r/Music 9h ago

Hayley Williams responds to Elon Musk hitting out at her anti-Trump iHeartRadio speech: "What I had to say was important" article


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u/user-name-1985 Rock & Roll 9h ago

Doesn’t Elon realize that he’s the machine?


u/AugustePDX 9h ago

This is what gets me every time. I'm trying to imagine John Rockefeller trying to position himself as the daring nonconformist countercultural free thinker and it's just breaking my brain


u/justforhobbiesreddit 4h ago

Ayn Rand wrote entire libertarian bibles about it.

They were awful.

u/baron_von_helmut 45m ago

She's a terrible author.


u/ayylmaoaliens42 3h ago

I dont agree with her philosophy but her books were great lol. Also some of her books have nothing to do with capitalism, like Anthem.


u/Vertyks 3h ago

Her most praised book, Atlas Shrugged is written like a high school essay with fascist undertones, just the small fact that it's got 1200 pages.

It's got completely one dimensional characters, a preachy and repetative story set in a black and white world with 100% moral, flawlessly good industrialists ("supermen") vs. 100% evil and incompetent government.

Not to mention her take on poor/sick/disabled people or other people depending on government assistance or the assistance of others falling under the blanket term "moochers/looters" that don't deserve to live basically.

It's honestly a really tiresome read.


u/ayylmaoaliens42 1h ago

Lmao it's a dystopian novel, they are all written that way. Its also meant to be an exaggerated dramatization, not to be taken in a completely literal sense, like most dystopian novels.


u/Vertyks 1h ago

Its good that you don't take it in a literal sense but she was definitely aiming to write a political, anarcho capitalist manifesto and that's the way it's used.


u/ayylmaoaliens42 58m ago edited 50m ago

Im sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about, Ayn Rand hated any type of anarchism such as anarchocapitalism or the bottom of the political compass libertarianism, so much that she even made fun of them in many of her books. She also wasn't a fascist. She believed that government was a necessary good but opposed statism. She was more of a conservative, but not in the modern American definition of the word conservative which is actually very statist as the Republican party is basically auth right neoconservatism now since the Bush era. She was more like a classical liberal.

I don't agree at all with her overall philosophy of Objectivism as it has many flaws and inconsistencies, but I definitely agree that capitalism is the best system in practice. I don't believe in unhinged capitalism though, I'm for a mixed economy with some socialism too. For example i think everyone should have access to education, healthcare, and roads, and basic safety nets, for the betterment of society as a whole.

She came from living under an authoritarian communism in the USSR, so her work is a hyperbolic antithesis to everything she despised about it. It's really not meant to be taken at face value. It's a work of fiction, just like 1984 isn't meant to be taken as an absolute either, it's meant to serve as an example and a contrast of good and evil.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 7h ago

We live in a weird world where the liberals and punks want to ban free speech, take away the people's right to bear arms and are aligned with the mainstream media and corporations, and the conservatives support freedom of speech and are in the fringe.


u/Loganp812 "Dorsia? On a Friday night??" 6h ago

In what ways are “the liberals” trying to ban free speech?


u/CommunismDoesntWork 6h ago

Misinformation laws and hate speech laws


u/Lycanious 6h ago

You mean like book bans and don't say gay bills?

Those are pushing the misinformation of the public and restricting speech that actual people use.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 4h ago edited 4h ago

There are no book bans, that's misinformation. Book bans are illegal in America. Libraries are free to curate their limited selection however they want though. And public libraries are curated via democracy. Don't like it? Get rid of public libraries. Public institutions are controlled by the public, obviously. It's one of the reasons why communism doesn't work. 

Also, no one actually uses the library anyway. 


u/somesketchykid 3h ago

There are so many people that use the library. I mean it depends on the Library. Mine has multiple walls of video games for every system, multiple copies of any game ive ever looked for, usually has popular games 2 weeks after their release, not to mention all the other stuff every library has. I literally bought a PS5 strictly because I knew I didn't need to buy games and could just use the Library.

My library is probably not the norm, but my point is, have you even been to your library? Do you even know what it offers?

