r/WhitePeopleTwitter 18h ago

Can I get an amen

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u/bill_wessels 18h ago

men with half a brain hate him too


u/Zomburai 18h ago

Before he ever announced his candidacy (the first time), Donald Trump was nearly everything I've ever despised. An ultra-wealthy, willfully stupid, rapist, racist, pathological liar and petty thief. The only one he dodged was murderer... as far as we know about, anyway.


u/kjacobs03 18h ago edited 10h ago

Have you heard about this one guy that Trump used to be best friends with. His name was something like Geoffrey Epplestein or something. DEAD!


u/Prestigious-Quiet-17 17h ago

Also, his ex-wife fell down the stairs and buried on his golf course.. Seems fishy to me.


u/kjacobs03 16h ago

The wife he raped? By all definitions he legally raped her, but spousal rape was not illegal at the time. That wife?


u/mmdarby82 16h ago

Just a friendly reminder that the MAGA supreme court wants to bring that back.

Just another fun item to add to the list of "Oh Dear God How Did This Happen!?!?!"


u/kjacobs03 16h ago edited 11h ago

I don’t know, sex anytime I want from my wife and she can’t say no? Very tempting. . .

If you’re a fucking monster.

It’s shit like that that makes know I’m on the correct side.


u/malYca 11h ago

I shudder to think what kind of person would even be capable of performing with an unwilling partner.


u/kjacobs03 11h ago

The rapist kind of person


u/strudels 11h ago

Yeah, I don't think I could keep the boner alive if the other person was screaming and crying.


u/JustNilt 10h ago

RIGHT?! Heck, i couldn't keep a boner going when a lady asked me to hit her. She wanted me to do it and I just can't. It's not sexy for me in any way whatsoever. It just feels wrong no matter how much she'd like it. I can generally put myself in the shoes of others as much as that's possible. Yeah I'm white and a guy so I will never understand what it is to be black or a woman in America but I can imagine to a degree.

There is absolutely no way I can put myself in the shoes of someone who gets off on causing that sort of pain and trauma. I just do not get it.

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u/malYca 11h ago

Not just that, they want to bring back women reduced to property in every sense of the word. We're not going back though, fuck these Christian fascists.

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u/ComfortableAware2325 12h ago

The very same wife whose NDA was about to expire. Timing, huh


u/malYca 11h ago

He raped her more than once


u/CookbooksRUs 10h ago

As I understand it spousal rape was a crime. Ivana withdrew her charge of rape *without changing a word of her deposition,* which clearly described a brutal rape. I assume it was withdraw the charge and get a substantial settlement or press charges and get nothing.

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u/thugarth 16h ago

Probably buried with stolen classified documents


u/GammaDealer 17h ago

them blaming the Clintons on his death makes me think the right had more to do with it.


u/coffeeordeath85 16h ago

As we've learned, every accusation is a confession from them.

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u/MinisterOfTruth99 13h ago

Epstein committed 'suicide'. In a DoJ prison, while on suicide watch, as the cell cameras somehow malfunctioned, under the watchful eyes of guards. Did the guards have a talk with William Barr for DoJ instructions? Don't know, I'm just asking questions.🤪


u/kjacobs03 11h ago

I hope they all go down in a glorious effigy of justice. The whole lot if them.


u/mr_remy 16h ago

While Trump was in office, hmmmmm


u/Unorthodox_Mortal 11h ago

I thought you were gonna say “the late, great Hannibal Lecture” for a second there. Speaking of Trump’s obsession with a cannibal “that liked to have a friend for dinner,” does anyone know what happened to Epstein’s body? Were all his parts and pieces accounted for? I’m just asking questions but maybe someone should be looking into this? /s

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u/Skellos 18h ago

He was a fucking punchline in New York for like my entire life until recently.


u/bzr 17h ago

And yet the majority of morons I grew up with in Staten Island, and many of the people I live near now in NJ all love him. Absolute insanity


u/Skellos 17h ago

Yeah I don't get it.

