r/TheBoys You're The Real Heroes 1d ago

Who is the strongest being that Homelander could reasonably win against? Discussion

All of this low effort “muh buh Superman would beat the shit out of Omelinda” posts flood the sub everytime a season ends, but what foe would Homelander, though not particularly powerful when put against the classic superhero stereotype, struggle against but not get oneshotted by?


272 comments sorted by

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u/Ok_Turnover_6768 1d ago

I think he can beat Harry Potter


u/Serraph105 1d ago

I wonder how/if he could stand up to Avada Kedavra. On the one hand, Homelander is super strong, on the other hand it's designed to magically kill people, which doesn't follow the rules of strength.


u/PoorCorrelation 1d ago

It looks like his laser range is further than Avada Kedavra. So as long as he stays out of range he’s good.


u/AugustusClaximus 1d ago

Based of what I’ve seen Homelander is fast enough to dodge most spells. They don’t travel at the speed of light and you see Wizards parrying each others spells.

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u/Tinmanred 1d ago

There are spells that should be able to block that shit theoretically but ya


u/Ok_Turnover_6768 1d ago

Homelander will laser them before they even say it. Joke aside, he considers it won't be harmful to him, so he just would die if he let them cast the spell. Or just doesn't work somehow? Because supe is special? I don't know.


u/Serraph105 1d ago

It would be pretty hilarious if he just let it hit him and he died. Only Harry survived it because his mommy loved him, and only Homelander loves Homelander lol.


u/Lokvin 1d ago

Maybe if he loves himself enough he'll be able to withstand it


u/chiefballsy 1d ago

It'll depend how much breast milk he drank recently


u/smithburg2021 1d ago

You don’t need to verbally say a spell’s name to use it. If I remember correctly saying it in your head is enough once you learn how to do it. Which is also why in the movies a bunch of characters are using spells without saying anything.


u/Tinmanred 1d ago

I think you do for the killing curse but overall you are right ya. He uses Sectum sempra which kills if not healed magically without saying it. What he would use if bloodlusted

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u/lexE5839 Vought 1d ago

The movies did a very poor job of showing it but wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort can cast devastating spells with barely a thought and zero gesture or incantation required. They also both show some degree of precognition and the ability to read minds as well.

There’s probably many spells to give yourself superhuman abilities, that could include shields capable of blocking homelander. Or making themselves totally impervious to physical touch etc.

With prep time they could probably easily beat Homelander. Without it they get blitzed unless the dumbass decides to monologue or underestimated them.


u/Tinmanred 1d ago

A bloodlusted Harry imo is using Sectum Sempra without even talking. Top wizards don’t have to say the spell everytime and he uses it against deatheaters. Sectum sempra would bleed out Homelander and one shot as well. Just a faster cast


u/LE_Literature 1d ago

Harry Potter doesn't use that curse.


u/Serraph105 1d ago

Very true.


u/MeowMeowPizzaBoobs 1d ago

You underestimate Expelliarmus.


u/jokeook 1d ago

Homelander: eyes glow red

Harry: expelliarmus

Homelander: eyes fly out of sockets wait what the fuck


u/sadmadstudent 1d ago

Homelander: eyes go red

Harry: (inside his head) obliviate

Homelander, losing all sense of memory and motor function: unnnuhnnnuhnnguhhh


u/Raspberry_Anxious 1d ago

A regular guy with a gun can beat Harry Potter. He can’t say a spell or swing his wand faster than a speeding bullet


u/DancingFlame321 1d ago

In the DC Universe, Superman has some vulnerability to magic (against beings like Shazam and Black Adam). Although Homelander is not in the DC Universe, he is Superman's counterpart. So one could assume Homelander would also have some vulnerability to magic, especially from Harry Potter. But ultimately this is just conjecture.


u/Muski0 1d ago

Magic doesn't exist in the boys verse tho


u/DancingFlame321 1d ago

Neither does Harry Potter, it's conjecture


u/ConsulJuliusCaesar 1d ago

The problem is the rules of Harry potter defy the rules that govern and create the atmosphere of the boys. It’s impossible to know if a spell wouldn’t or would work on Homelander.

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u/JWARRIOR1 1d ago

One thats pretty debatable either way in r/powerscaling is mr incredible vs homelander.

Homelander takes speed IMO but mr incredible does have similar reaction feats (reacting to jackjack's lazers and some gunfire). That being said, HL has more TRAVEL speed rather than fight speed.

