r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ 7h ago

Justice Failed, The Klan is alive and well in Missouri Country Club Thread

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u/tisdue 7h ago

im not saying the uptick in hateful actions and rhetoric are Trump's fault... but they are Trump's fault.


u/Electrical-Set2765 7h ago

They're definitely his fault and the rest of the GOP and their masters. He amplifies it extremely.


u/NYstate ☑️ 5h ago

The thing about Trump is he says the quiet parts out loud and his fanbase defends it saying: "He's just a tough talking individual!" or "He's just saying it like it is!" No, he's a racist asshole with rich friends who cover for him.

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u/Independent-Choice-4 7h ago

The fact that Trump-sympathizers can’t understand this simple fact is fucking baffling


u/StolenPies 7h ago

They understand it


u/wack_overflow 7h ago

It's the main reason they like him

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u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

They understand it, but self-reflection causes a level of guilt so mf painful that they'd rather shit everyone else out to remain victimized rather than turn toward the proverbial mirror and realize they are the fuck up......

(Going through this with my adopted mom and my God the delusion is fucking terrifying to watch)


u/1racooninatrenchcoat 6h ago

Nah these mf have 0 guilt over their actions. They are up to their eyeballs in seething hatred


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

Reread my comment. I think we agree

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u/Guava-blossoms 6h ago

If he wins we’re cooked


u/FastAsFxxk 6h ago

As a Canadian, I beg all of you south of the border to PLEASE. FUCKING. VOTE.


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

It's mostly the swing states, GA, FL and TX we're mostly concerned about..... But judging by the polls, that man likely is gonna win.... A trip to prison.


u/GaGaORiley 6h ago

Don’t count on polls. VOTE!


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

"judging by the polls" doesn't mean trust the polls friend.....


u/TheOnly_Anti 5h ago

Sometimes a correction is less for you and more for the audience. Someone read that comment and felt better about not voting because it's already been handled. Not your fault, but that person might need the reminder that projections aren't reality.


u/xR3Vx_MATR1X 5h ago



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u/[deleted] 6h ago


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u/Umbra_and_Ember 6h ago

I’m old enough to remember the 2016 polls. When Trump was just a goofy meme and surely only pranksters would vote for him. Then he became our president.


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u/PhazonZim 6h ago

Executing innocent people for shits and giggles goes way back. The death penalty is barbarism


u/bondsmatthew 5h ago

We know it goes way back lol

Since 2016 though it's more and more 'ok' to be seen as racist is what they're saying. We have actual past presidents, potential future presidents/vice presidents, members of congress, news stations, etc pushing incredibly dangerous propaganda

Basically it made people who always had these thoughts feel safe to come out publicly

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u/catluvr37 6h ago

The beauty of America is that trump is just a mouthpiece for millions that have already felt that way quietly. Their bastion of hate and prejudice has been degrading since the reconstruction amendments, then the civil rights act, but especially since Obama’s 2 terms.

It’s no coincidence trump popped up right after Obama’s term limits.


u/SimonPho3nix 5h ago

Made the roaches feel safe enough to come out of their holes.

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u/petrovmendicant 6h ago

"What Trump tells his supporters to do and think does not influence what his supporters do or think! That's absurd!"

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u/qcjb 5h ago

3 of the 6 shit bag supreme court justices that denied the appeal were appointed by him. And the other 3 are in his cult. This is hugely a result of Trump's actions and ideology of making racism acceptable.


u/HollowBlades 5h ago

Thing is... It's not. The state has been executing black people at a significantly higher rate than that of white people for at least the last 50 years now - that's how long we have data for. This shit goes all the way back to foundations.

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u/Sol-Blackguy 6h ago

It was always there. Trump just made them think they can say it with their chests


u/Disastrous_Visit_778 5h ago

Pinning all of America's blatant racism and white supremacy on one man is insanely stupid. The klan has been around long before Trump, the rot is systemic and bipartisan


u/LiaM_CS 5h ago

You think executing potentially innocent people is a new thing?

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u/Aphant-poet 6h ago

I mean, historically speaking, big events/ people (both good and bad) do tend to make bigots feel emboldened. It gives them something/someone to focus on and direct their hatred to.


u/3x1minus1 5h ago

It’s always been like that here. Michael brown before Trump.


u/Sam23_jeans 5h ago

It's Trump's fault definitely. That's why we don't need his hateful ass in white house!


u/spundred 5h ago

His popularity is both a symptom of and a force multiplier of the problem.

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u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

I curse every complicit motherfucker in the state of Missouri who let this happen.

