r/PublicFreakout 13h ago

Mama can't help you now Classic Repost ♻️

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u/One_Wrongdoer_8051 12h ago edited 5h ago

Rich kid wants to be gangster. And he drives to his mom. That's a story to tell in prison.

So it was a rental car and rental company didn't pay their bills. Nice to have cops pulling guns out for no reason.


u/CynicalXennial 11h ago edited 10h ago

This is incorrect, the whole post is wrong.

That is a rental car that the rental company failed to make payments on and was set for repo.

The child was not driving the car, his father was.

Yeah, I can't say I wouldn't have a similar reaction due to the assault rifles and other guns being pulled.


edit: https://signalscv.com/2020/12/three-detained-for-reported-stolen-vehicle-mother-interferes/ another article cites son was held for weapons charges. I haven't found any sources I would deem credible (including the one I posted) If anyone finds anything else I will add them, except for the one TMZ article which is absolutely dogging the mom and seems unrelated to the situation outisde and focused on 'karen-ing' the mom.

Personally the lack of information makes me wonder if this situation wasn't settled and then buried. Allegedly this incident is 4 years old now.


u/antantantant80 11h ago

This needs to be higher lol


u/formershitpeasant 10h ago

Also people could have the slightest bit of sense and not assume they know anything because of a tagline on a video.


u/danteheehaw 10h ago

I was actually there. The son stole an f22 and flew it to his momma. He got a weapons charge because he had an unregistered spork.


u/dedokta 6h ago

This is why I come to the comments before reading to anything in Reddit.


u/Caboozel 7h ago

But how else can they have an excuse to lick the boots of our LEOs and corporate assfuckers?


u/DeanMagazine 4h ago

I mean, ACAB all day, but these people are fucking idiots, and if they’d been black at least two of them would have been taking away in body bags.


u/Keyboardpaladin 9h ago

I promise you that nobody wants to do research on every single video they watch to make sure that's what actually happened. Most I'll do is go to the comments like I did just now to see if someone else did it for me.


u/formershitpeasant 9h ago

Then don't draw any conclusion. You don't have to. Agnostic is a thing.


u/Lumpy-Village1949 9h ago

Bro actually. I was just explaining this to my wife about Instagram videos.


u/Savagebabypig 8h ago

No actually, I want to have a strong biased opinion solely on the title of every low context video I see on the internet


u/Ripley-8 11h ago

So the kid wasn't even the driver, which was obvious since he got out of the car on the passenger side anyway. Not to mention the police rolled up to their house like that, guns drawn, and it wasn't some super dangerous joyride where people got hurt. Seems like excessive force imo, why even have all those guns??? Where was the threat?? The mom?? Cops are such fucking power hungry babies.

Yeah, the mom should have calmed down and kept the dog inside, but these people didn't actually do anything wrong. They did not commit any crimes. This is just so stupid lol.


u/TheLadyEve 10h ago

I just love how most of the time if a car gets stolen cops don't give two shits. Why this time?


u/thejimla 9h ago

They are protecting corporate property.


u/Thrasher1493 8h ago

brown people driving a nice car?🤷🏽‍♂️


u/CGB_Zach 7h ago

It's a camaro, not even a particularly nice car.


u/Thrasher1493 7h ago

that's like, your opinion maaaan.


u/Stupidstuff1001 9h ago

Cause they knew where it was and someone was in it. So it was no work and exciting. If it’s an abandoned car they don’t care cause it’s not exciting for them.


u/Shrek1982 10h ago edited 9h ago

Seems like excessive force imo, why even have all those guns??? Where was the threat?? The mom?? Cops are such fucking power hungry babies.

It was reported as stolen1, that is an automatic felony stop (considered high risk) under almost every police department's protocol. I don't think they get much more info than a "Reported Stolen" tag along with location stolen from when attached to the cars DMV plate number file. The likely spotted the car and followed it while waiting for backup and the got to the house before initiating the stop.

1: The above article seems a little odd, the police don't handle Repos (like they won't stop you or anything). The cops only usually get contacted about them right before or right after the Repo takes place so they know it isn't stolen if the person who owned it reports it as such. I found an article about the event from a local newspaper and it doesn't mention anything about the car being a potential repo, it says the driver (The father, I believe) was arrested for possession of a stolen/embezzled vehicle and one of the minors was arrested on suspicion of possession of a weapon (suspicion probably means it was under a seat or in the glovebox). The newspaper article makes it sound like the father kept a rental far longer than when he was supposed to return it and was not communicating with the rental company to extend so they reported it stolen.

