r/todayilearned 21h ago

TIL that in Japan, only 100% fruit juice can display a realistic cut fruit on the label, 95% may display a whole but unsliced fruit. 5% or less, it is forbidden to display a realistic fruit on the label


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u/JustifytheMean 17h ago

so don't consume it at all

I don't think that's what anyone is saying. Just warning people you should drink fruit juice in moderation. Some people treat it like water since they think it's "healthy". Yeah it's maybe slightly better than a soda due to the vitamins, but you could drink a soda and take a vitamin supplement and be in the same place.

Realistically anything that isn't leafy greens or lean proteins should be eaten in moderation.


u/Telaranrhioddreams 17h ago

The comment I replied to said actual squeezed from the fruit juice is nutritionally bad. That is factually incorrect.

Vitamin supplements are not regulated and vary wildly in delivering what they say they do. A real fruit or juice of a real fruit is absolutely a better source.

Soda has insane amounts of sugar several times that of natural juice equating them is asinine.

"Anything that isn't leafy greens or lean proteins should be eaten in moderation". I mean technically literally everything including those things should be eaten in moderation. Leafy greens and lean protein are great but a human being needs a lot more nuance than that in their diet. Fruits, nuts, whole grains, beans, potatoes, carrots, garlic, ginger, spices, all of nutrients that benefit us.


u/screw_character_limi 11h ago

I don't completely disagree with you, obviously juice is not categorically nutritionally bad, but:

Soda has insane amounts of sugar several times that of natural juice equating them is asinine

This is just untrue. Sugar content in an 8 oz. or ~240 mL serving (juices are 100%):

  • apple juice 27g

  • orange juice 22g

  • grape juice 26g

  • cranberry juice 28g

  • Coca-Cola 27g

  • Mountain Dew 31g

  • Dr Pepper 25g

Soda is more acidic than juice, is often consumed in larger quantities than juice, and juice provides other benefits, but the sugar content (and, related, calories) by volume don't differ that significantly.


u/Telaranrhioddreams 11h ago

Little tone marker here that I'm not trying to be an asshole I just find this topic really interesting.

I dont disagree with you either! If were talking pure sugar count you're definitely on to something. Something I had to learn about nutrition is that almost nothing is lump sum. If you have a condition where you have to be super careful about your sugar or your cholesterol or a specific measurement these 1 to 1 comparisons are useful, however, in terms of general "good vs bad" it gets way more complicated.

Maybe orange juice (lets pretend for arguments sake that it's an additive free pure juice) has as much sugar as some variety of soda. On paper, in the sugar column, both are equally bad. The problem there is that soda has little else in it besides water, sugar, carbination, and flavors & preservatives. Lets even say for this argument that artificial sugar & natural sugar have no difference and that preservatives are A-okay (as im aware current atudies are inconclusive). Juice still has a ton of vitamins. When I have a UTI my doctors reccomend I drink cranberry juice, which is accessible year around while cranberries are not, in addition to perscription intervention, because cranberries contain something thats good for that system.

Fruit and its juice contain a lot of stuff besides just sugar, be it the vitamins, the antioxidants, or trace amounts of fiber in pulp etc. Soda doesnt have that. Soda is the sum of its parts, water, sugar, additives. Fruit juice has a lot of sugar, sure, but just like the whole "dont eat eggs they're high in cholesteral" thing yes if you need to cut out sugsrs be wary of juice, but juice still packs a punch nutrritionally that soda does not.

To me they arent comparable. One has loads of additional health benefits despite a high sugar level while the other has a high sugar level and not much else.


u/TooStrangeForWeird 10h ago

The apple juice I have next to me is 21g of sugar per 8oz. But it's also a fresh squeezed one, not from concentrate. So maybe that affects it a bit.


u/TocTheEternal 14h ago

Even actual, squeezed-from-a-piece-of-fruit juice is nutritionally a bad idea

but that doesn't change the reality that fruit juice is just a bad idea from a nutritional standpoint.

Ok they didn't technically say "don't consume it at all" but you have to be much more than generous to read OP's statement as literally anything but a harsh warning to avoid juice.