For durability its weird. The nuke statement for homelander is a SUPER outliar and with that he would take durability. in terms of actual feats its definitely MR incredible from how much he gets tossed around and fighting the robot. He also got thrown hundreds of feet into solid rock and was crushed a bunch. (not to mention edna's suit basically hard counters the heat vision from HL and any other types of explosions/durability).

Strength is mr incredible by far in terms of feats with holding up the giant robot, and outright chucking it/punching it a near city block in 1 go.

HL does have flight but almost never fights from above, not to mention his only range is his heat vision which Mr incredible has dodged lasers before and has the heat resistant suit. Additionally, mr incredible has CRAZY good throwing feats with accuracy and strength.

I give it slightly mr incredible favored but certainly can believe HL winning 3/10 - 4/10 times.

Another one people mentioned was tighten from megamind, but I think thats more tighten favored.


u/Infamous_Gain9481 1d ago

Tighten is able to lift skyscrapers, he’d def whoop Homie for sure


u/JWARRIOR1 1d ago

Yeah I agree, but its one of the closer matchups


u/DanSapSan 1d ago

One of the few superman archetypes where Homelander might actually outsmart his opponent.


u/Lucky_Roberts 1d ago

Comic homelander is actually very smart

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u/JotaroTheOceanMan 1d ago edited 1d ago

Bob has LEAGUES more reaction speed amd quick thinking than HL and actually fought challenges and trained.


u/ClockworkDreamz 1d ago

He could fick up dead pool continuously


u/UltimateBorisJohnson 1d ago

"Oh yes, keep lasering me I'm almost done"

"Why- won't- you- just- fucking- DIE"


u/ConsulJuliusCaesar 1d ago

I read this in both their voices. You nailed it perfectly.

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u/adzy2k6 1d ago

Ironman maybe?


u/LGodamus 1d ago

Ironman absolutely claps homelander MCU or 616


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

MCU Iron Man can draw blood from Thanos, who is about country-level, far above Homelander.


u/AdornedInExtraMedium 1d ago

What the heck does country-level mean lol


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

Haha, it’s a term used in “who-would-win” communities.

It means you can output/survive attacks with the energy required to destroy a country. Note that it doesn’t mean they could wipe a nation off the map, due to issues of range.


u/supersmall69 1d ago

So that's Vatican City country level or Russian country level


u/Trollcifer 1d ago

Vatican City if he's fully rested. Russia if he's got Covid.


u/bigvibrations 1d ago

The divine might of our Lord and Saviour doin a lot of heavy lifting in Vatican City


u/himynameiskettering 1d ago

To add-on to the other comment, it's called power scaling, I believe it's origins are from anime, but it's everywhere now.


u/WaitItsAllCheese 1d ago

How is Thanos country-level if he was able to wipe out half of all life? Wouldn't that make him at least half-the-universe level?


u/Invincidude 1d ago

The Infinity Gauntlet is Universe Level. It can do anything. Thanos just used it.

If I was in an indestructible box, I wouldn't be indestructible.


u/Codysseus7 1d ago

No, but if you had wheels then you would be a bike


u/Invincidude 1d ago

I got no petals, chain or seat though.


u/SeasonalBlackout 1d ago

If you had petals you'd be a flower.


u/Invincidude 1d ago



u/Ok-Neighborhood-7465 1d ago

Totally underrated comment. You won in my book today.


u/delulumans 1d ago

I mean... that's literally Iron Man 😭


u/ThaRealSunGod Cunt 1d ago


Well actually, iron man is defined by the presence of the suit, you are thinking of "Tony Stark" billionaire philanthropist playboy

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u/Ornery_Macaroon2027 1d ago

in range, not AP. being able to snap away people doesn’t mean you have the strength to blow up a universe. however infinity gauntlet bypasses conventional durability so


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

Sorry, Thanos’s physical body is country level due to scaling above Thor


u/WaitItsAllCheese 1d ago

Maybe I just don't get it lol


u/undercooked_lasagna 1d ago

I'm still totally confused about Thor's vulnerability. Like, do bullets bounce off of him like Superman? Hulk full-force smashed him and he was knocked out but otherwise unharmed. So why are bad guys always attacking him with swords and stuff? Isn't that pointless? Also how long can he survive in space? Can he live underwater?


u/HazelCheese 1d ago

Superhero logic dictates that the material of the melee weapon only matters if it affects the target in a positive or negative way.

Otherwise it just counts as an extension of whoever is wielding it. A sword wielded by Superman only breaks if it hits someone tough enough to take a punch from him.