May that old fuck of a governor Mike Parson NEVER know peace until the god he serves condemns his bitch ass to hell. May Marcellus’s apparition haunt everyone who let him die today. May their minds be broken and their souls crushed. May they feel pain and torment like the demons they are when they step into a church pretending to be a good Christian.


Let it be.


u/CantStopPoppin ☑️ 7h ago

I hope they live very long lives, so long that their bodies deteriorate and they lose control of their bodily functions. I hope they outlive any children they have so they can feel the chasm that they left upon Williams' family. I hope that my hope for their lives to be filled with misfortune and blight comes to fruition.


u/RollbacktheRimtoWin 7h ago



u/CantStopPoppin ☑️ 6h ago

I became good friends with a white elderly man. Unfortuntaly his last years were bad. He died from complications of dementia, I told my self I would never wish that on anyone. I lied, I truly hope this wretched gelatonous monstrousity of a meat bag gets it.


u/mintBRYcrunch26 6h ago

Let this piece of shit be trapped in a prison of his mind for many years. And may his family abandon him.


u/CantStopPoppin ☑️ 6h ago

That is exactly what happened to my good friend. People are truly deplorable in this world. While the pain of seeing that happen eats me alive, I would sleep just fine knowing that the governor be trapped in a feverish hell of his present, past, and future, never knowing where in his mind he would be from moment to moment, only to dwell on the awful childhood that turned him into such an abscess.


u/mintBRYcrunch26 5h ago

I’m so sorry this happened to your friend. I can’t imagine.

I lost my dad a couple years ago. Fast. Unexpected. But you know what? I never had to watch him decline. My mom never had to take care of him. I think my dad knew that and went where he went hella quick because he didn’t want that either.

I think about my mom getting older. She’s so smart. So strong. The smartest person I know. If she ever started to lose her wits, I would be crushed. I would take care of her, I would do anything. But I know it’s not easy.

Hugs to you.


u/aspidities_87 6h ago

My dad has glioblastoma. It’s a slow, painful, degenerative and always fatal brain cancer. No cure, just varying amounts of time. I used to say I wouldn’t wish glio on my worst enemy, but watching the recent rise in smug, authoritarian fascism….yeah I could stand to see some of these fuckers suffer the way my brilliant, gentle, loving father has suffered.


u/Baldmanbob1 5h ago

Sorry for your dad, that's a horrible cancer to get, and it always wins. Hope your able to have some good time with him while he's still here.


u/WillCode4Cats 5h ago

May your friend rest in peace, and these bastards live in Hell.

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u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

My initial thoughts as I was cursing these folks lmao

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u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

So mote it be, I'll drink to that one.

Mannnnn tonight is gonna be fuckin CATHARTIC for me..... 😏😏


u/grundlefuck 7h ago

The Irish couldn’t come with a better toast for these fuckers.


u/NtGermanBtKnow1WhoIs 7h ago

This. This is what i've always said. Never wished death to anyone. Wished them exactly a life as you said.

They live long and extremely painful, pitiful lives. Unable to move, remember anything, be treated cruelly by the care home people, have pain in their bodies but no remedy for that. i wish that for all the monsters in the world. May they suffer in life to pay for their monstrosity.


u/Charlielx 6h ago

I hope they slowly slip into a pit of despair and anguish, while slowly losing their mental health until they reach a point where they can't even comprehend how far gone they are, only to have a brief moment of clarity in which they realize all the wrong they have done in their life, causing them to spiral endlessly for the rest of their pitiful existence until they die sad and alone, like they deserve.

A side of locked-in syndrome wouldn't hurt either.

Maybe too harsh, but I dgaf at this point.


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

It's not harsh enough bestie. I don't think there's anything we could wish for that would be appropriate. Fournier's Gangrene, dementia and locked in syndrome is the closest I can muster, and even that ain't enough

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u/drewgrace8 6h ago

Is that the pos that let this happen? Hope he burns in hell😡


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

He's the main fuckhead, yeah.

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u/selectrix 5h ago


Someone remind me what's Missouri's punishment for murder?

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u/CriticalWay5610 6h ago

Go Tales From the Hood on his ass!


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

Baby when the clock strikes midnight, me and a crossroad got a date 🖤💖


u/Impossible-Web740 5h ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Same goes for the sorry excuse for an attorney general he appointed.

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u/6fish4fish 5h ago

Go fucking throw him in jail

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u/swarmofbzs 5h ago

Locked in syndrome

Undiagnosable level of locked in syndrome + long long life that way

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u/joshJFSU 7h ago

Legalized lynching to satisfy Americans bloodlust.


u/CantStopPoppin ☑️ 7h ago

They're still lynching us to this day. I know it may sound cynical and i do empathize with our kind words. I for one am empty right now at a loss and sickened by this outcome.


u/Ultenth 6h ago

Wasn't there just one a week ago in Henderson, North Carolina?


u/SuspiciousCucumber20 5h ago

You mean the guy the black sheriff said didn't even hang himself and that they have video of buying the rope found at the scene?