"no one actually uses the library" is such an amazingly ignorant statement


u/Lycanious 3h ago


u/CommunismDoesntWork 2h ago

Literally none of those are book bans. If the police aren't arresting you for owning a copy of the book, the book isn't banned. Public libraries are curated by the public via democracy. Curation is not a ban. California doesn't allow hateful books in their public libraries, but that doesn't mean you will go to jail for owning those hateful books. 


u/M3gaC00l 3h ago

This just in: the government of Utah banning a book by Margaret Atwood (Oryx and Crake) across all public schools in the state doesn't constitute a ban. I didn't realize we were rewriting the definition of the word "ban" here.

Do you need the president to stand on a soapbox and verbatim say to you that he is "officially banning the book _____" from the USA? Ridiculous. I didn't realize people needed it to be spelled out so blatantly for them to understand.

You are also massively underestimating the number of people who still use public libraries. Frankly, it just sounds like you never use the library if that's what you think.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 2h ago

Yes, reddit tried to redefine the meaning of ban. "Curation" is the word you're looking for. 

If police aren't arresting you for owning a copy of the book, the book isn't banned. 

By the way, California doesn't allow "hateful" books in their public libraries. 


u/KrytenKoro 2h ago

Yes, reddit tried to redefine the meaning of ban. "Curation" is the word you're looking for. If police aren't arresting you for owning a copy of the book, the book isn't banned.


By the way, California doesn't allow "hateful" books in their public libraries.

Incorrect. You can even find Mein Kampf or the Turner Diaries in public California libraries.


u/M3gaC00l 56m ago

Ohh so you're just doubling down on it, nice nice. Curating means to pick and choose what you carry. Ban means to forbid what you can carry. The latter is clearly what's happening, and you're just being willingly obtuse.

And still, this weird "word game" technicality you're obsessing over isn't even the point of the argument. Say you were right and "ban" wasn't an accurate term -- what would the phrase be then? So instead of cons banning books featuring LGTBQ+ relationships and feminist themes (among others) they're uh...

"Curating" out books featuring LGBTQ+ relationships and feminist themes... hmm.

How would that be any better? That's a rhetorical question mind you, because it's clearly not okay regardless of what word you're using. 

But sure, continue to argue this pointlessly and brush aside the root issue of censorship based in discrimination. You are missing the forest for the tree -- and even then you're not seeing the tree.


u/mouse_8b 6h ago

"Yelling 'Fire!' in a theater is my right!"


u/JJDuB4y096 4h ago

there’s actually laws already on the books for calls to action/violence. Be better.


u/jubbergun 4h ago

If "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater" is your understanding of free speech law, you might want to read some court cases from the latter half of the twentieth century. The "fire in a crowded theater" decision was eventually recognized as terrible even by the justices who originally penned it.


u/KrytenKoro 2h ago

Misinformation laws

What, specifically, do you believe was proposed, by whom, and in what context?


u/CommunismDoesntWork 2h ago

Walz said there is “no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, and especially around our democracy.”



u/KrytenKoro 2h ago

So, not a law? A minor governor (at the time) espousing an opinion in an interview?

And, more to the point, specifically in the context of electoral fraud: purposefully misinforming voters about how, when, and where to vote?


u/CommunismDoesntWork 2h ago

No laws exist in America currently because it would be clearly unconstitutional. But the desire is for sure there. 


u/KrytenKoro 2h ago

No laws exist in America currently because it would be clearly unconstitutional.

Regarding the actual context of Walz's quote, incorrect


u/travers329 7h ago

What is it like having an IQ in the 5th percentile? I can only imagine.


u/jubbergun 4h ago

"Ur dum" isn't a response, especially when what they said is true...though "conservatives support free speech" isn't always the case. You guys are aligned with major corporations, government agencies, and for some fucking reason Dick fucking Cheney. Calling Elon part of "the machine," as if he hasn't gotten nothing but shit for taking over Twitter and breaking the stranglehold over social media, is hilarious coming from a bunch of keyboard warrior terminator drones.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 3h ago

Exactly lol. 


u/Tokzillu 6h ago

Get off the FOX News and join us in reality, bud.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 6h ago

How is it not reality?


u/mouse_8b 5h ago

They testified in court that they are just entertainment.