Hence why the Maive straw worked.


u/Tinmanred 1d ago

I mean real logic also points to the damage they can do being based on the force they are used with. A sword swung by Superman will do more than a sharper sword wielded by HL


u/lunarlunacy425 22h ago

There's a realistic limit to this though, the material needs to be able to translate this force.

The factvthat materials compromise at high forces js what allows crumple zones in cars to work.

If you use a bendy straw to stab someone at mach 3 vs normal people speeds you'd likely end up just softening the blow of your fist colliding with them rather than making the straw hurt more.

(Reletivity not withstanding, we don't really fully understand relativistic effects on matter and only have theories about larger object traveling that speed.


u/Tinmanred 13h ago

Ya it’s definitely an interesting topic and you seem to know more on it than me, it just ya interesting. Like how high enough pressure water can cut threw some metals, it’s wild. But yes doesn’t work for everything like you just explained


u/PurposeLess31 I'm the real hero 1d ago

Thor is above any Earth weapon that isn't made by Tony Stark, especially if they're not made out of alien tech, except maybe nukes. The reason he doesn't seem all that durable is because he constantly fights against aliens with leaps and bounds stronger weapons than humanity. Remember, Thor may be called a god by everyone but in the end, he's just a super strong alien with magical superpowers. No different than Superman. He's not a cosmic being.


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

MCU bullets are likely far, far stronger than real life bullets considering they can hurt Spider-Man. that being said, current Thor is much stronger than Spider-Man, so there's no reason to believe they would work.

People come at Thor with Asgardian weapons that are stronger than ours.


u/Lord_Tompa117 1d ago

I don’t even see him being country level . He has done nothing in close to being country level .  Not even Vatican level 


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

He beats up Thor, who shook Jotunheim and survived the force of Nidevilier.

He also broke the tesseract, which when calculated requires similar force.

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u/Jevonar 1d ago

The gems don't increase Thanos' durability. He can use the reality stone to avoid attacks, but he didn't do so in the specific situation where he was wounded. Probably he enjoyed the fight.


u/WaitItsAllCheese 1d ago

But why measure based on durability? Pretty sure Homelander could rip Dr Strange or Wanda Maximoff in half, but both of those are canonically multiversal threats


u/Jevonar 1d ago

Thanos without gems has well-rounded stats. So in infinity war, his only gemless feats are the fight vs hulk, and all his durability feats (since it's not improved by the gems). This gives us a lot of scenes where iron man with his latest armor has fought Thanos, giving us a good estimate of the extent of his power.

Evaluating the power of his beams against the reality gem is worthless; doing so against thanos' armor or skin gives a better estimate.


u/Lucky_Roberts 1d ago

That’s nano tech iron man, first avengers movie iron man is losing


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

First Avengers? Maybe. In Age of Ultron he survived the destruction of Sokovia.

Depends on how much stronger his suit gets between movies.


u/Lucky_Roberts 22h ago

Considering Iron Man 3 takes place between those 2 movies…

I’d say there’s a significant increase between Avengers 1 and 2 lol


u/Greyjack00 10h ago

Iron mams third suit tanked a tank round, so he's atleast got comics homelander beat


u/Kinetic_Symphony 1d ago

To be honest, I think people don't give Iron Man the credit he deserves. Almost every character in the MCU could unload 100% on Thanos and never break his skin.

Tony might actually be able to kill Thanos if he just stood there. Which doesn't sound amazing, but it's freaking Thanos and Tony's just a genius playboy philanthropist.


u/JWARRIOR1 1d ago

iron man is neg diffing homelander even in his weakest suits.


u/Tom_Stevens617 1d ago

Mark VII onwards probably but before that it's a pretty fair match up slightly leaning towards HL


u/PurposeLess31 I'm the real hero 1d ago

Yeah tbh, Homelander would shitstomp all of Tony's suits in Iron Man 1, 2 and 3. Especially the suits in 3 that were being ripped apart like toys by barely impressive supersoldiers that were nowhere near Captain America's level.

Tony's Avengers 2012 suit would hold up great against Homelander. It didn't get ripped apart immediately by Thor even if he was holding back. That puts it above Homelander in my opinion. It's not a "haha i win" button but it gives him a great advantage. I don"t remember much of his Age of Ultron suit though I don't think it was damaged in a significant way throughout the whole movie so I guess it'll do fine. The Hulkbuster suit also destroys Homelander. The Civil War suit wouldn't fare so well, as it was damaged beyond use by Steve and Bucky. Sure, the final hit that took it down was from Steve's vibranium shield, but it was still being damaged by Bucky's metal arm which wasn't vibranium until Infinity War. If Homelander gets his hands on that suit, Tony is done for.