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u/WillCode4Cats 5h ago

They're still lynching us to this day. I know it may sound cynical

That is not even remotely cynical; it's straight up objective truth.

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u/justmovingtheground 6h ago

Even the victim's family didn't want this.

You see that bloodlust come out if you ever tell someone you are against the death penalty. Even just the potential of being a victim gets people frothing.

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u/YugeGyna 5h ago

Republicans* bloodlust.

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u/BlackExcellence19 7h ago edited 7h ago

It’s sad that the Supreme Court AND the Governor of Missouri can show blatant racism by refusing halt the execution despite evidence completely exonerating Marcellus and have zero consequences for doing so. We are cooked as a country.

EDIT: Do not bother calling or spamming Mike Parson’s office or phone line because it has been full and sending straight to voicemail for the past 3 days.


u/Osibili 7h ago

Yep, I called when I heard about this two days ago and again yesterday. They are intentionally not clearing the voicemail box


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

I've just been tagging his twitter handle. He may not see it, but it's attached to his name so someone on his team will have to acknowledge it 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/Osibili 5h ago

I don’t have twitter. Either way fuck him and his entire existence.


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 5h ago

Good for you, it’s not worth being on there sometimes 😒


u/alternate-ron 5h ago

Honestly I think about getting it just to tweet at these morons

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u/AngusMcTibbins 6h ago

Yep. Mike Parsons doesn't care.

If you are in Missouri, please vote for Crystal Quade (D) for governor


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u/MaverickWolfe 6h ago

Cause they don’t give a fuck about the people, just their own fucking pockets.

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u/AgreeablePaint421 7h ago

Exonerating? From my understanding the weapon being mishandled didn’t matter because DNA evidence wasn’t taken into account during the trial.


u/Prescient-Visions 6h ago

Mr. Bell, a Democrat who recently won the Democratic primary for a congressional seat, also wrote that there was ample reason to believe that Mr. Williams was innocent.

A hearing on Mr. Bell’s motion was scheduled for August. But just before that date, his office received a new analysis of the DNA on the murder weapon, a kitchen knife.

The finding led Mr. Bell to back away from the assertion that Mr. Williams was innocent.



u/Ashesandends 5h ago

Thanks, that's a good write up and it isn't as clear cut as reddit seems to be pushing it. Death penalty is still not the answer imo


u/Prescient-Visions 5h ago

Agree, there is absolutely no reason for death penalty.


u/Best-Piano4421 6h ago

What is the evidence completely exonerating him?


u/IBJON 6h ago

For starters, the DNA on the murder weapon belonged to someone else. 


u/Best-Piano4421 5h ago

Was it touch dna? Transfer? Sweat, blood? Was it mixed? I heard the crime scene was a shit show and they didn’t properly collect evidence. Who does the dna belong to? Also, What else exonerates him? I’d like a link to anything that helps his case because I’ve seen the evidence proving his guilt and it’s pretty compelling.


u/IBJON 5h ago

Man. Feel fee to Google whatever you want. I'm not here to do all of your research for you, I'm just pointing out one of the most significant issues with the case as something like that should at least be enough to cast reasonable doubt. Maybe not "completely exonerste him", but definitely enough to say "hey maybe we shouldn't kill this guy just yet"

Regardless, when the office that prosecuted someone comes back and tries to get a stay of execution, its usually a good indicator that someone fucked up. 


u/Best-Piano4421 5h ago

For sure. Except you said “for starters” but what you actually meant was “all there is”. This dude confessed multiple times and had the victims belongings in the trunk of his car. Maybe you should google a few things yourself. 

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u/shadeandshine 7h ago

Remember in two months they’ll be saying this is the greatest nation in the world when they do remember this moment and this man. Remember as they chant about a better America remember the state can will put a man to death without fair process. Remember now who spoke about it and who wants your support for the system of oppression and stayed silent right now.


u/LowSavings6716 6h ago

I want to learn more about this case. What exactly came in exonerating him?

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u/LYossarian13 ☑️ 7h ago

And they still kill us like slaves.