I know some people I talked in 2014 they'd talk about what a con man he is.


u/phxflurry 17h ago

People were saying that in the 80s. I've known he's a piece of shit since the 80s.


u/PupEDog 16h ago

I've been watching movies from the 90s and I can't remember which ones but Trump has been used as a punchline and as a warning like "you don't wanna become this guy" in a couple movies


u/phxflurry 16h ago

He's been a joke his whole life. But now America is the butt of his joke.

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u/tinkerghost1 16h ago

Just about everyone in the NY Metro area knows someone who works for a company he fucked over. Its why he was saying he cant get a fair trial in NY - he's such a huge twatwaffle that he's harmed just about everyone in some way.


u/carriegood 17h ago

Because they're morons in Staten Island and New Jersey.


u/bzr 17h ago

All of my research leaves me to this same conclusion. Fortunately it’s not all of them but it’s an alarming amount


u/carriegood 17h ago

There are plenty of them on Long Island, too, unfortunately.

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u/Ms_Emilys_Picture 17h ago

Because he was on TV where he played a businessman, so surely that means he's a great businessman? They wouldn't just lie on TV, would they?

These idiots area blinded by fame. That's why they're so pissed off at Taylor Swift but love Kid Rock. They equate success with being more intelligent and an all-around better person (a.k.a. Calvinist predestination bullshit) so, when someone famous agrees with them, they feel better about themselves. Especially when the bulk of famous people disagree, those few that don't are extra important.

Also, he portrays himself as rich, with gaudy gold everything, and that's how some poor people view extreme wealth. "One of these days, I'm going to be so rich that I'll buy a gold toilet!" Actual rich people, especially those with generational money, think he's a vulgar, boorish clown. (Which is hilarious, because all Trump wants is to be accepted as one of the rich elites, but the best he can do is the lower-to-middle class redcaps. He wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, but they worship him anyway.)

That's why I was hoping Matthew McConaughey would run for governor of Texas. Not because I want Governor McConaughey, but because he's famous and I fucking hate Abbott and his pit of vipers.


u/carriegood 17h ago

Remember Bloomberg at the DNC in 2016? He said, I'm a NY-er; NY-ers know Donald Trump; and trust me, NY-ers hate Donald Trump.

Always hated this barely polished turd. I would leave the room when my husband insisted on watching the Apprentice because the mere sight of Trump made my stomach turn. Pictures of him and Ivana, grinning like hyenas in their gold-plated apartment - gross. And someone I know grew up hanging out in a boxing gym that Fred Trump used to sponsor, and he said Donnie used to show up all the time to hang out with all the tough guys (some things never change, do they?) and everyone there thought he was a total wienie.


u/Alternative-Fig-6814 17h ago

He's still a punchline, but I get you. I grew up in NY and when his name was mentioned, eyes rolled

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u/dianab77 17h ago

Also super shitty to working class families. Remember that he never paid the contractors who worked on the casino in Atlantic City, NJ.

It gets more painful for workers because then he closed the eyesore in the fall of 2016, still without paying those contractors and then also forcing over 1,000 out of their jobs, the city had to implode it.

When I see blue collar folks thinking that he's 1) a great business man and 2) going to take care of them, it makes me so frustrated. Is it the cult mentality or are people really that forgetful? We have decades of receipts!

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u/procrastinationprogr 18h ago

As someone from outside of the US I will never understand how he made it to president. He was such a bad business man with many bankruptcies and a TV host for a quite shitty show.


u/Wwwweeeeeeee 17h ago

He lied. He cheated and he definitely stole the first election.

He was not voted into office by the majority of Americans.


u/Zomburai 17h ago

Sometimes I get close to understanding it. Others I can't even fathom.

It does help to remember that extremist, conspiratorial media ecosystem has existed in this country since the 19th century, and has effectively grown into the entire right-wing media ecosystem in the era of echo chambers and cognitive bias. There are a lot of people for whom loyalty is earned by saying the right tribal signifiers (or v-i-r-t-u-e s-i-g-n-a-l-i-n-g), and for whom no force on Earth would ever allow them to vote Democratic, because to do so would be voting for a force of literal evil.


u/procrastinationprogr 17h ago

I can understand the moving parts of why it happened but it is still unfathomable that it really happened. The people who wanted to dredge the swamp choose to elect the swamp monster.


u/Emergency_Falcon_272 17h ago

We also learned that a lot of people were angry that a black man had been president. No one would say it outright of course, but trump did spend the previous 8 years yelling that Obama was actually from Kenya and secretly a practicing Muslim.


u/OriginalChildBomb 17h ago

They genuinely can't let it go. Seeing a Black man win the presidency- twice- honest to God broke something in the brains of hateful racists. Trump referenced him last night secretly running the country (doing his classic 'people are saying X, I'm not sure I believe it' schtick). He's also a useful punching bag for them to dogwhistle over.

