r/Music 19d ago

Linkin Park Selects Emily Armstrong as Singer, Plots Tour and Album article


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u/POSH9528 19d ago

Chester's voice was otherworldly and uniquely beautiful. I can't think of any other person that could remotely hit those notes or fill the listener with such emotions as he could. I can understand why they would want to continue the band, but I don't think this was a good idea.


u/Interesting_Exit5138 19d ago

There is a tribute band in portugal called hybrid theory that covers linkin park music. You would be hard pressed to differentiate chester from that lead singer, he is absolutely insane.


u/Aggravating-List4265 19d ago

Just listened for the first time. Interesting and talented for sure, but the difference is pretty clear. Can you really not hear the differences in pace, pitch, enunciation and high notes? It is a genuine question. I closed my eyes and listened to a handful of songs and while interesting there was not a single point that i thought I was hearing Chester. The closest moments were the screams, but even there, there was a clear void between them.


u/Interesting_Exit5138 19d ago

No, you are right. Of course I was exaggerating, you can clearly see a difference. It is just the closest thing you can hear today and also the most impressive, particularly considering that the lead singer is not even from an english speaking country. Also this tribute band is pretty good live, which is all the more incredible.


u/Aggravating-List4265 19d ago

I fully agree with you in terms of talent. Chester had a very unique voice and range. That singer does a great job of evoking him. Damn impressive.


u/serotoninzero 18d ago

A tribute band to Linkin Park called Hybrid Theory when Linkin Park used to be Hybrid Theory but changed it due to another band already having that name is funny.


u/stupidinternetbrain 19d ago

Spencer Sotelo could be close fit


u/Continental-IO520 19d ago

You know I've never liked Spencer's voice but he would be INSANELY good in Linkin Park


u/KigalnGin 19d ago

She doesn't need to replace a unique voice but she doesn't sound very unique either ;(


u/_CozyLavender_ 18d ago

That combination of Mike and Chester WAS Linkin Park. Without one or the other, its not going to be right.

They might as well just start a new band entirely and let the LP legacy die peacefully.


u/HighInChurch 19d ago

Bobby Amaru of Saliva is a pretty fantastic cover.


u/saint_ark 19d ago

Only one I could think of is Kyo from Dir en grey


u/harmboi 19d ago

The new song that's out sounds like dogshit to the point I'm shocked. And i am hearing from other people how good it is. Lol


u/qrupert 19d ago

other commenter mentioned Danny Case, look up his 2 YouTube shorts Given up and Crawling


u/ExplorerEnjoyer 19d ago

The band wasn’t just Chester. When you kill yourself your job finds someone new to take over your position. It is what it is


u/Gleasure03 19d ago

Lead singer of Linkin Park, one of the most popular bands in the world, isn’t just a job


u/ExplorerEnjoyer 19d ago edited 19d ago

Co-singer, Mike is a huge role too. The rest of the band shouldn’t be forced to go fuck themselves because Chester committed suicide. Being one of the biggest bands in the world is all the reason more to keep playing.