Rest in Peace, Ahki.


u/Imthemayor 6h ago

The 13th amendment says slavery is illegal unless you're in prison

We have privately run, for-profit prisons...


u/ClassifiedName 6h ago

"But thanks to Reaganomics, prison turned to profits

'Cause free labor's the cornerstone of US economics

'Cause slavery was abolished, unless you are in prison

You think I am bullshittin', then read the 13th Amendment

Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits

That's why they givin' drug offenders time in double digits"

-Killer Mike, Reagan


u/Imthemayor 6h ago

Ronald Reagan was a actor

Not at all a factor

Just an employee of the country's real masters

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u/JuJuBee0910 5h ago

The loophole in the 13th amendment was always wild to me…

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u/CantStopPoppin ☑️ 6h ago

Freedom: all terms and condtions are subject to change without prior notice.

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u/Duomaxwell18 ☑️ 7h ago

When DNA evidence can’t even clear a Blackman’s name, we need to really consider if living in this country is worth all the violence done to us as a people. We have studies that Trauma can fuck up our genetics, sooner or later we will all be considered complicit if we don’t leave for somewhere less racist to us.


u/ClaymoresRevenge 7h ago

I guess the question I've had is where would be better to go.

Capitalism and racism extend very far


u/Duomaxwell18 ☑️ 7h ago

That’s why I said less racist. Idk, maybe a place where police can kill us with impunity or being able to grocery shop without being gunned down by a white kid with a AR-15


u/EpsRequiem 5h ago

Don't let the news fool you. Tins of places and people out there that love us more than folks do here.

I've literally been around the world 7 times, and traveled to 30 countries and lived in 5.

We've influenced so much and have gained enough respect, that I will confidently say, yeah, we can have it better outside the USA.

Worst thing I've been accused of in any arguments with local nationals, is being a dumb American.

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u/LeeeeroooyJEnKINSS 5h ago

so essentially anywhere else in the world?

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u/dishonestorignorant 6h ago

The DNA didn’t clear him. There’s still people testifying that he confessed AND he admitted he had the victims goods…


u/Duomaxwell18 ☑️ 6h ago

Ok… let’s look at the facts. 1: Williams was convicted in 2001 of killing Felicia Gayle, a former newspaper reporter found stabbed to death in her home in 1998

2: Recently, the top prosecutor in St. Louis County joined Williams’ attorneys in asking for the conviction to be overturned after new testimony from the 2001 trial prosecutor and recent DNA testing showing evidence contamination.

3:The St. Louis Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, which handled the trial against Williams, argued in the motion that DNA testing of the knife used in the killing might suggest Williams was not Gayle’s killer.

4: that effort unraveled at a circuit court hearing last month, after new DNA testing revealed the murder weapon had been mishandled prior to the 2001 trial – contaminating the evidence meant to exonerate Williams

5: if there’s tampering of the weapon, that means he didn’t get a fair trial back in 2001, which if you knew, had multiple motions filed claiming Jury Contamination.

6: there’s more than enough reason to not kill this man and give him a fair retrial.


u/dishonestorignorant 6h ago

Definitely agree he shouldn’t be killed. I never support death penalty and the prosecutor judge and even victims family supported him NOT getting death penalty


u/lamedumbbutt 5h ago

He was guilty. But the state shouldn’t be killing people.

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u/ridgerunner81s_71e 5h ago

Nah, I’m leaving with something


u/kr613 5h ago

The man was Black and Muslim. Unfortunately, this is a combination that will never get justice in the US.


u/ClaymoresRevenge 7h ago

Heartbreaking. Rest in Power.


u/luxuriouscustard 6h ago

How could this possibly happen? Do our courts no longer have a conscience?


u/Ok_Cake4352 6h ago

no longer

I got a bridge to sell to anyone who thinks they ever did


u/ClaymoresRevenge 6h ago

Haven't for a while.


u/cilantro_so_good 4h ago

Do our courts no longer have a conscience



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u/ImmortalZucc2020 7h ago

The root cause of every major issue in this country has, is, and always will be Conservatives. If we’re to survive and thrive as a country, we must have a very serious conversation about rescinding their rights to any power.


u/ConversationFew3217 6h ago

Exactly. If we want to make this the country the pluralistic democratic republic it claims to be, we haven't get rid of conservatives.


u/Chevy_jay4 4h ago

how do you suppose we get rid of conservatism?

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u/Mxteyy 5h ago

We do have rights we need to get out and vote don’t vote for any one of them motherfuckers there’s power in numbers that’s why they’ve wanted us divided since king and Malcom X we need to get out and vote before it’s too late this is just the preview of what’s to come


u/sheesh9727 5h ago

Our very institutions have always leaned Uber conservative. The conditions black and indigenous Americans live in is unconstitutional, but all Supreme Courts have leaned too conservative to ever rule anything otherwise. Goes all the way back to civil rights cases in 1883 that enabled the perpetration of second class status even though that technically shouldn’t be allowed.