Barack will be dead in his grave one day (hopefully a long time from now) and they'll still be bitching about him.

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u/Federal-Durian-1484 17h ago

He has blood on his hands. You don’t always have to pull the trigger to be one.


u/grendus 16h ago

His first wife did die under mysterious circumstances.

And Epstein didn't kill himself...


u/This_Daydreamer_ 16h ago

He actively undermined efforts to control Covid. There is no doubt in my mind that many thousands of deaths are because of his actions. Maybe hundreds of thousands.


u/Brave-Common-2979 17h ago

Murder is too much work for his fat lazy ass


u/R_V_Z 16h ago

One could make an argument that deliberately interfering with blue state's Covid resources caused deaths.


u/Brave-Common-2979 16h ago

True. The only action he'd take is inaction in that regard not sure how I forgot about that bullshit


u/Wwwweeeeeeee 17h ago

He pays for his murders in pardons.

See Charlie Kushner.


u/ConsciousReason7709 16h ago

I was a Republican for years and even back then, I thought Trump was just a clown. He was somebody that I never took seriously.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 16h ago

He used to be, he still is, but he used to be too.

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u/lost_in_connecticut 18h ago

Ooh! That’s me. I have half a brain!


u/Message_10 17h ago

I'm not sure how much brains I have left but woooooooooooooooo nelly, what I got left despises that fffffffffffffffformer president and what's he done to our nation

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u/UltraNoahXV 18h ago

Not calling anyone here old but he's been in our lives since my freshman year of high school (2016) - approximately a third of my life. Some of you since before 9/11. Hate is just the tip of the iceberg.

Get to the voting booths please.


u/Wonderful-Cod5256 16h ago

I'm old, a Mom, and my heart goes out to you. Life was much better, freer, saner before the Trump/MAGA cult takeover. Even in poor economic times, folks respected one another's struggles, humanity, right to a different opinion, lifestyle, reproductive choices, political choices...dirty old, baby/man politics did not dominate the scene.

My prayer for your generation if I don't live another day is that you be rid of this Monster and all he stands for so you can experience the freedom, liberty, joys or "pursuit of happiness" our consitution and democracy entitles you to do.

Any old person who votes Trump is robbing you of that right to the life they already took advantage of. Serves 'em right if they do loose social security and medicare, which they (we) will under the next disasterous Trump Admin.


u/joyous-at-the-end 17h ago

let’s wash this man right out of all our hair. 

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u/kjacobs03 18h ago

I have a full brain and hate his fucking guts


u/Robbotlove 18h ago

I have a full brain and I also hate him.


u/neilmac1210 17h ago

I also have a full brain. I think that means we can hate him twice.


u/Robbotlove 17h ago

full brain cluuuuub

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u/Mcboatface3sghost 16h ago

Card carrying straight, cis, bearded, bearded, white, dog having, shitty boat owning, widower checking in. I do not like him, I do not like his vp. For a lot of reasons, but mainly because they are dickheads.


u/Gulluul 15h ago

This joke was probably done but....

No, men with half a brain love Trump. Men with a whole brain hate him.


u/Rare_Crayons 17h ago

He got RRK Jr’s endorsement though

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u/GlitteringWing2112 18h ago

I hate him with the fire of 1000 suns.


u/Zappavishnu 18h ago

I'll see your thousand and raise you a million


u/drewdurfee 17h ago

Hey now! There's probably an infinite number of stars that can ignite all our hatred!


u/HeckinAdult 17h ago

And we haven’t even mentioned the multiverse yet


u/drewdurfee 17h ago

That implies multiple trumps. This isn't fun anymore


u/HeckinAdult 17h ago

Don’t worry, we’re the only universe where he managed to survive into adulthood. Everywhere else had the good sense to curbstomp him early on.


u/OriginalChildBomb 17h ago

I have a Xenomorph of pure, white-hot rage inside me for this man and his ilk, ready to burst forth fully formed and devour the next motherfucker who tells me they aren't voting because both sides are bad.


u/gazregen 17h ago

Love the imagery.