They spliced in footage of an actual war when covering protests.

That's just two I've got off the top of my head. Does anyone have more?


u/CommunismDoesntWork 4h ago

What are you talking about


u/Tokzillu 5h ago

Because "conservatives" are the ones trying to destroy free speech, backing corporate scuzzballs, and ruling over everyone's private lives.

You are literally backing up the fascists.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 4h ago

Supporting gun control is a prerequisite to fascism. 

Only the left supports misinformation and hate speech laws. They also in general don't support free speech as an ideal and said Elon should be arrested for letting people say what they want on Twitter(and Twitter isn't even fully free speech like 4chan either)

You are literally backing fascists. 


u/Bonkeybick 5h ago

Punks? Ok boomer.


u/Froot-Loop-Dingus 5h ago

I think he was being literal about that one. They have been crying about Green Day lately.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 4h ago

Don't forget rage against for the machine. 

They went from "fuck you i won't do what you tell me" to "please take my guns, Officer!"


u/Breezyisthewind 5h ago

Fox News is saying that. Just because they’re saying that doesn’t mean that’s true in the slightest. Most lefties and punks I know own guns and don’t want it taken away either. So that’s just wrong right off the bat. The rest you say is similarly nonsensical garbage.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 4h ago

I don't watch fox news. It's just an observation I've personally witnessed here on reddit. 


u/ObnoxiousAlbatross 5h ago

ROFL this is so fucking cringe. Put your oxygen back on grandpa.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 3h ago

It's true though. 


u/ObnoxiousAlbatross 3h ago

When you say “it’s true” what you really mean is “I’m a fucking liar but all the lead I consumed as a child means I can’t self reflect.”


u/CommunismDoesntWork 3h ago

Which part isn't true


u/Spectrum1523 4h ago

the conservatives support freedom of speech



u/CommunismDoesntWork 3h ago

Why lol? They do. Democrats have abandoned it now conservatives have to actively fight for it. 


u/Ajunadeeper 4h ago

It's gonna hit you like a ton of bricks in a few years when you look back at how stupid you were and the fact that you have to comb through social media deleting the evidence.


u/drewxdeficit 9h ago

I don’t think Elon realizes much of anything


u/TenF 6h ago

He's far too k-holed to know anything, other than spending all his time on twitter shitposting like the edgelord teenager he is.


u/KintsugiKen 4h ago

Even before he started floating his brain in drugs, he was a stupid mean asshole.

He likes to go around telling a story of how he was "bullied" in high school for being "nerdy" when actually he was thrown down a flight of stairs because he was mocking and bullying a classmate because their father committed suicide. When Elon's dad picked him up from the hospital and found out what happened, he blamed Elon and called him an idiot, which now Elon frames as his dad siding with his bully.


u/TenF 4h ago

Yea shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree. his dad groomed and married his step-daughter.

Fucking vile family through and through. They can all be shot into the sun.


u/lootinputin 5h ago

Respectively, he does find some time to commit securities fraud by lying to gullible $TSLA investors.


u/TenF 5h ago

Securities fraud securities shmaud. pshhh, those are just cost of doing business fees....

Yea hes an asshat of the most epic proportions. fucking twat. eugh.


u/VoiceOfRealson 2h ago

It should be spelled "X-lord".

The pronunciation is the same though.


u/cusoman 6h ago

He doesn't have to. His riches are self sustaining at that level and he uses them to create his own little world.


u/FuzzyMcBitty 8h ago

He’s trying to manipulate a certain group of people in to thinking he isn’t. 


u/baby-dick-nick 7h ago edited 7h ago

Yeah at this point anyone taking Musks tweets at face value is falling for the grift. Whether you like what he says or don’t like what he says, you need to realize that he’s saying it without conviction, to further an agenda that benefits him. He hasn’t been serious about anything for quite some time. It’s all a grift


u/Iron-Octopus 6h ago

I spend a lot of time on crypto twitter, and it pains me so much that so many otherwise intelligent people are falling for that grift.


u/KintsugiKen 4h ago

Propaganda works on everyone, especially intelligent people who don't really understand propaganda because they think they can "outsmart" it.


