r/leagueoflegends Will force Ambessa Medarda into Support 18h ago

Heavy Is The Crown ft. Linkin Park (Official Music Video) | League of Legends Worlds 2024 Anthem


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u/Shirikatsu 16h ago

What a complete letdown.

We got no T1 vs LPL.

We got no fall and rise of Faker.

We got no real crowning moment.

We got no rebuilding the throne.

We got no defending the legacy.

We got no faker vs ruler.

Did they even think about what they even wanted to portray in this?


u/OrigenInori 12h ago

I just want to know who in Riot thought it was a genius idea to green lit and direct and produce this. You have T1 1v4 vs LPL, Faker wrist issue and his incredible Azir play, you have T1 and Faker win again once again after so long and yet.... Somehow they're defending the castle ??? Why are they defending ?? They lost in 2022, they should be reclaiming it after 7-8 years of failure... Caps has more screentime than Faker, is it because Europe hosting this year ??? The music band is in the video for some goddamn reason taking the spotlight when it's supposed to be about League of Legends Worlds not promoting a music video ??? The video is okayish as standalone but what it should've been representing is a total disgrace. It's a bigger slap on the face after the whole $500 Faker bundle crap they came out with


u/Ashne405 11h ago

Linkin park, they wanted to portray linkin park.


u/RElOFHOPE 7h ago

Honestly with how many pissed off Asian fans there are, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone decides to make their own animation about it.


u/Myquil-Wylsun 7h ago

All roads lead to Linkin Park apparently


u/Zek0ri | Kennen ult in bath if they don’t win Worlds 11h ago

But we got glow up for Caps. That’s worth something right?