r/Music 3d ago

Hayley Williams Slams Donald Trump, Project 2025 at iHeartRadio Fest: 'Do You Want to Live in a Dictatorship?' article


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u/EldenCockRing98 3d ago

Too bad after November Project 2025 will just become Project 2029 because fascists will never stop trying to ruin our country


u/coder7426 3d ago

Remind me, which side censored US citizens on twitter and FB? Dems. That's the definition of fascism.  Which side planted fake Russia gate and got 51 cia officials to swear to it?  Which side went are the opposition's LAWYERS?  Dems have been doing all the fascism on the last 10 years.

Downvote all you want folks, you can't change facts, as much as you try.


u/Gambler_Eight 3d ago

Read a fucking book mate.


u/Amiiboid 3d ago

None of what you wrote was fact, though.


u/Sweaty-Anteater-6694 3d ago

You need to fact check yourself


u/EldenCockRing98 3d ago

LMAOOOOO the Dems are the ones censoring people on Twitter? Are you unaware that Musk is in charge of X now? Or the fact that you’ll get banned for saying “cis” yet face no consequences for using the N word


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/EldenCockRing98 3d ago edited 3d ago

Maybe if people are spreading misinformation about a global deadly virus then those posts should be taken down before it leads to people not taking covid seriously and dying as a result. If you want to make a “both sides” argument then sure, go ahead. Trying to stop the spread of Covid misinformation is still nowhere near as bad as the policies the GOP are cooking up


u/Safe_Passenger_6653 3d ago

Maybe if people are spreading misinformation about a global deadly virus then those posts should be taken down before it leads to people not taking covid seriously and dying as a result.

You mean like Biden and Fauci lying and saying it wasn't a Chinese leak and we weren't studying gain-of-function...and then it came out we were? The ones who said the vaccine gave you immunity, and we found out they knew it didn't? The ones who said masks kept you from passing it on, and we found out they didn't and they knew it?


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/EldenCockRing98 3d ago

If people on Facebook are saying we shouldn’t be washing our hands while others are coughing to death I feel like there should be something done to stop that?


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/EldenCockRing98 3d ago

If people believe misinformation they see on social media and die from it that’s a little bit more than “okay let’s agree to disagree”


u/[deleted] 3d ago


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u/Gambler_Eight 3d ago

Censoring dangerous and malicious propaganda is a good thing, unlike what musk does, which is actual fascism.


u/janoDX 3d ago

Question, why do you want lies to be spread out? Like serious.


u/meatyvagin 3d ago

Facebook and Twitter are private companies. People got banned because they violated their ToS. Don't violate their ToS, and you don't get banned. You don't have free speech with a private company.


u/Safe_Passenger_6653 3d ago

When the government pressures private companies to censor you (which they did) it runs afoul of the First Amendment. The government isn't allowed to censor or punish you for free speech except in extremely limited circumstances, and they cannot pressure or force private companies to censor your free speech.