Edit: I am not a cop, I just grew up around them and briefly went to school for it before deciding to become a paramedic, so I know a little bit of their stuff but my knowledge isn't professional level or anything.


u/Ripley-8 7h ago

Ah right okay so that's why they needed 9 cop cars and a dozen rifles trained on an unarmed teenage boy getting out of the passenger seat of a vehicle he wasn't driving. Makes sense.


u/Shrek1982 4h ago

I only saw 4 cars but I wasn't really trying to count, in most places that is 4 cops (unless someone has a trainee) which would be expected for a felony stop with 3 people in the car.

rifles trained on an unarmed teenage boy getting out of the passenger seat of a vehicle he wasn't driving.

All they know is that the car was reported stolen, how are they supposed to know if the teen is unarmed? With a felony stop all occupants are called out of the car one by one at gun point, cuffed and searched before the next occupant gets out. Who was driving is irrelevant. The cops don't know if they stole the car to rob a gas station or if they just didn't return a rental car. Plus if you read the article I linked above one of the teens was held for a weapons charge so at the very least there was one in the car.


u/Ripley-8 4h ago

I read the article. My opinion isn't changed.

ACAB. ✌️


u/Shortymac09 9h ago

Running your mouth off to police is a sure fire way to end up dead


u/notsalg 11h ago

oh for sure, the mom should have calmed down and said its a rental, instead she got all aggressive. the stupid kid was provoking them even more...


u/fredsiphone19 11h ago

Have an entire squad of dudes ready to literally kill you for no good reason, with no risk to their well being, and see how well you keep your cool.

I swear to god people.


u/FromTheGulagHeSees 10h ago

That lady had tremendous balls. However right she might be, it's not fucking peanuts to have a firearm pointed at you. There's no telling what cops will do. Ridiculous that the police square up with rifles for a repo/stolen vehicle case, what the fuck.


u/lafaa123 8h ago

The fuck are you talking about a stolen vehicle stop is ALWAYS going to be treated as a felony/high risk stop.


u/CGB_Zach 7h ago

That is insane that you're defending that.


u/lafaa123 7h ago

How is it insane lol, it's literally standard procedure in pretty much every police department.


u/selphiefairy 9h ago

Yeah cause being calm and pleasantly asking “excuse me officer what did my son do wrong and how can we help you 😊” is so easy when you’re child is being accused of a felony and having guns pointed at him.


u/Grndls_mthr 11h ago

This needs to be at the top the amount of disparaging remarks in the comments towards a rightfully pissed off mom is insane


u/PsyOpBunnyHop 11h ago

Incompetent police defaulting to drawn firearms? No way, that never happens!


u/Grndls_mthr 11h ago

FOR REAL people are slipping up rn


u/ThomasAltuve 8h ago

That's not incompetence lol. That's SOP for a Felony Stop.


u/Neosantana 11h ago

The yellow denotes a Less Lethal variant. These aren't loaded with live ammo, as far as I can tell.


u/twelfmonkey 10h ago

Oh, well, that's fine then.

I'm sure the people unfairly being pointed at by guns know that and it makes them feel much better.

And it's not like "non-lethal" rounds ever blind, maim, or kill people, right? Right?


u/Neosantana 10h ago

And it's not like "non-lethal" rounds ever blind, maim, or kill people, right? Right?

That's a given, they're made to hurt and incapacitate, but that's not what we're talking about here. Calling it a firearm is wrong, and it implies actual live ammunition. Not how I called it Less Lethal to describe that it has a chance to kill if misused, and you still used Non-Lethal when it's the wrong terminology.

If we want to critique the misuse of force here, let's do it right.


u/twelfmonkey 10h ago

Getting into a sematic argument instead of being horrified to see police pointing guns at people isn't a good look. And you haven't actually criticised the police here at all.

I don't give a shit if you want to pedantically quibble over my terminology. I give a shit about the fact that these goons are needlessly escalating the situation and putting people in danger.


u/CynicalXennial 11h ago

Honestly even the article disparages mama bear for language, it's actually wild. I don't blame her at all.


u/TheLadyEve 10h ago

Mom stayed calmer than I would have given the amount of firepower being aimed at her kid.


u/SirGentlemanScholar 11h ago

An awful lot of agedlikemilk comments in here from people jumping the gun.


u/CynicalXennial 11h ago

Honestly it's the way the video is maliciously framed along with the post title itself.