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u/AdFluffy9286 18h ago

Women don't like you and never liked you. Some (a few) women, like Melania, may like your money, but that's pretty much it.


u/WanderingBraincell 18h ago

what money? serious question


u/JakefromNSA 18h ago

The millions and millions of dollars his dumb ass supporters keep sending him. He’s got enough to change people’s lives if they dig in some claws real quick and fuck off before the bankruptcy’s/court garnishments hit.

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u/FatMacchio 16h ago

He may not be as wealthy as he claims, but he does have a knack for extracting maximum value out of his ventures, before he leaves their withering carcass behind. His businesses may fail, but that’s by design. He doesn’t care about anyone else. The fact that people still line up to invest or do business with him is baffling; chances are you’re gonna get screwed, unless you get lucky or time it perfect. He’s doing it again right now, with his political career. He will likely do the same with his truth social company DJT. I imagine he might be waiting to squeeze short sellers and sell into a frenzy like that, but before that happens, I think this stock is going a lot lower. He owns a large portion of the company, so we could see some crazy volatility as he battles it out with short sellers…now that there are a ton more shares unlocked into the free float from insiders.

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u/The_Mike_Golf 17h ago

I’m pretty sure it was originally a contract. Once married, the contract converted to a prenup. She gets paid to play “wife” but doesn’t act like it. I’m fairly certain Barron was an IVF baby. It’s well documented they’ve never had a joint bedroom. Even in the White House they never shared a room. She gets a lot of money by just playing pretend, but if she was to leave the prenup triggers and she gets nothing. So she stays.


u/Mcboatface3sghost 16h ago

She has done at least 2 post nuptial agreements, possibly 3.


u/jas10 16h ago

As someone who lives in the Midwest, I can tell you there are plenty of women that still love him. Not smart women, but a lot of women…

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u/Cold-Nefariousness25 18h ago

When you talk about cherishing us or protecting us, it makes our skin crawl and we go out and buy guns to protect ourselves from predators like you.

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u/Electr0freak 18h ago edited 16h ago

Why would women not like him?! /s

Unknown: "She used to be great, she's still very beautiful."

Trump: "I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it. I did try and fuck her, she was married."

Unknown: "That's huge news there."

Trump: "No, no, Nancy. No this was [inaudible] and I moved on her very heavily in fact I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I'll show you where they have some nice furniture. I moved on her like a bitch. I couldn't get there and she was married. Then all-of-a-sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look."

Bush: "Your girl's hot as shit. In the purple."

Multiple voices: "Whoah. Yes. Whoah."

Bush: "Yes. The Donald has scored. Whoah my man."

Trump: "Look at you. You are a pussy."

Bush: "You gotta get the thumbs up."

Trump: "Maybe it's a different one."

Bush: "It better not be the publicist. No, it's, it's her."

Trump: "Yeah that's her with the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything."

Bush: "Whatever you want."

Trump: "Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37595321


u/Stalwart_1 18h ago

How it wasn’t over for him right there is a damning indictment on almost half of our population. Infuriates me to my goddamn core. Fucks sake, he HAS a daughter. Is that how he wants her or any woman really treated? (Oooh, come on good comments…)


u/butinthewhat 18h ago

Yes, he treats his daughter like that too. The one he remembers he has.


u/siccoblue 12h ago

What's sad is that Trump actively wanting to fuck his daughter has fallen to like the bottom of the list of shitty things he's done. Nevermind the VASTLY longer list of things that would have immediately destroyed any other political career


u/allhailqueenspinoodi 18h ago

He has sexualized Ivanka in interviews a few times. He's disgusting.