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u/[deleted] 6h ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Swimming_Onion_4835 6h ago

Pretty much everyone but the AG’s office believes this man was innocent. There is DNA evidence, and none of it is his. For the actual country prosecutor’s office and the victim’s own family to be pleading with the state to, at minimum, commute his sentence, is extremely telling. For example, Pam Hupp blatantly killed her best friend (who was already dying of cancer, mind you) and stole her $150,000 life insurance policy, then got the woman’s husband convicted despite literally no evidence and an airtight alibi. That conviction was eventually overturned, but that prosecutor STILL runs her mouth insisting the husband is guilty even after Hupp murdered a disabled man in her own home. A lot of prosecutors are either so arrogant or so worried about losing a reelection that they will die on the hill of a conviction even when it is provably wrong and there is verifiable evidence of innocence. So an entire prosecutor’s office backing Williams up means a LOT.

But let’s say you’re right and he killed this woman. The biggest issue with this entire situation, besides the blatant racial bias clearly inherent in the system, is that this scenario exposes just why the capital punishment and prison system is broken. There is NO evidence proving this man is guilty. I do not believe the state should have the power to kill people, but it should absolutely not have the power to kill people with no irrefutable evidence. You should have the most solid evidence you can think of to justify sentencing someone to death for a crime. I’m talking, standing in the doorway over the body covered in the victim’s blood while shouting “I killed that bitch!” kind of irrefutable. The fact that there was so much debate and gray area in this case means the death penalty should have never been an option, and it was the governor’s job to commute and save his life because they cannot and could not prove that he deserved to die. That doesn’t mean people are glorifying a murderer. It means they are mourning a man who fell victim to a system so broken and racist that they killed him—killed him—with no concrete proof of his guilt. And I would say this about someone I feel is guilty, too. I would rather a guilty person go free than an innocent person go to prison, and that’s how the justice system is supposed to work. I do not believe in convicting on no evidence just because I think someone did it. And you shouldn’t be okay with this, either.

Also, not that it matters, but even if he did do it, Williams spent years in prison working on himself. He was the imam of his prison. He was intelligent and fastidious in his research into his own case. He wanted to help those around him. If a man who committed a horrible crime actually made concerted efforts on himself through therapy and actual good acts while in prison, I do not feel killing him serves anyone. And I firmly stick by that.


u/ohnoyourewrong 5h ago

Pretty much everyone but the AG’s office believes this man was innocent. There is DNA evidence

This is just blatantly false. Almost no one with any credibility or relation to the case believes he is innocent. Rather than re-writing what so many others have already covered, I would instead point to a fantastic comment posted in /law/ early today, and preface it with another comment from that same contributor:

There are a lot of people, including many lawyers, who conflate "the conviction could possibly be undermined by new argument" with "innocence" when it comes to death penalty cases.


In short: He's almost certainly guilty, there isn't some new bundle of information that proves his innocence, this entirely comes down to the fact that questions remain about the handling of the case and therefore most logical individuals believe he should be serving a life sentence rather than being executed.


u/SaffronCrocosmia 5h ago

The DNA was contamination from the investigator who held the knife. It did not show another murder suspect.

He was almost certainly guilty, it's just that the evidence wasn't beyond concrete.

You can be anti death penalty and realize he did kill that woman.

Saying "oh well he became religious" is the oldest trick in the book. You show religious people how religious you are, they let you off the hook of many crimes. Religion isn't a bastion of morality.

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u/Luminarygemfairy11 6h ago

They will down vote you but I agree. He had her possessions and was allegedly able to describe details about the case to the state’s witnesses. That doesn’t look good… ESPECIALLY when you already have a case for robbery with violence. IF his girlfriend at the time gave him those items, there had to have been other things that didn’t add up about his whereabouts during that time. As far as the DNA, the knife was contaminated, I will acknowledge that’s a hit to the prosecution, but there are other factors that lead to him being a viable suspect. As an avid true crime enthusiast, I understand how he was found guilty. I love our community. I hate when our community has pack mentality about the wrong sh!t or when we assume conspiracy when there isn’t one. When we look at facts through emotional eyes, then truth is harder to accept.

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u/sussoiyo777 6h ago

Yes the death penalty is awful and should be abolished but we shouldn't treat this dude like an innocent citizen. He was gonna spend life in jail for an unrelated robbery charge regardless. Making him into a martyr seems kind of too far doesn't it?

