of person, but for the first type LMGTFY