u/12OClockNews 14h ago

He had to be reminded that Ivanka is his daughter after he was making lewd comments about her. It's not a secret that Trump wants to fuck his own daughter, and Republicans have tried to normalize that by saying it's totally normal for a dad to want his own daughter in that way. These people are mentally deranged.


u/bassoontennis 17h ago

What is scary is, is that is was the tipping point I think that truly created the MAGA party, think about it. All of a sudden these people who felt shame and fear of being persecuted in public now have a leader who says it’s okay to do this shit. It steamrolled into a full on celebration of homophobia, xenophobia, racism, and straight up call for a turning back of the clocks to pre civil rights. Trump says what they say and feel, they call themselves Christian’s but I promise you if Jesus came back and did exactly what he did the first time they would kill him again. The idea of actually loving people and making sure they have health care and food and no fear of persecution for living their lives terrifies them. Not to mention the whole wealth inequality. In short Trump gave them what they wanted.

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u/denimonster 15h ago

I can’t believe he actually said these things. I’m a 30 year old male and I could never in my wildest dream speak about a woman like this, even to my male friends.

That must make me a woke pussy liberal pussy though.


u/debomama 18h ago

Women hate bullies. Women hate narcissistic whiners. Women hate grifters. We hate controlling men who think they have some right to us or to tell us what to do We hate those that sexually objectify us.

The truth is most of us have experienced this behavior before. And that is why women don't like you.


u/KnotiaPickles 17h ago

Also r@pists…

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u/real_1273 18h ago

Buddy your own paid wife won’t hold your tiny hand.


u/Uncivil_Bar_9778 18h ago

When you get in the voting booth, your husband won't know how you voted!

Don't be afraid!


u/twistedSibling 18h ago edited 14h ago

Trump, those women werent nice to you. They were nice to your wallet.

Except those women and little girls you raped. They were coerced.

Edit: fixed a typo

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u/SilverSister22 18h ago

I told my kids, when they were young, that they shouldn’t use the term “hate”. They could dislike someone …even dislike someone intensely … but they shouldn’t say “hate”.

I hate the 🤡 with the heat of a thousand stars. The day he dies, I will dance. Just like I danced the day he received 34 guilty verdicts.


u/OGPunkr 16h ago

are you me?

I have always found empathy for the lowest of the low, and would wonder what happened to them to make them so bad. This guy shattered all of that. I know his dad was a piece of shit and he probably was wounded as a very small child by him, but it doesn't work with him. I just hate him, pure and simple. I can't find it for him, and that makes me even more angry. He broke something in me.

If he gets in again, I guess i'll join the rebel forces, because I will not let them take this country the way of Iran.


u/berrycat22 16h ago

Yes! Raised Catholic, we don’t say we hate someone, but I hate that…man like I’ve never hated anyone before. Sorry, Mom…🙄


u/Onebrokegerrrl 16h ago

Same for me. I reserve hate for the lowest of the low. The scum of the Earth. The most vile of all creatures. He is all of those things and I hate him with everything that I am and everything that I will ever be. There are not enough words in the English language or any other language for that matter, to explain the depths of my hate for that POS!

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u/lysitsa 18h ago

Ask the family and loved ones of Amber Thurman from Georgia.


u/bigotis 17h ago

And E. Jean Carroll

And Katie Johnson


u/LoisWade42 18h ago

Maybe? If he started treating us as fellow, competent, human beings, we'd think differently of him...

But creating laws and regulations that treat us as incubators, or as livestock whose breeding cycles must be controlled for mens benefit? Isn't going to win him any affection or respect from us.


u/NorseYeti 18h ago

And this is why we have consent issues. He just can’t take “no” as an answer.


u/TemporaryThink9300 18h ago edited 18h ago

Sorry Trump! I don't like you, none of the women in my family like you, and we're not even American citizens, but Scandinavian women.

