r/Music 3d ago

Hayley Williams Slams Donald Trump, Project 2025 at iHeartRadio Fest: 'Do You Want to Live in a Dictatorship?' article


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u/Mistform05 3d ago

Funny because even in my own family, I see a split in what Christians want to be. Hayley I believe is a Christian that can see through the bs from the faith in the last 30 years.


u/DickChingey 3d ago

Meanwhile I'm a right wing atheist. How she doesn't think the left is authoritarian is mind boggling. Imagine crying about authoritarianism while supporting the establishment presidential pick. Some people have no idea about the world around them.


u/thatHecklerOverThere 3d ago

How she doesn't think the left is authoritarian is mind boggling

It's probably what the western left has been doing for the past 50 years vs what the western right has been doing for the last 50 years.


u/DickChingey 3d ago

It's been a uniparty for the last 50 years. We have only just started seeing people break off from the establishment in the past ten. The right has gotten more reasonable while the left have become the boot lickers they used to hate on the right for.


u/thatHecklerOverThere 3d ago

We've been following right wing economic policy for the last half century, and it has almost completely failed in a variety of exciting ways.

The western left has begun to advocate changing course, and the right wing has been encouraging the public to reach for whatever boogeyman is currently en vouge to distract them from changing course, be it queers, transsexuals, or Haitians devouring Clifford.


u/DickChingey 3d ago

We have been following left wing economic policy. Keynesian economics doesn't work. If we were following right wing economic policy we would be under Austrian economics. The corruption on both sides is inherently left wing because of not only the economic system but all the socialism that is bankrupting us. We are killing the middle class so the lower class can have some temporary comfort. The lower class is in for a rude awakening when they realize what it's like being poor in a country without a middle class.


u/masterwolfe 3d ago

We have been following left wing economic policy.

Didn't realize Reagan was left wing.


u/DickChingey 3d ago

Reagan was part of the same crowd that has been controlling the country for over a hundred years and that crowd is left wing.


u/masterwolfe 3d ago

Wait you are seriously making the argument that Reagan was left wing?

Over a hundred years ago, so the last time the country wasn't run by the left wing was roughly the Civil War/Reconstruction era?


u/DickChingey 3d ago

Wait so you think Reagan is the great mastermind for why the country sucks? Although Reagans policies weren't great they aren't the reason the country is collapsing. The country was cooked long before Reagan and has gotten worse outside of his policy since.


u/masterwolfe 3d ago

I havent mentioned anything regarding Reagan's impact, just mildly pushing back on your claims to see if you will defend them.

So Reagan is left wing and so has every president since roughly Teddy Roosevelt, still sticking by that claim?


u/DickChingey 3d ago

I believe the same groups of people have controlled both sides for a long time. Those groups tend to have left wing agendas. The right is just controlled opposition for the most part.


u/masterwolfe 3d ago

What part of the right? All of it including the alt-right?

Also if both groups are completely controlled is there any point to voting then?

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