r/AmIOverreacting 4h ago

AIO: Girlfriend lied about their whereabouts while I was out of town for work and I’m now having severe resentment and trust issues. ❤️‍🩹 relationship



18 comments sorted by


u/boredreader12 3h ago edited 3h ago

you know who you don't lie about going to see after midnight? your girlfriend, because there is nothing to lie about. you know who you do lie about going to see after midnight, is the guy she's screwing. he's in that complex, her friend just happened to live there, which is probably how they met.


u/emptynest_nana 3h ago

Or the girl she is having an affair with.


u/boredreader12 3h ago

well played sir, well played!


u/hawkvietnam 3h ago

It is all bullshit. She is fucking some guy. Dump her ass fast. Find someone who loves and respects you.


u/TangerineSol 3h ago

You're not overreacting at all. If she had no reason to lie then why did she lie? I say trust your gut.


u/TCH_1971 2h ago

Or the guy is the friends brother or friend of her friends boyfriend. Either way, she is banging someone!


u/gordster93 1h ago edited 44m ago

So if I’m understanding the post correctly the spot where she pulled over to fix her bumper was in fact the apartment complex that she stayed at for 1.5 hours. Which means the whole pull over/bumper story was probably bogus to begin with.

She promised she would call when she got home but then went incommunicado for an hour and half. Then she lied about where she was when the OP finally called. And when called out on this lie she came up with 3 different explanations that are only partially consistent with each other. And all of this happened after midnight her time.

Taken together this is all pretty sus. She was directly dishonest at least twice when there was literally no reason at all for her to lie - she could have just told the BF she was going to visit a nearby girlfriend until the rain died down and also fix the bumper. Why go through all the subterfuge unless there was something worth hiding.

And now that I think of it the girlfriend moving out of her apartment soon thereafter adds to the sketch factor. It’s likely that the girlfriend already had a new place lined up so it’s possible the old place was vacant with just some soon to be discarded furniture in it - which would make it a perfect hookup spot.


u/BSinspetor 3h ago

NOR but if you suspecting makes you that angry, that's not healthy at all. You might want to go and speak to a professional about that.

Re: GF I'm not sure I would move past the lie but I've been cheated on so I'm biased I think.


u/Realistic-Lake5897 2h ago

NOR at all.

Her story just doesn't make any sense. Her lies make no sense. You tried a dozen times to get the truth out of her, and you're still left with all the questions.

You do you, bro, but I wouldn't trust her.

At all.


u/andyroo776 2h ago

Or she saw the place was vacant when she was there. Ask to meet the friend at the new place.


u/bamamike7180 2h ago

Not overreacting, you don’t lie about about going to see a girl friend when in a relationship, you lie if your going to see a friend of the opposite sex, she knew that apartment was empty with the stuff outside because she saw it that night


u/Initial-Training-320 2h ago

So she lied when she said that; she pulled over to fix the bumper and because of the rain. She was obviously at a destination she planned or decided to visit. She lied when she answered your call saying that she was home. She said she was visiting a friend Why lie about that if true? You can’t believe a word she says.


u/thrawyacct4obvrsns 2h ago

Dude, you're 28yo. You've got plenty of time to find another woman whom you can trust. Just do yourself and your gf a favour and end this relationship.


u/Kisses4Kimmy 1h ago

OP do you really want to be pulling up to locations to make sure she’s telling the truth all the time?

Just sit on that.


u/Heavenly_Spike_Man 1h ago

Are we all just accepting this ridiculous “gonna fix my bumper” story?

She doing mechanic work on the side of the road?


u/Beneficial-Door-3252 44m ago

She's slimy. You can't trust her. Dump her.


u/madworld3232 29m ago

You said you almost checked out of the relationship immediately, so you can start over with someone that hasn't lied to you -yet- or stay with someone that you know has lied to you, what's the better choice?


u/EbbWilling7785 11m ago

My suspicion is there’s someone else in that complex she was there to see