r/BatmanArkham Nov 17 '23

Is there a lore reason behind not hearing Superman talk ? We they keep showing him on every trailer, but we never actually hear him speak. Does he have anxiety or something ? Humor

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u/SoppadaSoupp Nov 17 '23


u/Vast-Willingness4642 Nov 17 '23

Appreciate the sentiment, but the guy in that GIF is very bigoted.


u/SoppadaSoupp Nov 17 '23

On my interpretation the gigachad should be a simbol of the human spirit to move foward and be better no matter what, everyone included be them trans, gay, black, white or whatever. I apologize for the wrong side taking this character and subverting it, i wish you the best my friend.


u/GlitchyNitro Nov 18 '23

i like your interpretation