That’s why don’t make judgements without proof. There is no proof of anything said in the title of the post. People should be banned for lying like this in a post lol


u/SirGentlemanScholar 11h ago

Oh 100%, and another reason why you never trust dodgy videos like this.

If my kid had guns pointed at him over something like this I'd have reacted exactly like that woman did. She was completely right and gave them a justified piece of her mind.

Hope they got a big settlement.


u/mileylols 6h ago

would your kid have dared the cops to shoot him, though? I feel like probably not...


u/Rinzack 4h ago

I might depending on my mood, as long as it was on camera


u/Powerfury 9h ago

Nah dude, I get it. Once cops draw their guns just be docile. They'll kill you if they want to with little issue. I was scared for that dog, one bark and that dog would have been dropped.

All for a car too...


u/formershitpeasant 10h ago

People should exercise better judgement


u/kittyonkeyboards 10h ago

Every. Single. Title. Is. A. Lie. Anything that involved a freakout, 99 percent of the time the context is just made up by somebody trying to get the most clicks.


u/ThomasAltuve 8h ago

And the kid looks and acts like a douche canoe. If you disagree with the cops, your best recourse is NOT to yell at them to unload their weapons on you. What a dipshit.


u/i_forgot_my_sn_again 11h ago

Most of them won't care and still will believe the kid was completely in the wrong and police just doing their jobs. 

Also since when do police stop cars that are on a repo list?  Never heard of that


u/Adventurous-Lime1775 10h ago

They don't, it was reported stolen by the credit company when they went to repo it from the rental place and it wasn't there.

The son got weapons charges as well


u/original_sh4rpie 9h ago

The son got weapons charges as well

I’d love a source in that. Cause I’m pretty sure you’re just parroting other comments. It seems the only mention of a gun charge is an uncredited tweet reported by TMZ.


u/ognahc 10h ago

Yep I feel second hand cringe from these comments


u/Professional-Dog8957 11h ago

One thing about living in Santa Clarita I never could stomach; all the damn vampires


u/ADP-1 11h ago

What was the outcome? I hope that they sued the rental company for almost getting them killed.


u/adwarakanath 10h ago

Let's just assume for the sake of discussion that it was stolen. And that the kid stole it and drove it home.

Why the fuck do you need so many cops and guns out for that??


u/Dangerous-Honey-4481 11h ago

This info makes it even WORSE. Cops don't draw weapons on someone driving a car that is slated for repossession! How would the cops even KNOW about a car on a repo list? I was a licensed recovery agent in FL. and our systems didn't inform law enforcement of cars we were tracking and trying to recover. That's just crazy.


u/CynicalXennial 11h ago

apparently that might be 'standard procedure' for a felony traffic stop, but it seems messed up because how do you know the driver or passenger are those 'alleged felons'? It's just messed up all around for me.


u/Dangerous-Honey-4481 10h ago

Worse yet, they were "scanning the neighborhood for a stolen Tesla" and just "happened" to run the Camaro tag and find it's up for repo? OK, so it's up for repo and most likely being driven by the person not making the payments. You don't draw 5 weapons on them. The cops shouldn't have the ability to see if a car is in "repo" status, it's just dangerous to the car owner who may just be 2 payments behind, but are otherwise just law abiding citizens. I wonder what the outcome of this was? I bet they can buy all the Camaro's they want now! No more rentals! LOL


u/original_sh4rpie 9h ago

Looks like nice neighborhood. That Camaro isn’t out of place. Wonder why they ran the plates. I’m sure it had nothing to do with two brown males in the front seat.


u/lafaa123 8h ago

It very obviously falls under reasonable suspicion that the person driving a stolen car probably stole the car.


u/-Moonscape- 10h ago

Its even worse then what you think, the only source cited in the article is the kids sisters tiktok.

We really don’t know what went on here without seeing police reports


u/MaddScientist98 11h ago

This needs more upvotes.


u/CallMeKingTurd 10h ago

How the hell is there not a distinction in their system between a car that's wanted for repo and one that's actually stolen, to prevent this sort of over the top response? There's a huge difference between a carjacking and somebody falling behind on payments, and assault rifles drawn is not an appropriate response to the latter.


u/TheBeckFromHeck 7h ago

Hertz falsely reported its cars as stolen. Funny that the articles you posted didn’t include the rental agency’s name.



u/CynicalXennial 7h ago

in my search for better articles I uncovered multiple different articles for arrests made regarding rental companies, I don't think it's isolated or maybe even specific to hertz, but what a fucking mess.


u/TheBeckFromHeck 7h ago

Wasn’t trying to accuse you of anything. Just seemed scrubbed from the articles.


u/CynicalXennial 6h ago

oh i wasn't suggesting you were, it's just mind blowing how common it seemed


u/YoungRoronoa 11h ago

I don’t even understand how a rental company is renting cars that they don’t even fully own.


u/tehSlothman 9h ago

Why? Lots of companies have lots of assets under finance, that's very normal.


u/-Moonscape- 10h ago

You are citing an article that is citing a tiktok.. of the arrested guys sister

Not exactly credible. 


