r/TheBoys Jul 18 '24

Can we appreciate the performance of Erin Moriarty in this episode please? Season 4

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That amazing woman gave us a hell of a performance here. It was fantastic!


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u/HilaryEris Jul 18 '24

Yes this impressed and surprised me! Her character isn't exactly one-note, but she's always been consistently sweet and sugary, for the most part. But seeing her play an absolute psychopath and doing it so well was chef's kiss She is truly a versatile actress!


u/twistingmyhairout Jul 19 '24

Playing such a flaccid character is hard. We’re all waiting for the badass Annie to come out eventually and this is just confirmation that Erin will kill it if/when it happens


u/RaygunMarksman Jul 19 '24

She went pretty hard choking her evil self out face down on the ground like that!


u/Tityfan808 Jul 19 '24

Ya Annie isn’t a bad character, but the shapeshifter role absolutely displayed her acting skills on a whole other level in which she can’t quite do with Annie. Fucking hell that was impressive. I hated that character so much and so quickly man, she fucking killed that role!


u/pistachiopanda4 Jul 19 '24

I hate the fact people were shitting on her all season. Like I get it, Annie has been the morally superior one out of all of them besides Hughie and it was annoying and grating. But even back in S1, you saw Annie struggling with either being a Supe and being a hero. Anyone that joins the boys has red in their ledger and for Annie, she didn't kill anyone like the rest of the Boys. But she grew up Uber religious with a mom who controlled her every step and path in life (literally), it's only been, what, 3 or 4 years since she learned her whole life as a super powered being was a lie? Her first day on the Seven was with sexual assault. She's been through shit. And now I feel justified that people are finally putting some respect on Erin Moriarty's fucking name