And obviously, any of Tony's nanotech suits utterly destroy Homelander.


u/HazelCheese 1d ago

We don't know if the Hulkbuster can handle lasers, since Hulk doesn't have them. It's also pretty slow and Hulk was able to use a bit of debris to impale and break off one of the arms.

I feel like it needs to be one of the nanotech suits.


u/adzy2k6 1d ago

I feel like the scaling in Tony's suits is weird, but fits the level of the film he's in. Wasn't Iron Man 3 after the avengers?


u/PurposeLess31 I'm the real hero 1d ago

Yes, but he was experimenting with some new suit stuff so maybe that's why they were so much weaker than his Avengers 2012 suit.


u/ary31415 1d ago

Which one is mark 7 again


u/Tom_Stevens617 1d ago

The one he uses at the end of The Avengers after his 6 got destroyed


u/JSevatar 1d ago

ahh I don't know about his weakest suits. Especially if this is MCU

But if we're talking comics, Tony can pull all kinds of insane feats. Just off the top of my head I could see Tony just inject him with nanites or something from his suit that destroy him from inside


u/JWARRIOR1 1d ago

yeah that was a bit of a stretch but iron man demolishes homelander in like 90% of his suits


u/donotaskname7 1d ago

I doubt the mark 1 or 5 could do anything against him, neg diff? I'd like to see why you think that


u/JWARRIOR1 1d ago

I was referring to comics where even the weaker suits are well above HL but yeah mark 1 and early mcu suits are losing or at least even


u/yobaby123 1d ago

Mr. Satan.


u/Lucky_Roberts 1d ago

Mr Satan survived a hit from Perfect Cell, Homelander’s punches would bounce off him


u/Heroinfxtherr 1d ago

Perfect Cell was heavily suppressed, and I believe that was a gag scene since I’ve heard Toriyama joke that Mr Satan would get smoked by Bob Sapp in real life.


u/Lucky_Roberts 1d ago

Smoke and mirrors, all of it.


u/ThaRealSunGod Cunt 1d ago

Right, and then you're going to tell me that Mr.Satan didn't single handedly save us from Majin Buu.

Can we still report misinformation around here?


u/yobaby123 18h ago

True. Forgot his influence is so powerful that he could turn everyone against Homelander by blinking.


u/LordPopothedark You're The Real Heroes 1d ago



u/scaremanga 1d ago

Go Avs Go!


u/narniasreal 1d ago

A Canada goose if he has prep time


u/Dense-Tangerine7502 1d ago

Homelander is weird because he is so fast when he flies, but not at all during normal combat.

His laser vision also immediately cuts through anything he uses it against like a lightsaber. It’d be good to know if there was some kind of limit on that.

I think he’d be able to beat one of the weaker green lanterns.


u/ATR2400 Vought 1d ago

With how DC has been treating Green Lantern the last decade or two, Homelander would stomp any version of Green Lantern just because his own writers hate him. I can predict exactly how the battle will go, doesn’t matter which exact Green Lantern.

GL will attack Homelander with a few unimaginative attacks which either miss or do nothing, Homelander will strike back, GL will make a shield, the shield breaks, GL is exhausted by this and falls unconscious


u/LGodamus 1d ago

there is definitely a limit, it usually only cuts very shallowly into metals, like on the airplane early in the series his beams cut into the controls but not through the body of the plane, and when he hits walls you dont see it cutting down the whole building usually just the first wall the beams hit.


u/dimondsprtn Jordan Li 1d ago

Bro you bring up him lasering the airplane controls and conveniently leave out him lasering a whole plane in half in the first episode, or him heating up a bottle milk.

Do you think he’s always going full power on humans or something?


u/AffectionateMoose518 1d ago

He's usually either pissed off or thinking the people he's killing deserves it, right? So I'd imagine he is


u/dimondsprtn Jordan Li 1d ago

No, he thinks of humans as bugs. Do you stomp full force when you want to squish an ant?

“Terrific! 👍🚀”


u/AffectionateMoose518 1d ago

That's fair, but I do think he is still going full throttle on people, so as to say.

When he killed Madelyn in front of Butcher it takes a few seconds for the lasers to fully go through her head, and they slowly burn through instead of instantly going straight through, unlike pretty much every other time he killed a human where the lasers immediately cut through them, like when that guy threw a water bottle at Ryan and homelander killed him.