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u/UglyMcFugly 6h ago

I did a bit of digging and it's a tough one. There were fingerprints, a bloody footprint, and hair that from what I can find, did NOT match him. The DNA on the knife turned out to be the prosecutor's, from mishandling. So I don't think there was ANY solid evidence linking him? It's hard to find details of the original case. Looks like he was found guilty based on testimony from both his girlfriend and a guy he was in jail with. They both had reasons to lie (reward money and their own charges), but it appears they had no connection to each other or knowledge of each other... if that's the case, it would be REALLY weird if two random people both said he did it. The defense would have to show some kind of connection between the two of them... if they could show that, and the lack of physical evidence, I'd definitely say he was innocent. But everything I read was hung up on the DNA on the knife...


u/r3alCIA 5h ago

It's a tough one and that's why I do agree he should have spent life in prison instead of being killed.

Still not enough to make the claims of innocence some folks are making.

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u/Feeling-Echidna6742 5h ago

He was found with the personal items of the person he murdered, and had sold their laptop which they later recovered.

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u/Anonizon 6h ago

Yup. Everyone jumping to conclusions but not realizing that every single article fails to mention all the other evidence and conclusions from the case.


u/PrecisionAcc 5h ago

Some people can’t face the hard truth. He had 15 hearings to try and prove his innocence


u/Best-Piano4421 6h ago

Knew I’d find some logic if I sorted by controversial 


u/unicornsoflve 5h ago

It's not about the man, or if he was innocent. He could be guilty you are right. But now we will never know. Our (I live in Missouri) Governor is a shit bag, always has been. This country was an idea. A concept. A concept of men being seen as equals, the people having power, and a place of Morales and integrity. That's not what our country was or has ever been. But the foundation is there to build that idea. One of those ideas is no unjust punishments and that you will be judged by your peers which must come from "without a reason of a doubt". The fact that there is evidence showing that there is doubt. The fact that the prosecutors, the victims family, the jury, and the people all had doubt, all wanted it postponed and one man and the supreme Court said fuck you we are killing this man anyways. Then everything this country is supposed to stand on has become corrupted.

This mans death isn't just about if he was innocent or guilty. It's a message showing all of us, we don't have power. We don't have freedom. We don't have integrity. And they are flaunting it in our face.

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u/Spare_Respond_2470 7h ago

The klan is alive and well in the Supreme Court.
They could have stopped this and they didn't
This says a lot about the United States
Just reiterates what we've been saying all along.
Miss me with the post racial/not a racist country shit

Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson said they would have granted the request to halt the execution.
The rest of them can eat a bag of dirty dicks and assholes


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

Sotomayor, Brown and Kagan have always been levelheaded compared to these conservative shit streaks currently occupying the bench.

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u/Bunnnnii ☑️ Meme Thief 7h ago

Omg so they really went through with it? I feel a pit in my stomach.


u/CantStopPoppin ☑️ 6h ago

Been feeling that ame pit since 6pm. My heart hurts.

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u/myst_eerie_us 6h ago

Ugh these specific types of injustices are so sickening to me and disturb me to my core. Like it's going to sit with me for a while.

I can't believe these monsters walk among us.


u/Bunnnnii ☑️ Meme Thief 3h ago

Seriously. This is gonna sit with me for a very long time. I just cannot imagine how helpless he felt the entire time, not even just his last day. He was failed. It’s fucked up. It’s so fucked up.

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u/robsbob18 7h ago

Are any protests happening today in response?


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

I hope they rock this MF like they did in 2020 tbh.

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u/bigbootywhitegirl78 7h ago

I live in STL and haven't heard of anything yet.

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u/DelicateEmbroidery 7h ago

Trump could have come off as a hero if he’d have gotten this innocent man off by talking to the governor.


u/LYossarian13 ☑️ 7h ago

He would have incoherently said something about leaving it to the states and then spoke about how brave Jan sixers are.


u/Grae_Mattr 6h ago

Sigh. I loathe how correct you are about this.


u/badbrotha 6h ago

Trump only pardons people who have dirt on him.

His cabinet, I mean.


u/Doncicfuturegoat 6h ago

Or people that gave him money


u/badbrotha 6h ago

True, forgot a couple folks lol

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u/all_of_you_are_awful 5h ago

Anybody read the court documents? They found the victims belongings in his possession after the murder. He stole a laptop and sold to some dude which they eventually recovered as well. William didn’t argue that he didn’t sell the laptop. He argued that he was selling it for his GF.

No offense but this guy looks guilty as hell.


u/LurkerInDaHouse ☑️ 2h ago

looks guilty as hell.

There can be no "looks" "seems" "appears" "feels" guilty when the sentence is death. There can be no strong hunches, no debate, no inkling of a doubt. The guilt must be as plain and undeniable as the sunrise. Whatever the details, the fact that even the prosecutors have concerns should immediately void his sentence.

And the fact that you feel the need to defend what the state has done here says everything I need to know about you, and why you came here to BPT to rub his death in our faces.

