r/UnbelievableThings 20h ago

Police Arrest a Student for Allegedly Riding Bike in Wrong Lane

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u/TheBeaarJeww 8h ago

It comes across to me that most of the police I see doing crazy shit in videos are just unwilling to have the chance that they get injured or killed on the job be above like… a very small amount.

If you’re a cop I feel like a 100% prerequisite for the job is that you are willing to on occasion have your life in a decent amount of danger and you’re not allowed to just start blasting because of that. Firefighting involves having your life in danger, if you’re not cool with that you can’t do the job.

I’ve seen videos of teams of cops decked out still behave like fools. You have body armor, a helmet, a rifle which is a huge advantage, a team with you, you’re all trained in tactics… You SHOULD win almost any engagement. Calm down a bit


u/Miigwetch 7h ago edited 6h ago

I swear! Prime example is those cowards who waited nearly an hour to confront a gunman who was shooting up a school. Battle Drill 6, get in there, and SAVE THOSE KIDS! 🤦‍♂️ I know there's a baseline level of danger involved in my work. That's why the younger me picked it. That being said, Im held to a standard of conduct that doesn't reward mindless blasting or freezing due to fear... edit: Incompetent sentence


u/TheBeaarJeww 7h ago

it’s unbelievable to me that those cops just stood by, i can’t comprehend doing that


u/WhatDatDonut 5h ago

Shiiiiiit…. That school shooter had an AR15. Have you seen what one of those things can do to a human? I ain’t going in there.


u/Lou_C_Fer 1h ago

I would go after a gunman unarmed if it meant saving others. Especially kids. I know I am one of those weirdos that imagine these scenarios, but I've also never had much of a survival instinct.

Hell, I never expected to live this long. Dying doing something valiant would be an amazing way to go, for me.