I feel like most of the time he kills people, he's angry, thinks they truly deserve to die, or because he thinks he's doing good/ helping, like when he shot down that private jet. So I do think he goes full throttle in those situations despite his beliefs of humans, because clearly he can laser people in such a way that the lasers don't immediately cut through them when he wants to.


u/dimondsprtn Jordan Li 1d ago

He can also laser in a way that it cuts through an entire plane. Why are you just ignoring that we’ve seen his lasers do way more than “cut very shallowly into metals.”


u/AffectionateMoose518 1d ago

Ok now I'm confused and I'm just gonna restate myself:

The original big thing I replied to was the second part of the original comment that I replied to. (I'm not the same guy who you replied to first btw lol idk if you realize that.) I do think he's going full throttle on humans when he wants to, and he clearly controls the power he puts into them. He can slowly burn through someone's skull with them, he can warm up a bottle of milk with them, he can cut through multiple people instantaneously with them, and he can cut a plane in half with them.

That's all I was saying, man. I wasn't ignoring anything, I was really just replying to the second part of your comment and then defending my idea


u/LGodamus 19h ago

He just needs to laser through one side of the wall of the plane and it will tear itself apart along the seam created


u/Sufficient-Lemon-377 1d ago

Possibly Iron Man but I have a hard time believing Tony couldn't figure out a way to beat him. Homie has him beat in every physical stat but Iron Man is used to fighting people he's not stronger than, he's at a disadvantage but an Iron Man win is by no means impossible. Obviously he could beat Batman if he didn't have plot armor, but Batman inherently has plot armor so he wins that one too. Maybe the Immortal from Invincible? He seems to not know how to handle stronger opponents with how easily he got pieced up by Omni Man


u/mpbeasto123 1d ago

Batman would exploit his slight vulnerability to certain sound frequencies, combined with Scarecrow’s fear toxin to drum up Omie’s trauma. This would cripple him and immobilise him, and then Batman could use the Novichok trick used on Soldier Boy.


u/AdaptableBlob 1d ago

Or he can create some sort of gas that can get rid of compound v in his body. He can also use that pill that Alfred used to beat up Superman.


u/Sufficient-Lemon-377 1d ago edited 1d ago

The Injustice pill is a plot convenience thing to make a fighting game make sense. Without it it's really stupid green arrow can punch Superman and do any damage. Basically the Injustice pill is only possible in that universe and it's unlikely any other version of Batman would be able to create it. That being said I'm pretty confident he could engineer something to get rid of the V from Homelanders body like you mentioned


u/sheepyowl 16h ago

I think that unlike The Boys, Batty actually follows through with his plans. He would likely win if he was in-universe as a replacement for them, and he would probably avoid a direct confrontation.

In a contextless fight, he's fukin deaaaaad though. He's just a rich jacked-up ultra-trained mecha-suited guy at his strongest.


u/mpbeasto123 15h ago

Oh ofc, batman needs his prep time


u/ATR2400 Vought 1d ago

I don’t know if Homelander is above Iron Man in every physical stat. Late-MCU Iron Man took and dished out some serious hits. He had moon chunks thrown at him and he got back up none the worse for wear, and his nanite shield was able to take a blast from the power stone, a literal physical embodiment of the concept of power, and likely far stronger than Homelander’s eye beams.

Homelander might be faster though, or more accurately, he has finer control while at speed. Iron Man has gone ridiculously fast a few times but it’s mostly straight-line flight, while Homelander has more displayed dexterity with his speed. Then again, Tony has AI, so he might be able to pull some predictive tricks


u/Sufficient-Lemon-377 1d ago

If Tony calls in the legion Homelanders pretty much fucked. His only weakness we've been shown is getting jumped.


u/C9sButthole 1d ago

Honestly going off MCU, Tony with the Mk50 was able to box Thanos and put up a better fight than Thor did at the start of the movie, vs a weaker Thanos. He has dealt damage to opponents far more durable. And taken hits from opponents far more powerful. I like his odds.

Peak comics iron man beats him down like swatting a gnat.


u/LGodamus 1d ago

actually, if we are talking comics ironman, Ironman has the stats advantage, in every single category.

MCU its a bit debateable


u/eeeeeep 1d ago

MCU Iron Man took down the Hulk, did he not? The Hulk would rip Homelander in half in an instant. So, by the transitive property, Iron Man is clear of Homelander.


u/PoorCorrelation 1d ago

Being able to fly and use laser eyes makes him pretty untouchable by a lot of genres. If they can’t do projectile weapons and they’re mortal they’re screwed.