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

You're not wrong but allegedly this happened four years ago and I am unable to find any other sources, though it has been reposted multiple times, I've only seen this article cited. I am happy to edit the post with a more credible source if one is found.


u/philo351 10h ago

According to the article, the Camaro was not actually stolen. The situation arose because the son was driving a recently purchased vehicle, and a registration mix-up led to it being flagged as stolen in the system.

Wow. I'd be very pissed as well


u/iceteka 9h ago

Oh according to the article citing the kid's sister's toktok you mean? Lmao are we seriously doing this?


u/philo351 8h ago

Well, good sir, this is a very important debate. I'm with the kid. You are clearly not. I propose a duel at dawn. Lightsabers or rubber band pistols. Your choice


u/ThirdWorldOrder 9h ago

Across the street at the same time, a stolen Tesla was located. The occupant(s) foot-bailed from the car at the Supercharging station and ran toward the Valley Marketplace near the California Pizza Kitchen.

They were detained at gunpoint and taken into custody.

Cops having a field day


u/Legal_Guava3631 8h ago

There are no facts allowed on Reddit, don’t you know that?


u/Swembizzle 7h ago

I feel there is a ton of money to be made here. You can name the city, rental car company, and bank in a lawsuit.


u/bs000 7h ago

butt why would someone just go on tiktok and lie


u/__Aitch__Jay__ 11h ago

He got out of the passenger side, so this tracks


u/Crudeyakuza 11h ago

You know how r/PublicFreakout is nowadays. Now it's just a Boot-lickers Heaven.


u/LookOverThere305 2h ago

True, not their fault but it’s much easier to cooperate, explain it’s a rental and let the cops figure things out, and document everything in order to sue the rental company instead of causing this clusterfuck of a standoff?


u/CapitalistLion-Tamer 10h ago

So is the post you provided. The son was arrested on weapons charges, which is conveniently left out of the bullshit explanation provided by his sister.



u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

I can't find any credible sources for either of the claims, I'll add this to the OP, there was another TMZ article absolutely dogging the mother as well but those are the only 3 I've found related to this alleged 4 year old incident. I have to wonder if this was settled and buried because I can't find anything I'd deem as 'credible' tbh.


u/CapitalistLion-Tamer 10h ago

You likely won’t find much information if the kid was a minor, but I’ve found 2 sources (citing the sheriff’s office) that the kid was arrested on weapons charges.


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

if you give them to me I will add to OP, hopefully so that the NEXT TIME this gets reposted we can have some semblance of sources lol


u/CapitalistLion-Tamer 10h ago


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

ah I had already added that one. appreciate it though.


u/CapitalistLion-Tamer 10h ago

Oh, cool. Thanks for digging to the bottom of this.


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

tbh both articles look sketch and I am having second thoughts lol, I'd be happier with a fox news article at this point. I should note though that in my search, I found multiple unrelated articles about arrests due to rental company repossessions.

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u/structuremonkey 11h ago

I'm still supporting my comment that the dog is the most reasonable person involved


u/DaikonProof6637 11h ago

I understand why she was upset as well but if the car was listed as stolen then the cops are gonna treat it as a stolen car. The mom could've tried to explain the situation instead of telling her son to resist potentially causing a violent outcome. She didn't really set a good example.


u/0rev 10h ago

Do you think that amount of cops and guns are necessary for a stolen car? I’ve had my car stolen a few times, I’ve been the literal victim and I would agree that this is overblown, even if they did this, to the ppl that stole my car. The cops should be the ones responsible for setting a good example.


u/DaikonProof6637 10h ago

Only one gun was drawn, the pistol held by the cop on the left, the other gun looked like a less than lethal 40mm or bean bag gun and the cop off in the distance was holding a bright orange less than lethal also. Again, if cops are stopping a reported stolen vehicle with multiple suspects inside, then yeah, it was an appropriate response. While these folks happened to be innocent people caught in the middle of someone else's bullshit, the cops had no way of knowing this at the time.