  • You are fired!


u/Emergency_Row8544 18h ago

What? Women hate him he literally took away our autonomy right to privacy etc


u/linksecretlover 18h ago

I didn’t think he could be any more repulsive, the he opens his mouth again


u/BAMspek 18h ago

The fact he’s almost 80 and has never once had consensual sex should have tipped him off.


u/Gladukame 18h ago

Ok, white women, but this time say it with your vote please and thank you 🙏🏾

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u/n3rdsm4sh3r 18h ago

Spoken like a true rapist


u/fartalldaylong 18h ago

...with a bunch of paid mini cocks hanging out in the background...


u/Elegant-Raise 18h ago

An NBC poll that just came out yesterday has Harris winning by 21 points with women. I'd like to hand him a shovel but he's doing a pretty good job of it already.


u/huskeylovealways 18h ago

Amen Sister


u/DogsDontWearPantss 18h ago

I wouldn't go anywhere near that disgusting, misogynistic, wobbling, wannabe dictator with delusions of omnipotence, whilst using someone else's body, let alone my own.

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u/No_Wonder3907 18h ago

He is THEE last man on earth to say he is for women. Liar. His own daughters don’t like him. His wife has to be paid to be by his side. Loomer, had to be removed because they know she’s bad for trump. So he doesn’t know how to choose his company of a woman. Gross. Just gross human.


u/Worldly_Zombie_1537 17h ago

I would strangle him with my own fallopian tubes if I could! I hate him so much that I can barely function. In 9 years the only thing this man has given me is HBP, anxiety, and the consistent loss of family and friends that have been radicalized by his cult.

I need him to be defeated in the most definitive way possible. No coming back…. I am done! 9 years is long enough! GO AWAY!

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u/Narodnik60 18h ago

A few women did maybe love you, Donald. You cheated on all of them.


u/canarchist 18h ago

Donnie: "... so, this woman, she says she's passionate ... about my midsection ... she can't describe how much ..."


u/pizzapartypandas 18h ago

Gold Diggers and Clout Chasers will pretend to like him. That's why he thinks that.


u/looptarded 18h ago

I am disgusted how he treats and talks about women. Unfortunately, there are a lot of men like him. If you’re around someone with this sort of behaviour, you need to call it out. It’s toxic and degrading

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u/palm0 16h ago

Just saying. Trump won the White women demographic in 2016 (45% to 47%) and in 2020 (46% to 53%). The margin actually grew in his favor in 2020.

I apparently can't post links in this sub but look it up on pew research.

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u/threefeetofun 18h ago

I wish the “get out, get out” was directed at him.


u/Elegant-Raise 18h ago

I'm sure those women you raped really likes you too.


u/Mean_Eye_8735 18h ago

I hate you, that's not fake news


u/ConsciousReason7709 16h ago

If you are a woman and you want to vote for Trump, you really should take a look in the mirror and question the decisions you’ve made in your life.


u/Reason_Training 18h ago

Anyone with enough common sense not to join a cult or get conned by a conman will not like him. The issue though is that common sense is no longer common and critical thinking skills are lacking in a good half of Americans.


u/moodyblue8222 17h ago

Women don’t tend to like pedophile, raping,misogynistic pigs!


u/Corkchef 16h ago

Most women I know can’t even listen to him talk during major events like the debate


u/beavis617 18h ago

Let's see if there's something in the election results to help us understand if women like this guy. 🤔

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u/GreeneyeGrammy 17h ago

I’ve hated him since the 1980’s when his pig face started popping up in People Magazine. His popularity is the biggest WTAF of my lifetime. He’s absolutely revolting! 🤢


u/Harbuddy69 17h ago

A bunch of real men are sick of looking at your smug orange face as well.


u/cherylfit50 18h ago

Preach it!



A bunch of men hate that orange asshole too


u/spacemanspiff1115 17h ago

If I'm not mistaken he's the only candidate running for president who's been found to be an adjudicated rapist by a court of law. Sounds like quite the advocate for protecting women...


u/architeuthiswfng 17h ago

Right. I don't dislike him. I LOATHE him.


u/Chemistry-27 17h ago

Women, we need to get together. We did it with the million women's March after Trump's first illegal win in 2016. Please don't think that your voices won't be heard again. I promise we hear you and we see you. And we must organize. Vote Blue for sanity again, if for nothing else. Let's get our movement going. Where would the world be without women? Seriously ask yourself. And then stop abusing us. Because we will stand up


u/ZePerfectPisces 17h ago

As a woman, I don’t think I have ever hated anyone as much as I hate Donald J. Trump.