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u/fleeingmeadows 7h ago

Such diabolical horseshit.


u/CassandraTruth 7h ago

“Despite nearly a quarter century of litigation in both state and federal courts, there is no credible evidence of actual innocence or any showing of a constitutional error undermining confidence in the original judgment.”

  • Missouri State Supreme Court

If you're Black in Missouri you're guilty unless proven innocent.

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u/A_Dinosaurus 6h ago

Look, im just as mad about what happened as anyone, but why do we just assume it happened to him solely because he was black? We see a black guy get killed unfairly and immediately cry racism. Im not denying that racism still exists in the country to an extent, but I just don't see the reason why we insist this was racially motivated and make claims like "the klan is alive in well in missouri". It seems hasty and like a low level of critical thinking to me.


u/Anonizon 6h ago

Especially considering he likely did kill an innocent woman while burglarizing her place according to these records:


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u/SordidOrchid 5h ago

I think he’s guilty but I also think if he was white his guilty plea for life in prison would have been accepted.

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u/ifweburn 7h ago

this state does so many shameful things and I'm so ready to leave. I'm heartbroken.


u/pettyPettington3rd 7h ago



u/Fmrcp55 7h ago

It’s been alive and well, just under a modern name known as Maga 


u/Amazing_Karnage 7h ago

Red hats are the new white hoods.

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u/RMbeatyou 6h ago edited 5h ago
  1. Fuck the death penalty

  2. Based on the evidence he more than likely killed her or at least was an accomplice

  3. We have to read! I love my people, but headlines have y’all in a chokehold. It’s always surface level reaction. This man was found in possession of her husbands laptop, and her purse. Not only that, he kinda was a menace in the area prior to this crime.

If he was found with the laptop only, sure that’s grounds for plausible deniability, but I can’t understand being in possession of her personal belongs, her ID amongst other things were in the trunk of his car, his defense team wasn’t arguing he was framed, they were arguing he was innocent, so how did it get there? He claimed it was given to him…

Buying a laptop off the street isn’t uncommon, but having a murdered woman’s personal belongings in the trunk of your car is, especially if you’ve recently committed a similar crime, logically you’d make sure there is distance between you and any physical evidence possible.

The weird part is these items were found in the trunk of the car like a whole year later? Also his girlfriend at the time claims he came home with a bloody shirt, she pressed him about it, and he told her what happened.

He then threw the clothes in a sewer. Unless you’re going to put this on his grandad(person who owned the car the belongings were found, or his girlfriend) I’m not sure how you can logically ignore this.

I lean towards him being an accomplice and not the actual murderer, it was likely suppose to be a routine burglary but shit went left when she fought back, however street rules are stupid asf so he probably didn’t want to dime out whoever actually physically killed her.

  1. Fuck the death penalty

  2. Don’t reply to this trying to argue because I will not.

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u/Ok-Permission-2687 7h ago

I don’t know much about this case, but why was it a 4th quarter push to get him out?


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

I don't think it was. You know how slow the Internet is to catch on to black and brown suffering unless it's on camera and uploaded by a civilian


u/Ok-Permission-2687 7h ago

True, didn’t think of the news lag


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 7h ago

Yeah them algorithms are a mf trip


u/toooldforacnh 6h ago

I believe it got pushed twice...let me find the article


It was the third time Williams faced execution. He got reprieves in 2015 and 2017, but his last-ditch efforts this time were futile. Parson and the state Supreme Court rejected his appeals in quick succession Monday, and the U.S. Supreme Court declined to intervene hours before he was put to death.

Last month, Gayle’s relatives gave their blessings to an agreement between the St. Louis County prosecuting attorney’s office and Williams’ attorneys to commute the sentence to life in prison. But acting on an appeal from Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s office, the state Supreme Court nullified the agreement.



u/Swimming_Onion_4835 6h ago

Un-fucking-believable. This is so heartbreaking.


u/Great_cReddit 4h ago

All these checks and balances and yet an innocent man can still be put to death. What a sad state of affairs. All it takes is 4 people with a fucking heart to commute his sentence to life but instead they allow an innocent man to die. All while they're raking in cash, going on ski trips, and spending time with their loved ones. How do so many morally bankrupt racists make it to these positions of power is beyond me.


u/GhostOfMuttonPast 6h ago

People have been trying for years, but when it was clear that the state wasn't interested in playing fair the people on his side brought his plight to the internet.

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u/No-Bat-7253 7h ago

This is horrible. 🙏🏾🙏🏾


u/StragglingShadow Beefs over Detective Conan 🔎 7h ago

I am so so sad. I wish we had a proper system of justice instead of the biased system of vengeance we currently have. Even one innocent person sent to their deaths from death row is too many to be acceptable. And we have had so so many more than one. May every single victim find the peace in death that life denied them.