Achilles, Toph (and most of A:TLA), The Night King (GoT, really almost anyone from the fantasy genre), Percy Jackson (or anyone else with water powers), Vampires (and most of the supernatural genre).


u/BowTie1989 1d ago

Bringing up the last Airbender…wonder if bloodbending would work on HL. If so, things could get interesting.


u/LGodamus 1d ago

we dont know , since what is essentially bloodbending is in the boys, but no one has dared to try it on homelander


u/BowTie1989 1d ago

🤦‍♂️ totally forgot about the head popping thing. Lol


u/rmdelecuona 1d ago

Something tells me Marie might try it

It’s not like Neuman can anymore, after all


u/kzzzzzzzzzz28 1d ago

I think Percy Jackson is being underestimated here.

Curse of Achilles Percy likely beats Homelander more often than not.

Even regular Percy, as long as he is near some source of Water, should be able to beat Homelander with his control over water. by literally drowning him in it as seen with Akhyls. Or the fact that he's been shown to be able to create actual hurricanes.


u/-GoldenHandTheJust- 1d ago

he created a mini hurricane, which didn’t even do much. Don’t see how that’ll hurt homelander.

Homelander can fly, so i don’t really see how water can contain him.


u/IConsumeThereforeIAm 57m ago

Vampires are often portrayed as beings with superhuman speed and strength. Pretty sure the old fucker in the cave from witcher 3 could cut homelander in half before he even realizes whats up. Dude is so fast it looks like he can teleport.


u/John_Fx 1d ago

He would lose to Dr Phil


u/Top_Tart_7558 1d ago

I think Dr. Phil would break his ego, and Homelander would kill tens of millions of innocent people in response


u/Lyberatis 1d ago

Dr. Phil would be on Homelander's side


u/WhereIsTheBeef556 1d ago

Isn't Dr. Phil a crooked grifter though? He'd probably like Homelander lol


u/John_Fx 1d ago

But he would feel super bad about it after!


u/Various-Passenger398 1d ago

It's hard to say, his power level fluctuates wildly depending on the needs of the plot. 


u/Haley_Tha_Demon 1d ago

So do all superhero movies


u/Various-Passenger398 1d ago

That's why it's a pointless task.  If his power level is constantly changing in universe, how do we know what he's capable of with another one?


u/CloseToMyActualName 1d ago

I think that's the root of the interesting take.

It's all about tiers, within a tier it needs to be an even match, and between tiers the lower-ranked needs a chance of winning to make in interesting.

In The Boys universe bottom level heroes are on the same tier as a trained/prepared human. And mid-tier heroes can be consistently taken out by a group of sufficiently prepared/clever humans (The Boys). Even top-tier heroes (members of the 7) can be taken out by normal humans, but they need a lot of prep, some luck, and even some assistance from other heroes.

Homelander's ranking is a bit inconsistent. Mostly he's a tier above the top-tier where several top-tier heroes can potentially take him down. It's sometimes implied he's two tiers higher (ie, releasing the flight video would cause Homelander to go berserk and no combination could stop him), but I think one tier higher is accurate.

Either way, human -> low -> mid -> high -> elite (Homelander), that's 5 tiers. So just count up the tiers from human to hero for another franchise and you got your answer.


u/TooManySorcerers I fart the star spangled banner 1d ago

I guess he could probably defeat Luke Cage or Jessica Jones


u/LGodamus 1d ago

he has the range and speed advantage for sure, he prolly wouldnt wanna brawl with comics luke cage though

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u/dimondsprtn Jordan Li 1d ago

Tf would Jessica Jones do to Homelander?


u/tophaloaph 1d ago

Ruin every day he’d ever had and will have.


u/tophaloaph 1d ago

Literally both of those characters have taken full blasts from characters way stronger than Homelander.


u/TooManySorcerers I fart the star spangled banner 14h ago

In the MCU???? When?


u/tophaloaph 10h ago

Who said MCU? Those are the weakest versions of those characters?


u/TooManySorcerers I fart the star spangled banner 9h ago

I didn’t say it, but I think it’s fair to use MCU over comics here. Homelander is fucked against pretty much anyone if we use comic versions of characters. It’s a lot more interesting if we only consider live action variants of characters (and associated works that are canon to them, like Diabolical). Otherwise, if we went comics, you could just have Batman show up and murder Homelander with the Hellbat suit. And don’t even get me started on a matchup against someone like Spiderman. I don’t even think Homelander can take MCU Spiderman, so the comic variant who’s way stronger and has crazy stuff like the sinister six suit is just a curbstomp against Homelander.