I hate him with the fire of a thousand suns.

I utterly and completely LOATHE him.


u/ThE_LAN_B4_TimE 16h ago

Not only do women despise you but men do too. Fuck you Trump.


u/Blue_Skies_4ever 18h ago

A-frigging-men! I think he can count the demographics that do like him on one tiny little hand.


u/Zeroesand1s 18h ago

I was just at a fair in my area. I was extremely disappointed to see women walking around with trump lawn signs and at least a half dozen, mostly young women, wearing some form of a shirt reading 'I'm voting for the convicted felon'. So unfortunately, some women do support him. But I hope the vast majority are smarter then those I saw last weekend. 

The other thing that disappointed me was I saw no fewer than 5 booths selling trump related garbage, but didn't even see the Democrat's booth. 


u/Electrical_Ticket_37 18h ago

I loathe Trump.


u/MikaylaNicole1 17h ago

Umm, yes, yes we do. I look forward to the day that this orange turdburglar is no longer a threat to our safety.


u/SapphicsAndStilettos 17h ago

As a woman I second this. I hope hell is real just so he can go there.


u/PermanentlySleeepy 17h ago

I honestly don't think I've ever had this much hatred for a person I've never even met before.


u/Hairy_Al 17h ago

The fact that he thinks that all women love him is the reason he lost a sexual assault case. He loves himself so much that he can't imagine anyone not wanting his attention


u/DragoonDM 16h ago

"Based on the fact that I work for Donald Trump as his secretary—and therefore know him well—I think he treats women with great respect, contrary to what Julie Baumgold implied in her article … I do not believe any man in America gets more calls from women wanting to see him, meet him, or go out with him. The most beautiful women, the most successful women—all women love Donald Trump."

— A December of 1992 letter to the editor of NYMag, definitely written by a woman named Carolin Gallego, and not Donald Trump pretending to be his own secretary in a pathetic attempt to make himself seem popular with and desirable to women.

If you still doubt his popularity, just ask John Barron.


u/TheGoonKills 14h ago

“Why don’t women like me, I don’t get it.”

Asked the rapist


u/fatalrugburn 13h ago

As a man, I support a woman's right to hate Trump in whatever way she sees fit.


u/sophiewalt 11h ago

I'm from NYC & we've hated him for decades. Known for not renting to POC, knocked down a beautiful historic 5th Ave building to build the monstrosity Trump Towers, bragged his building was now the tallest when World Trade Towers sadly came down (not true, of course), notorious for not paying contactors. Trump was shunned by NY elite for being loud, tacky & nouveau riche.


u/GoldRecordDaddy 11h ago

I thought like a few million women marched on washington in pink hats after his inauguration to demonstrate how much women hated him, but I guess he thought it was a parade or something... maybe those are the crowds he keep bragging about.


u/raccoonlovechild 9h ago

I’m a woman, I have fantasized about killing him a few times.


u/MTFotaku 7h ago

I am a woman and he doesn't speak for me. I have never liked him. I knew as a kid watching Home Alone 2, he was a bad man.


u/DrunkTides 7h ago

If he was on fire, most of us (sane) women would try to put it out… with gasoline


u/First_Play5335 18h ago

Oh, you can believe it.


u/Mc9660385 18h ago

“How could anyone not like ME ?”


u/wynnduffyisking 18h ago

A number of women liked his money. Most women hate him because he’s a sociopathic rapist. I sincerely doubt that any woman has ever loved him as a person.


u/FreeThinkers2023 18h ago

Egomaniacs can’t admit they’re wrong or not liked, it’s partial of their mental illness


u/monkey_trumpets 18h ago

Laura Loomer likes you


u/MacADocious1954 18h ago

Only hate filled, stupid, old imbeciles like you and the old, surgically enhanced, crypt keepers at Moron Lardo like you DonOLD! Rational people count the days till you are in prison or expire.


u/RandyWatson8 18h ago

Didn’t believe the women when they said they didn’t want sex…..par for the course


u/SAGELADY65 17h ago

This is your problem Traitor…you thought and you thought wrong about everything and everyone👺


u/metfan1964nyc 17h ago

Maybe if he stopped paying the women around him, he'd find out. Also, if he doesn't realize Melania hates him, he is the most clueless man on earth.


