r/Music 9h ago

Hayley Williams responds to Elon Musk hitting out at her anti-Trump iHeartRadio speech: "What I had to say was important" article


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u/justforhobbiesreddit 4h ago

Ayn Rand wrote entire libertarian bibles about it.

They were awful.

u/baron_von_helmut 46m ago

She's a terrible author.


u/ayylmaoaliens42 3h ago

I dont agree with her philosophy but her books were great lol. Also some of her books have nothing to do with capitalism, like Anthem.


u/Vertyks 3h ago

Her most praised book, Atlas Shrugged is written like a high school essay with fascist undertones, just the small fact that it's got 1200 pages.

It's got completely one dimensional characters, a preachy and repetative story set in a black and white world with 100% moral, flawlessly good industrialists ("supermen") vs. 100% evil and incompetent government.

Not to mention her take on poor/sick/disabled people or other people depending on government assistance or the assistance of others falling under the blanket term "moochers/looters" that don't deserve to live basically.

It's honestly a really tiresome read.


u/ayylmaoaliens42 1h ago

Lmao it's a dystopian novel, they are all written that way. Its also meant to be an exaggerated dramatization, not to be taken in a completely literal sense, like most dystopian novels.


u/Vertyks 1h ago

Its good that you don't take it in a literal sense but she was definitely aiming to write a political, anarcho capitalist manifesto and that's the way it's used.


u/ayylmaoaliens42 58m ago edited 51m ago

Im sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about, Ayn Rand hated any type of anarchism such as anarchocapitalism or the bottom of the political compass libertarianism, so much that she even made fun of them in many of her books. She also wasn't a fascist. She believed that government was a necessary good but opposed statism. She was more of a conservative, but not in the modern American definition of the word conservative which is actually very statist as the Republican party is basically auth right neoconservatism now since the Bush era. She was more like a classical liberal.

I don't agree at all with her overall philosophy of Objectivism as it has many flaws and inconsistencies, but I definitely agree that capitalism is the best system in practice. I don't believe in unhinged capitalism though, I'm for a mixed economy with some socialism too. For example i think everyone should have access to education, healthcare, and roads, and basic safety nets, for the betterment of society as a whole.

She came from living under an authoritarian communism in the USSR, so her work is a hyperbolic antithesis to everything she despised about it. It's really not meant to be taken at face value. It's a work of fiction, just like 1984 isn't meant to be taken as an absolute either, it's meant to serve as an example and a contrast of good and evil.