u/Mindless_Praline2227 1d ago

Probably Wolverine. Home lander will fry the MF on sight. Unless Wolverine catches him by surprise and slices him into thin pieces.


u/TeaAndCrumpets4life 1d ago

I’d say Spider-Man is his absolute limit because that matchup could go either way and you can debate it forever


u/LGodamus 1d ago

I agree with this one even leaning spiderman 60/40


u/delulumans 1d ago

Does Spidey have laser resistance?


u/LGodamus 19h ago

No be he has spider sense, and the agility to back it up, paired with strength that is at least on par if not exceeding what we have seen from homelander and much much more experience fighting super powered beings.

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u/Infamous_Gain9481 1d ago edited 1d ago

Strongest character he could realistically beat is one of the live action spidermen with both characters having mediocre feats (compared to top tier characters in dc/marvel). The only problem for Homelander here is the fact that Spiderman has super fast combat speeds (he's able to dodge electro's lightning), at the same time though, he's getting hit by normal humans like Doc Ock and shocker, so his speed is wildly inconsistent. Assuming Homelander is able to tag him, if it came down to a brawl, Spiderman would likely win due to his superior agility and combat. If Homelander is able to hit Spiderman with his lasers, he'll die just about immediately due to his pretty weak piercing resistance. I'd favor Spidey due to his agility 6/10 assuming Homelander is fast enough to hit him.

If Homelander isn't able to tag him though, I'd give it to Spidey 10/10. Homelander also dusts someone like MCU Captain America pretty easily, Urorboros Wesker from Resident due to his vulnerability to heat, street tier characters such as Luke Cage, King Shark, Daredevil, Peacemaker etc. get instantly obliterated (except for Luke Cage who probably won't die instantly), Brightburn and the whole Watchmen verse other than Dr.Manhattan. He might be able to beat Iron Man in his armor from his first movie and the one he had in Civl War.


u/Volatiiile 1d ago

Possibly hot take, but as a Spider-Man fan I do think Homelander would be able to handle base level comic Spider-Man (Amazing/Ultimate Spider-Man). There's nothing Spider-Man can actually do to effectively hurt Homelander, in The Boys universe he would maybe be around Black Noir's level of strength or slightly higher (capable of ripping someone's jaw off or killing them with one punch to the head). While Peter is VERY strong and experienced, Homelander vastly outweighs him in speed, strength, and durability. Peter could annoy him for a while but the longer the fight goes on, the more in Homelander's favor it becomes. Even with his Spider Sense, it's shown Peter is STILL able to be hit, and one hit from Homelander on him would likely be lethal. I'd say the fight would be similar to Spider-Man vs Morlun


u/delulumans 1d ago

I think comic spiderman is on the same level of strength as Homelander


u/Volatiiile 1d ago

Imo he's somewhat weaker, but even if he is as strong, Homelander is still far more durable and in a fistfight if they were trading blows, Spider-Man would be dead by the second punch from Homie.


u/delulumans 1d ago

Is Show Homelander more durable to blunt force? Maeve's bus level punches made his nose bleed


u/neptunianstrawberry 22h ago

they're pretty inconsistent with this. in season 1 stillwell brags that he can endure nukes just fine. i'd argue both he and maeve were nerfed in that fight


u/delulumans 22h ago

That nuke statement was probably an exaggeration


u/Virtual-Okra6996 1d ago

He might be about to beat Mary Jane Watson but it would be close.

Other than that probably no one because they have experience


u/roach8812 23h ago

I don't know bout that one, Homelander seems to enjoy some redhead milkers. 😅


u/dapzar 23h ago

Homelander could win against tons of early versions of super heroes.

The super hero genre is full of endlessly milked characters, reboots, alternate timelines, etc. To stay interesting, many of those series have had power creep for decades, of cause all the characters have at some point beaten someone stronger than HL.

Homelander could beat season 1 Dragon Ball's Son Goku right after Bulma ran into him if Son Goku wasn't the main character and the plot demanded it. I mean, 600 chapters later, characters that can casually blow up planets can get hurt by bullets if they are not careful or out of training.


u/Darth_khashem 1d ago

I'd say Spider-man maybe and Definatly most Street leve heroes.


u/Infamous-Ad-3078 1d ago

Spiderman, older Ironman suits, Wolverine (won't be able to kill him but if he played his cards right he can incapacitate him), inexperienced Invincible


u/lexE5839 Vought 1d ago

Spider-Man. His lasers could kill Peter, and he probably could kill him pretty easily if he tagged him. He’s faster in movement speed and more durable than Peter by a longshot, reflexes I’m not sure but Homelander is no slouch in that department.

