r/XboxSeriesX Dec 15 '23

Skull and Bones is disappointing Review

So I got into the Beta, you get to play for 6 hours. This game is not what I was expecting. Online only game and due to this the visuals aren't all that great. Out of the 4 tasks I've done three were fetch quests. The voices don't quite match the mouth oddly.

We could have had a really good single player story here and online functionality similar to Sea of Theives but unfortunately it's far from it.

Waited ages for this but genuinely disappointed in what they've come out with.


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u/elberto405 Dec 17 '23

The combat and missions???? Like everything is far cry just new map. And I played every single one exactly like far cry just new map story and characters


u/Cannasseur___ Dec 17 '23 edited Dec 17 '23

By that logic every open world first person shooter is like Far Cry, you guys are just being stupid.

Avatar has no ADS, only has two guns and has no abilities like Far Cry’s skill tree. Movement is totally different, Avatars is basically parkour while FC is more realistic.

Should I keep going? There are tons of differences you dumbasses see Ubisoft open world first person shooter and immediately think Far Cry because you lack the ability to think critically and independently.


u/elberto405 Dec 17 '23

You act like every far cry has the same level Mechanics they don't what you FAIL TO SEE is that all they did was take farcdys engine and added avatar skins that's itthey added parkour whoopee how long did that take to add like a week bro no its farcry in space like I said I've played them all I literally went and downloaded Far cry primal and it felt nearly identical


u/Cannasseur___ Dec 18 '23

Lol you’re just showing what a dumbass you are now , Avatar is in an engine called Snowdrop , because it’s developed by Massive. Ubisoft did not develop this game , they published it. Ubisoft develops Far Cry in the Dunia engine.

So not only is it an entirely different engine it’s a different studio, you have literally no idea what you’re talking about, all you know how to do is speak out of your ass. I don’t what it is about idiots and their inability to just keep quiet or you know, you could have done 5 minutes of research.