r/excel 11h ago

Discussion How do I explain my Excel skills briefly on a resume?


I've been offered the chance to apply for a job with much better pay, and they need someone who's really good at Excel, which I am.

I can't do everything; I haven't gotten into power queries yet, and I can't create forms. There are also a lot of functions I'm not familiar with since I've never needed to use them.

But other than that? There isn't a lot I can't do. Spreadsheets, graphs, pivot tables, I make (write, not just record) macros, know functions from as old as lookup to add new as xlookup, index-match, conditional formation, lookup tables, sumpproduct, you name it. If Excel can do it, I can almost certainly make it happen. I am not certified (I was briefly a couple decades back), because being certified wasn't of any real value to me.

But I haven't written a resume in almost over a decade and a half, and I have no idea how to communicate my Excel skills. What the hell do I put down? This offer came out of the blue, and I need to send my resume in this Friday!

ETA: the rest of my skills I can handle, it's just Excel I don't know how to explain.

r/excel 1h ago

Advertisement Excel add-in with free features to audit formulas and trace/navigate precedent ranges


Hi everyone,

I've been working on an Excel add-in called Accelerate Excel, and I thought it might be helpful to share some of its free tools with the community. These features are designed to enhance productivity and remain completely free even after the 30-day trial for the premium features ends.

Free features include:

  • Visual Formula Explorer: Navigate and understand complex formulas with an interactive tree view that lets you jump directly to source cells (see screenshot).
  • Precedent Range Navigation: List and navigate the preceding ranges of a selected range.
  • Fill Empty Cells with Zeros: Quickly populate empty cells with zeros.
  • Center Text Across Selection: Center text across a selection without merging cells.

I believe these tools can be quite handy for anyone who works extensively with Excel. I'm sharing them here in hopes that they can make your workflow smoother. Feedback is always welcome!

You can download it here.

Feel free to give it a try, and let me know what you think.


r/excel 1h ago

Waiting on OP Making a row stay at the top, until i get to the next row that needs to stay at the top?


Got a new job where I use excel, but I'm used to Google Sheets. Essentially my question is in the title but as I scroll through this list of equipment, it's separated by building. I have the column titles locked to the top no problem. But I want the rows that list the building to also stay at the top as I scroll by them if possible.

r/excel 13m ago

Waiting on OP Duplicate Columns, how do I remove this?



Why is this showing? May be an easy fix but I have never seen this before haha. I am a student working on a project.

r/excel 2h ago

solved IF Statements with Days of the Week


Hi, I'm am trying to change the value of a cell based on the day of the week I have one cell =Today() One cell which equals that cell but formatted to show the day of the week I then tried an if statement: =IF(cell="Wednesday",-600,0) I want this to show -600 as today is Wednesday but this did not work Any ideas on how to change the value of a cell based on the day of the week

r/excel 49m ago

solved Why isn't password protection preventing the file from being opened?


I have a file that has confidential information on it, but I need to save it to my Sharepoint. At my company, we can access each other's Sharepoints so I want to put a password on it to prevent anyone from opening it. I go through the Protect Workbook steps, but when I test it, I am able to open the document and make edits without a password. Is this because I am the one who put the password on it? I thought that Password Protection required everyone, including myself, to enter the password.

r/excel 2h ago

Waiting on OP Wrong result in Excel (AVERAGE)


I apologize if this is a basic question. I am trying to find the average and I realize that Excel gives a different result than what I think is the correct. For example, for D2 shouldn't it be 50.5? ... Also, for rows 2 and 3 the average should be the same, but Excel gives me different results. Is there anything that I am missing? Thank you!


r/excel 2h ago

solved How to tell Excel to leave the cell blank if criteria is not met?


My excel skills are RUSTY and I'm trying to simplify a spreadsheet for my work.

I have one column that tells me the days between a proposal is sent and when it's sold.