u/stern1233 1h ago

To me, this is one of the most interesting things I learned about cults. A lot of the people are highly intelligent.


u/Formal_Egg_Lover 3h ago

A certain gullible group of people.


u/hotdog_jones 1h ago

People will really see the richest man on earth - a republican supporting, union busting, transphobic, nazi enabling billionaire and think: yeah, that guy is some kind of moderate. Look at his electric car.


u/MAXSuicide 7h ago

We live in an age of shameless projection - especially at the hands of the mega rich and the political class they puppeteer. 


u/schnozzberriestaste 8h ago

If I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know!


u/JTHMM249 8h ago

Oh, Britta's in this?


u/Grizzly_Berry 8h ago

Elon really Britta'd Twitter.


u/MilhousesSpectacles 8h ago

I say we let Britta sing her awkward song!


u/DraethDarkstar 9h ago

He's about as self-aware as Paul Ryan.


u/VaporCarpet 7h ago

He's so much worse. Paul Ryan said he listened to RATM, he wasn't attacking Zach for being the establishment.


u/hectorzero 8h ago

Mann, lol I literally read the post and thought to myself “wtf is he talking about, he is the god damn machine”. Every post I see about him makes me hate him more.


u/Zenshinn 8h ago

The machine? I'm pretty sure that's Bert Kreischer.


u/MagpieBlues 6h ago

Thanks for the reminder, I’m due for my annual watch.


u/blacksideblue 7h ago

He chooses to believe, what he was programmed to believe!!!


u/modix 6h ago

This was Paramore, not Florence!


u/SpaceTimeinFlux 5h ago

if he had any self awareness, he wouldn't be Elon Musk.


u/Big_Judgment3824 5h ago

Of all the people addicted to social media and abusing it to become completely disassociated with the real world, you've got a billionaire who bought the entire supply and is huffing it straight from the source.

They could write a textbook based off of social media addiction and it's ills and he'd be on the cover of it.


u/SteveSauceNoMSG 4h ago

He is simultaneously the machine as well as a puppet to said machine.


u/AlphonzInc 3h ago

Probably, but as long as he gets what he wants, he doesn’t care.

u/nhnsn 24m ago

He does, but rule no 1. of the machine is to never admit you're the machine


u/burnmenowz 8h ago

He does not..


u/KanyinLIVE 5h ago

So is Hayley Williams.


u/jubbergun 4h ago

LOL, he's a rich asshole, but he's not aligned with "the machine." You guys act like you're "the resistance," but you do nothing but repeat what every major corporation, media outlet, 3 letter agency, and/or "machine" politician tells you. The minute 'your team' got Dick Cheney's endorsement should have been a wake-up call. You guys are all cogs in "the machine," and the fact that you all hate Elon's stupid face is all the evidence anyone needs that he isn't a part of it.


u/Kronoshifter246 3h ago

Nobody asked for Dick Cheney's endorsement. The collective reaction to that endorsement was "fuck off Dick Cheney."

The real wakeup call is that the side that Dick Cheney endorsed happily for decades has become so deplorable that he won't endorse them anymore. How bad do you have to be that Dick fucking Cheney thinks you're too far gone?

Also, fuck off Dick Cheney


u/jubbergun 2h ago

The collective reaction to that endorsement was "fuck off Dick Cheney."

LOL, really?


What is it like just pulling dumb shit out of your ass and saying it like you believe it?

The real wakeup call is that the side that Dick Cheney endorsed happily for decades has become so deplorable that he won't endorse them anymore.

OMG, that's your take? Mr. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" left because the party base has moved away from the Forever Wars Doctrine from which Cheney and his Military Industrial Complex bros make their bank. Cheney would be OK with Orange Man shooting a busload of orphans live on television so long as he was signing contracts for Haliburton, McDonell-Douglas, Boeing, etc. whenever he stopped to reload.


u/BlacklightsNBass 6h ago

How is the guy who owns a EV, rocket, and biotech company part of the machine? But the crooks on Capitol Hill get to commit insider trading every damn day.


u/SteveSauceNoMSG 4h ago

Because he helps them do it.