u/sirchtheseeker 17h ago

Only ladies I’ve met who like him have white hair and smell like baby powder


u/Creepy_Syllabub_9245 17h ago

Yep! Can't stand to see his orange face or hear his nauseating voice! Not fake news!


u/Jackie_Gan 17h ago

Adjudicated rapist, who appointed 3 SC members with the plans of rowing back women’s rights, and who continues to make hateful remarks about women, doesn’t believe he has a problem with women? Can’t say I’m surprised


u/SueBeee 17h ago

Believe it.


u/otherwise_data 17h ago

he makes my skin crawl. always has.


u/SmutGrrl 17h ago

I am a woman, and I DO NOT like Donald Trump.


u/Crotch-Monster 17h ago

Why would any sane woman like you? You constantly insult them. You want to take away their rights. You view them as unequal to you. You have sexually assaulted a number of them, and you buried one on your golf course for tax breaks.


u/No-Visit2222 17h ago

They dislike you so much that they will make sure you never get into the white house again.


u/KevJD 17h ago

If it wasn’t for his money and his sexual assaults, he would have never known a woman’s touch.


u/zetaphi938 17h ago

Coerced or of their own volition - a lot of white, upper/middle class women will still vote for Trump. This sentiment that women hate him should be a universal truth, but sadly it’s not.

Vote. Point blank. There is no groundswell of women that are going to change their mind now about Trump after decades of documented sexist, misogynistic and predatory statements.


u/NeitherWait5587 17h ago

None NOT EVEN ONE of the women or girls I was violently raping ever said the words “I don’t like you” which means I’m very very liked


u/ElPadero 17h ago

If women hate Donald Trump then consider me the biggest woman out there.


u/Professional_Lake593 17h ago

I really cannot possibly describe how much I hate that dude fr


u/VoteforWomensRights 17h ago

Not religious but totally hate this so called man.


u/randomfucke 17h ago

Any real man hates him too.


u/lemons_of_doubt 17h ago

Have you seen the way his wife looks at him.

You can almost hear the "just die already, just die already, just die already" going on behind her eyes.


u/Character_Reward2734 17h ago

Serial Rapist Pedo who wants to strip away all women’s rights doesn’t understand why women would hate him?

Next he’s going to claim a debate victory against a bi-racial black/indian woman who beat him like he was an 78 yo man with the IQ of a doorknob


u/Pattihere 17h ago

As a woman I depise Trump. I have many reasons but just based on his history with women. All women should be disgusted with the orange man.


u/chameleon_123_777 17h ago

Not only weird, but also very stuuuuuuuuupid.


u/Bettinah1 17h ago

With every fiber of my being do I loath this man.


u/hurley5596 16h ago



u/billiemarie 16h ago

Believe it


u/Catinthemirror 16h ago

On the contrary, I can describe it: We hate him with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.


u/beachwalker04 16h ago

Most of us men, too!


u/saltylures 16h ago

Bro you had to pay for pussy. STFU.


u/lonerstoners 16h ago

Normal women do!!


u/Private_HughMan 16h ago

...A jury of his peers ruled that he's a rapist.


u/PublicAdmin_1 16h ago

We don't dislike you, we hate you with the white hot hatred of 1,000 suns.


u/whatlineisitanyway 16h ago

I am holding out hope that even a majority of white women vote against Trump this time. If that happens in swing states Trump will have a tough time winning.


u/Cold-Ad-3713 16h ago

Hey lady don't speak for me, but I hate him too.


u/SensitiveSomewhere3 15h ago

Doesn't recall the millions of women nationwide marching in protest the day after he was inaugurated, does he?

No joke. I think he really doesn't remember it.


u/TzanzaNG 15h ago

Lmao, I deeply loathe that douche canoe.


u/JamboreeStevens 14h ago

It's only because any women he associated with were either with him for his money or he had some kind of power over them.

Dude has the self awareness of a gazebo.


u/Witty-Bug8222 14h ago

I don't have a long list of people I hate, but he's #1 for sure

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