r/XboxSeriesX Dec 15 '23

Skull and Bones is disappointing Review

So I got into the Beta, you get to play for 6 hours. This game is not what I was expecting. Online only game and due to this the visuals aren't all that great. Out of the 4 tasks I've done three were fetch quests. The voices don't quite match the mouth oddly.

We could have had a really good single player story here and online functionality similar to Sea of Theives but unfortunately it's far from it.

Waited ages for this but genuinely disappointed in what they've come out with.


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u/ThrottleFox1 Dec 16 '23 edited Dec 16 '23

I think we played different games. Yes, a lot were fetch or kill quests, but aren't all games quests a version of, kill this, bring me that?

4 tasks? that would barely get you out of the main tutorial area

I plundered several villages - sail around and shoot stuff that came into a circle, while the town starts to burn more and more

I worked up to a Sloop, rank 3 or 4 ships I think I was.

Almost every NPC had 2+ quests, not to mention the quest or bounty board.

The map was decent sized, I had to sail down a river in Africa to get my Sloop blueprint, past several Privateers that would kill me in a few shots.

I tried going after the event convoys and got completely wrecked by rogue waves and then by the convoy itself.

There were treasure maps, I didn't do any, I had 3 and saw a legendary one floating in the water.

Discovered trade routes to plunder for mats for ships and other things I had to craft.

I thought the visuals were fine, and looked good, water spray and washing over the deck in rough seas. Sun glare.

Even saw a humpback whale jump out of the water near my ship.

The limp sync and voices were off, it did get better with talking to big boss man


u/icecubedyeti Dec 16 '23

Can it be played completely solo or do you need to have others with you?


u/ThrottleFox1 Dec 16 '23

I played for about 4 hours completely solo, you don't need other people at all.

The neat thing with world events or raiding as well as probably others, is people can come along and help and everyone gets their own loot. I didn't notice a difference in loot if I was solo or in group or others helping

A friend and I were raiding a town and a 3rd came along it popped up on the screen "<playername> has joined the raid"