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u/embracingmountains 6h ago

Fuck this shit. I am furious and powerless and I don’t want to be here anymore but I have no way out.

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u/ResetReptiles 6h ago

This should cause civil unrest. There needs to be consequences.

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u/KingJTheG 6h ago

Did they seriously kill him? What the fuck?!


u/thatsbullshit52 7h ago

I hope the governor of MO a long, painful, miserable life where he sees nothing but lost of family, status reputation, deteriorating health with him wanting nothing but the void of death but denied and force to live longer


u/cailian13 6h ago

You can't tell me there aren't two different "justice" systems in this country. I hoped all day that they'd choose to do the right thing. Or even HALF the right thing. And they still killed him. My heart goes out to his family tonight, this is not ok. RIP Marcellus, I hope you find the peace you didn't have in life. I also hope the people who killed you never find one minute of peace for the rest of their lives.


u/Brontards 6h ago

I see people saying he was innocent, but then I see tons of evidence showing he was guilty. Can I get the short version why he’s being called innocent?

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u/whitechocolate22 6h ago

You know how you expect the worst but can still be completely appalled at how blatant it is?

That's how I feel about six allegedly pro-life, Catholic Supreme Court justices ignoring evidence and the prosecutors begging for a vacated verdict because the prosecutors know this was an injustice, the epitome of wrongful conviction, and those motherfuckers just ignored it and said kill the man.

Pro-life is a scam and so is our legal system. Imagine going to these lengths to kill an innocent black man and calling it justice. Fuck outta here.


u/blueisaflavor 6h ago

Question: could the supreme court of interfered with this ruling to stop the execution?


u/No-Acanthisitta-2517 6h ago

Yes. They could have forced another stay of execution. All but three denied it and you can guess why.....


u/I_sex_you 6h ago

This is why it's so important to vote for Harris in November. Trump would only increase executions.


u/Y0___0Y 5h ago

Every few months, some white people in power seem to decide they want to see another riot.


u/TerrorKingA ☑️ 5h ago

When mofuckas try to do the whole “black Americans shouldn’t have to fight for Palestine too” shit, look at the people protesting for Marcellus. They’re wearing keffiyahs and watermelon shirts too. We’re all in this together. Don’t let them divide us; we’re all fighting against white supremacy.


u/SaffronCrocosmia 5h ago

Did...many of you read all the evidence statements?

He definitely murdered that woman. That said, he should have been given his day in court, and the death penalty should be abolished.

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u/rrashad21 6h ago

I'm not from Missouri so I'm not sure if it's a lost state forever to the GOP or not, but is there enough people of common sense to vote the assholes responsible out to prevent this from happening from others? For those both in state and out, what is it that we can do to force a change?


u/ElishaAlison 6h ago

Oh my God they actually did it. Holy fuck.

There is no real justice in this country. The person who committed this crime is out free.


u/Effective-Bandicoot8 6h ago

I will never support the death penalty no matter how horrific a crime is for the one simple fact that we have executed so Goddamn many innocent people and God only knows how many are incarcerated.


u/DGVega93 6h ago

Mike Parson may you rot in the deepest hottest part of hell..lower than the devil


u/iBoughtItAtWalmart 5h ago

Tell that to the girl he murdered


u/Potential_Yak4878 4h ago

The dumbing down of Americans has been very successful


u/geetarqueen 6h ago

Just wondering but what good is it to be president if you can't step in and stop something like this. What are the rules and laws? Anyone know?


u/Efficient_Comfort_38 ☑️ 6h ago

This was a state case. Because of state’s rights, the federal government cannot intervene with state cases. Although the federal government is over the states’ governments, there is a very thin line that must be toed to not anger or impede the states

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u/Aahnoone 6h ago

Those types never pay for the evil they do. They murdered a man today, and they'll live long, hateful lives doing just what they want. There is no karma or god to fix it.

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u/p00p5andwich 6h ago

I called my senator. I faxed pardoned. Emailed my congressman. Parsons should be held complicit in murder, just like everyone else that sat on their hands while an innocent man was executed by the state.


u/ladykensington 6h ago

I’m just sick over this. That is all.


u/Swimming_Onion_4835 6h ago

I am profoundly upset by this. I really thought he had a chance. 😞


u/DatBeigeBoy ☑️ 6h ago

Out of ignorance and only seeing other posts about this, what’s the deal? I see in some posts people saying that he was not innocent, but also seeing posts where he is innocent.

Any one got an unbiased synopsis for me?

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u/BlameCanadaDry 6h ago

Shameful. So bummed to read this. I really held out hope.


u/ebostic94 6h ago

RIP :(