Strength is comparable and Peter is much smarter and a better fighter.

Thats probably the strongest, but if you want most powerful he could kill glass cannons like Scarlett witch with the lasers in theory.


u/theBulldog3 1d ago

Seth Rogen in pineapple express


u/yomammaaaaa 1d ago

Jem, unless Synergy helped her to produce milk.


u/WendigoCrossing 1d ago edited 1d ago

Dragon Ball - Yamcha

One Punch Man - He'd do well against the majority of S Tier

Invincible - the Teen Team


u/DripBoii227 1d ago

Yamcha would eat the verse alive lmao.

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u/GodNonon Supersonic 1d ago edited 1d ago

Tanktop Master can throw electrical towers and 6 story buildings hundreds of feet in the air his bare hands, and he is one of the weakest S-Classes. Puri calls himself the weakest S-Class, and he can run through reinforced steel walls and is stronger than a guy who knocked over a skyscraper with one punch. (Note that Puri wasn't even at 50% strength when this happened since he didn't rip his sweater like he did when powering up to 50% against Sea King)

The absolute best Homelander is accomplishing against S-Class is a stalemate with Zombieman. Any of the other S-Class heroes would demolish him in a fight.


u/ThirdAcctFTW 1d ago

One punch man would clear and I think Mark would as well.

Saitama seems to fight much more deadly opposition and literally decimate them so idk lol


u/bshaddo 1d ago

Bigger Homelander


u/Raspberry_Anxious 1d ago

Homelander is always weird to me, bc he looks so weak in the show, but the say how even Nukes can’t kill him.


u/AtomicAtom14 Black Noir 22h ago

I'm really hoping they amp him up for season 5


u/Illuminacho7 1d ago

S1 homelander could beat walt


u/Vengefuleight 1d ago

Spider-Man. Super strong, but not OP like Superman (usually).


u/Esterosa69 Mother's Milk 1d ago

That reminds me of the scene from Constantine where Satan pulls the cancer out of his lungs


u/BastardofMelbourne 1d ago

Booster Gold


u/coycabbage 1d ago

John wicks dog


u/LImbotU 1d ago

First season Ben 10.


u/Ambitious-Pirate-505 1d ago

The thing i think people are missing is that Homelander can bleed. And he feels physical pain.

Plus he's aging, so he's not immune to time.


u/roach8812 23h ago

I'd love to see Spawn vs Homelander. Al would stomp him imo.


u/Horror_Hippo_3438 21h ago

Batman kicked Superman. I'm betting on Batman.


u/MakinBaconWithMacon 21h ago

Didn’t he use like kryptonite knuckles or some cheat?


u/Horror_Hippo_3438 20h ago

He used his wits and patience to find a vulnerability and create a weapon. For Superman, kryptonite, for Homelander, something else.


u/MakinBaconWithMacon 19h ago

Even though Superman is massively stronger I don’t think homelander has an Achilles heel other than his ego and mental state.


u/frenchbluehorn 21h ago

the Lich …


u/DueReality7 16h ago

I wonder can Homelander destroy USS Enterprise from Start Trek?


u/HeyMrKing 16h ago



u/Bsismyname01 15h ago

i think he can beat any non nanotech mcu iron man suit, as well as any live action spiderman


u/Truthisreal21 10h ago

The Hulk, unlike Superman he wouldn't hold back out of dear of killing the Hulk. It's homelander so he likely would take a couple punches and be surprised the Hulk could hurt him but I think once the Hulk hits him with a punch that sends him flying, I think Homelander goes all out and possibly kills the Hulk


u/foggyadaptation 8h ago

Martian man hunter


u/Amber-Apologetics 1d ago

Homelander is City Level (could survive a nuke) and FTL (reacts to Solider Boy who can react to Starlight’s beams).

Someone considered strong by popular understanding that Homelander would beat? Steve from Minecraft comes to mind.


u/Cykablyatintensifies Cunt 1d ago

Homie is not at all ftl, lmao

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u/WhereIsTheBeef556 1d ago

He can allegedly survive a nuke, based on a single statement from a notoriously sketchy and dishonest corporation.


u/LGodamus 1d ago

its not like they tested it , its propaganda


u/LGodamus 1d ago

we have no proof he can survive a nuke other than he says he can, and hes a narcissist and an unreliable narrator