u/0rev 10h ago

Sorry, no. I count 4 cops cars that’s ridiculous for a stolen car. It’s not even a stolen car they know to be occupied by a known dangerous person or armed person.


u/DaikonProof6637 10h ago

Exactly, you proved my point, they don't know who is in that "stolen" vehicle. 4 cops out with 5 people is not unreasonable, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.


u/0rev 10h ago

I didn’t prove anything you said. Every single time a cop pulls someone over for breaking a law, they have no clue who is really in that car. Do you believe that this is how they should pull ppl over, too? Probably not, because that is ridiculous.


u/DaikonProof6637 9h ago

A felony traffic stop on a reported stolen vehicle is way different than pulling over someone for speeding.


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

You're being presumptuous here. It's not anyones responsibility to set a good example for anyone, much less at the end of assault rifle barrels. They are not trained for high stress situations and if you're looking for a good example here you've lost the plot.


u/DaikonProof6637 10h ago

Just so I understand you correctly, you're saying it's not the job of parents to set good examples for their children, is that what you're saying?


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

No. I'm saying you can't expect anyone to act any predetermined way in a high stress scenario, and that you're making assumptions that mom knew what was going on. Both of her children are in the line of fire of multiple guns, at least two of which are assault rifles. I'm also going to further say now that you're looking at the situation through a very black and white lens and that this situation has nuance and grey areas that aren't applicable to every day parenting.


u/DaikonProof6637 10h ago

Not a single assault rifle was in that video. I saw 2 less lethal bean bag guns and a pistol, but I see your point about the gray areas. In that moment though, the police had no way of knowing the car wasn't stolen by them, they can only go off the information they had at the moment and that was they they were out with a reported stolen vehicle with 3 male occupants in it and two females yelling at them and telling one of the "suspects" to go in the house escalating the situation. I don't know about you but if there's guns pointed at my kids or me, I'm not gonna escalate the situation and dare them to shoot me. I just figured that was common sense but like you said, not everyone handles high stress situations the same.


u/ThomasAltuve 8h ago

Not an assault rifle. You can tell by the brightly colored furniture that it's a less-than-lethal. Probably rubber bullets given the type of rifle. Shitty situation all-around, but the cops are doing exactly what they're supposed to for a felony stop.


u/notsalg 11h ago

instead of explaining the situation, they decide to fire them up even more?

lovely family.


u/CynicalXennial 10h ago

That's really presumptuous because to the mom and sister (and likely the driver/kid) all they see are assuault weapons pulled on their loved ones. They likely have no idea what this is related to or what is happening or why.


u/Embarrassed_Sir_8733 12h ago

To top it off, the🤡wears a Kansas City hat with a Mets Jersey 🤦🏽


u/runtimemess 12h ago

Maybe he just really enjoyed the 2015 World Series.


u/aknomnoms 12h ago

Ah this got me 🤣


u/GQ_silly_QT 11h ago

Guy was 6 years old 🤣


u/Amrak4tsoper 11h ago

Jesus Christ, where did the time go


u/Neosantana 11h ago

It went into the COVID black hole


u/chi_shenanigans 11h ago

🤣 ok this was a good one


u/SadNana09 11h ago

Happy Cake Day!


u/plumpsquirrell 11h ago

Maybe he stole them...


u/adanndyboi 12h ago

I was also confused


u/v3ryfuzzyc00t3r 12h ago

I think this is one of those moments where he goes for a matching look than a "loyalty" look


u/Sher1ockpwns 12h ago

They match in colors


u/DillonTattoos 11h ago

You know what else matches in colors? A Mets hat and a Mets jersey. Or a KC hat and jersey.


u/Sher1ockpwns 11h ago

lol I 100% agree can’t mismatch different sports attire for any reason. Have where one or the other.


u/DrDuGood 12h ago

That’s actually all he was charged for, got life in prison.


u/BensenJensen 8h ago

That’s what the fucking death penalty is for.


u/baby_pingu 12h ago

On behalf of all Mets fans we do not claim him.


u/phallicpressure 11h ago

We, the Latino People, do not claim them.


u/SadNana09 11h ago

Best laugh of the day!


u/Sk8rboyyyy 11h ago

Damn 🤣


u/GenHammond 11h ago

On behalf of Kansas City fans we don't claim him either.


u/devilsadvocate 9h ago

Thats saying something. Feel like KC needs all the fans they can get.


