r/Music 3d ago

Hayley Williams Slams Donald Trump, Project 2025 at iHeartRadio Fest: 'Do You Want to Live in a Dictatorship?' article


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u/Supremealexander 3d ago

Christianity condemns rational thinking


u/4DPeterPan 3d ago

Not really, it transcends it.

The world focuses on its sciences and “what it can see”.. while those living a spiritual life focus on matters of the heart, soul, and mind.

It’s about transcending fear based reactions and animalistic approaches/responses while maintaining being Grounded and elevating your state of being. It’s about being grateful for what you have, and not what you can have.

It’s about not looking for power outwardly, but knowing your power inwardly. It’s about discipline. It’s about Love. It’s about ascending to higher states of being. While also remaining curious like a child and grounded in this “reality”.

It’s about finding joy in your heart, and not about finding joy in things or status or money. It’s about overcoming the world and its ways. It’s about belief in something greater than yourself.

While everyone is dying for themselves and being self obsessed; Following God is about Living for Others.

Recognizing that everyone is truly “One”… but there is something Evil in this world trying to actively divide us all and keep us separated from not only ourselves, but from eachother as well.

“Be in the world. But not of it”.


u/QuantumFungus 3d ago

Yes, we've all heard the platitudes with no substance behind them. And yes, we know religion transcends the limits of rational thought into the domain of irrational thought. That is in fact our main objection to it.

You claim it's about moving past emotional reactions and yet the entire premise of most religions is emotional manipulation. You are being taught to fear and love things that don't even exist or if they do it's some sort of weird parasocial relationship that's just as toxic as the worst celebrity fandoms.


u/4DPeterPan 3d ago

Look man, I’m not here to argue or fight with you. Your own doubt and anger is your own problems to deal with.

But just some food for thought for you; maybe take on your own credible beliefs and understandings while not basing it off of what others have done. For whatever reason, it really doesn’t matter.

No matter what belief system you look at, or what politics you like, or what video games you like, someone’s always pushing a malicious agenda in one way or another, and justifying it based on their beliefs.. when in reality they are not actually pushing the belief systems narrative, they’re pushing their own narrative and masquerading it as otherwise.

It’s like saying, I hate ice cream because it got bad reviews.. Or like saying all guns are bad because guns kill people. It’s the people that do that. Not the ideology itself.

But all of that aside, at the end of the day; you really only have 2 choices in life. Will you stand up for what’s right? And just? Will you be Loving?

Or will you hold onto anger, resentment, and hatred?

No matter your ideologies or belief systems in life.. inside of Your individual heart, soul, and mind, when you go to sleep at night and it’s just you there.. do you wanna be Loving and Just? Or do you want to be Angry, and hateful?

Anyways, that’s just my 2 cents. You do you man, I don’t live in your shoes. I just wish the best for you. No hard feelings either way.


u/ChefCombo 3d ago

I understand your sentiment, but God has been the justification for hate and violence (not to mention genocide) for thousands of years. It’s a little more than a few “bad apples.”

I’m glad that God keeps you on your path. It works for a lot of people! But you don’t have to believe in God or practice religion to choose love and do what is right and just.


u/4DPeterPan 3d ago

Probably. I see where you’re coming from and what you mean. And I don’t refute it.

I had a transcendent psychotic break almost 2 years ago (I say psychotic break because that’s what your “worldly science” might call it); that let me know there’s a lot more going on than any of us could ever ever understand.. but that God is in fact real. Mixed with some sort of Shakespearean “all the world is merely a stage and we it’s players” type of thing.

I also learned that things like “Ascension” and “kundalini awakenings” are very very real as well.

Different names, same substances. That sorta thing.

At the end of the day though, Righteousness, Power, Discipline, Humility (being humble), and Love. Are extremely important.

Most of all though, I learned that 90% of the stuff in this world should be stayed away from. Like politics, violence, hatred, division. All that sort of stuff that keeps people attuned to corrupting their “self” that we experience so often in our day to day lives.

But most of all from that “experience” I had, I learned just how little we all truly know nothing in the grand scheme of things. And it’s best to follow your own intuition and heart and not to listen to others; the whole “blind leading the blind” type of thing.

Even my comments, take it for a grain of salt. If it helps, cool beans. If it doesn’t, disregard it.

Anywho, thanks for listening, you all have a good day.


u/ChefCombo 3d ago

Well said.


u/QuantumFungus 3d ago

Your own doubt and anger is your own problems to deal with.

I don't know if this is projection or just a big assumption. I know religious people like to dismiss atheists as edgy teens angry at god, but for my part I'm doing the best I ever have in my many decades of life right now. I lost toxic job a few months back. I've got more motivation then I ever have. I'm in a stable and caring relationship. My mental health is soaring and I feel great. So if you aren't in a good place I hope you find what you need to do better.

As for doubt, that's not a problem for me. My whole philosophy is based on doubt. Just as with science, in my philosophy it is impossible to be 100% sure of anything. There always needs to be room for changing your mind if new data upsets your existing understanding of things. I think that all I can do is hone my understanding based on what I know now.

IMO more people should embrace doubt, but false certainty is so en vogue. Especially when people are being told that they have a manual for the universe and a direct line to the creator. How could it be wrong if the creator of the creator of the universe told me?

maybe take on your own credible beliefs and understandings while not basing it off of what others have done.

Nah. Basing things you think and do on the foundation laid by other people is literally the entire basis of culture. Looking at what other people have done and said and then keeping the good parts and discarding the bad parts is fundamental to cultural progress.

do you wanna be Loving and Just? Or do you want to be Angry, and hateful?

I think you have the wrong impression of atheists based on the religious community's popular perception of us. I can't even complete the evil route in RPGs because I don't like being mean.