u/lashawn3001 11h ago

KC declines as well.


u/Great_gatzzzby 11h ago

I thought that’s what he was being arrested for


u/Fredotorreto 11h ago

as a die hard Mets fan that is pretty damn wild lol


u/john_vella 10h ago

"yo the mets are my national league team, and the royals are my american league team." This kid's logic


u/Drak_is_Right 11h ago

This is an older video. Teens at this time would wear baseball stuff based off the colors. Some wouldn't even know the team they were wearing stuff for


u/HuntsWithRocks 12h ago

“And my mom couldn’t do shit either, yo… she’s worthless…”


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/xhoneyxbear 11h ago

Damn, so they didn’t even steal the car technically the rental place did. Poor family that’s so scary


u/DealingWithTrolls 10h ago

That article is referencing the sisters tiktok. Not exactly unbiased.


u/Raleighgm 11h ago

Seems not to be the full actual story. Father, friend and son were in a rental car and the rental company hadn’t made payments and the car was on a repo list. Father was driving which is why the kid got out of the passenger seat. Cops were out looking for a stolen Tesla (which they found later) and came across this car. There’s a link to the full story farther down.


u/captain_croco 12h ago

I see a Kia and another house about five feet from their house. I’m not getting rich vibes here.


u/Chiopista 12h ago

Not poor enough to consider stealing, that’s for sure.



They didn’t steal anything, it’s a rental


u/mandy009 12h ago

yeah not rich rich, but like rich compared to people who grew up with nothing. there's a lot of extremes in America. You can count yourself lucky that you didn't experience the insanely out of place abject poverty that some places in the US have.


u/captain_croco 11h ago

I’m very lucky there is no doubt.


u/BennySkateboard 11h ago

They’re doing pretty well, considering the third world country they live in.


u/SlimmySalami20x21 11h ago

Kia is prolly daughters, moms is next to it and is $100k Benz


u/Adventurous-Lime1775 11h ago

In Santa Clarita CA? 🤣🤣🤣


u/Hyperocean 11h ago

Oxidizing Trophy Wife in charge of household affairs ..


u/CallMeParagon 11h ago

It’s funny because it turned out to be a rental car that wasn’t stolen and the kid isn’t a little wannabe gangster.


u/zezxz 11h ago

I'm confused as to how cops having assault rifles trained on a car with a kid in *the passenger seat* who is complying despite talking shit wouldn't throw up red flags. The car was reported stolen by the rental car company and everybody wants to be mad about the kid playing simon says with his life on the line.


u/smittyhawks 10h ago

No edit on your post? Just gonna continue to smear the kid and his family?


u/Karndawg69 10h ago

It wasn’t even his fault god you’re such a sheep


u/UrsusRenata 11h ago

I’m laughing at all these negative comments about the kid driving home to mama, as if 90% of you wouldn’t do the same thing if you had that option after being young & stupid. Especially if you looked brown and the cops were this hopped up from their pursuit. That’s some scary shit.

My kids got caught with weed in Idaho once and the cops there absolutely violated their rights at the scene. We told the kids, if you are ever confronted by cops again you call your parents before saying a goddamn word. Why? Because we’ve been around for a few more decades and we know the law better than they do.

Kids do dumb shit. Cops are human and they have emotions that can spark questionable actions. Relying on your parents when those two opposing forces meet is not necessarily a bad or weak thing to do. Be safe and stay alive, then learn from it and stop doing dumb shit.


u/MeikaLeak 8h ago

Update your comment with the information below


u/MoeSzys 7h ago

Everything about that it wrong. He wasn't driving and the car wasn't stolen. He was just riding in a car with his dad going home


u/Hemingbird 6h ago

Stop gargling so much cop cock


u/ultrasuperthrowaway 5h ago

Haha you were wrong about this. He wasn’t even driving don’t you know your left from your right?


u/james_from_cambridge 11h ago

If they’re rich, why are they driving Kia’s?


u/recycling_monster 11h ago

Oh my god Karen, you can’t just ask someone if they’re rich.


u/OpenRoadMusic 11h ago

You stole the words right out of my mouth


u/Shwifty_Plumbus 11h ago

Most gangsters are mamas boys


u/homepreplive 11h ago

If his parents are rich he's not going to prison.


u/Konstant_kurage 11h ago

It pisses me off by most of the time after the passenger is arrested the DA will drop the charges. They won’t risk a trail, “beyond a reasonable doubt” is hard to prove in these cases.