HOWEVER the sheet also shows when something is "pending" so it will have no sold date yet. I'm trying to figure out what's the simplest formula of "if that cell does not say "sold" then leave this cell blank and ignore the DAYS formula."

Is that possible? And if so, what would I use?

EDIT: Thank you u/Shiba_Take for giving me the formula! Nice and simple, and after you showed me where I messed up on it, my spreadsheet is lookin' fly. I am so excited, this spreadsheet is full of SO MUCH DATA and it's plagued my office since before I came. Now I can help streamline everything. Y'all are my heroes!!!

r/excel 1m ago

unsolved DATEDIF problem with formatting


Hi, I'm trying to get the 'period' section as a numerical value, is there a way to make sure it isn't including the month and just puts a number.

ie, difference between P1 and P2 on each row


r/excel 2m ago

Discussion Writing text /clearing content when clicking on some cells


Hello, i am making a form in an Excel sheet and i want that in some cells, when i click on them, an "X" is written, and if an "X" is already written, to clear the cell.

How can i do this?

r/excel 19m ago

Discussion Im new to Excel and trying to get this formula to work!!



So basically im trying to get the output to say "Short of $x" only if there is a shortage, while if it meets the requirement of 320, I want it to output as "Target Met". I've been trying using IF statements but it just keeps coming out as error anyone can help?

r/excel 30m ago

unsolved Problem in excel file after formatting all rows


I want to make tool for average rating for movies genres for 2016 2017 2018 and i wanna to uses choose match and average formulas all 3 together and the add to list of choices max and min with average so user can change if he want how to make it I used Choose Average choose match but it breaks don't know what is wrong?? And how to optimize excel file if I format all rows now it's slow to open and save

r/excel 34m ago

Waiting on OP I’m using SharePoint/online excel and I’m trying to import a csv file. The only option to get data seems to be “data from data picture” or “data from power BI”. Is there another way to import csv files?


I don’t have access to the desktop version of excel.

r/excel 35m ago

unsolved Comparing lookup using excel and sheets


Anyone with duel expertise know why this formula =LOOKUP(2,1/(U:U<>""),U:U) pulls up the correct row (row 2 in excel (made for excel) but pulls the header in row 1 in sheets? I asked the sheets people but I thought I would try here. Thank you!! I understand if it isn’t clear but thought to give it a try

r/excel 38m ago

unsolved Using Flags and Filters in Excel


I am wondering if someone would be willing to meet with me via teams or zoom to go over something re flags and filters in excel that is urgent. Thank you!

r/excel 46m ago

Waiting on OP Need formula help for lookup match and range of values.


Hello. Need help on a formula that will first look up a cell to match, example “A1” in a table and then will look up ranges, footage from 0-100, 101-132, and then generate the corresponding value to the far right.

r/excel 1h ago

solved Colour by spectrum in treemaps


Hi all,

I do lots of work with risk ratings and countries (insurance industry). I love a tree map to show e.g. war risk and GDP. I like to represent risk by 'heat', with higher risk being a deeper red. This usually requires me manually changing each of the colours once I've made a treemap.

Our risk ratings are actually double digits - 3.1, 5.3 etc. But I currently only use the first number, not the decimal point, because in the example below I might have to manually change 10 different colours, not 3.

I'd love Excel to be smart enough to apply a gradation (like you can do with conditional formatting), so a 1.1 is a 'colder' shade' than 1.9, and 1.9 is a 'colder' shade than 4.6, and so on.

Any advice would be much appreciated by me and my boss.



r/excel 1h ago

unsolved Excel Sheet that adds new row when I write something in another sheet



I need to have a sheet called: All Changes, that adds a new row with the information I write in a row from other sheets. It needs to have a column that tells me the name of the sheet its from and the rows have to be added in chronological order. The picture #1 should be the All Changes sheet and the information is from sheet 1. Basically, I want that if I write something in sheet 2, it will add up below the row 5. I also can't use VBA since i'm at work so the company doesn't support it. Thank you!


r/excel 1h ago

unsolved If statement that will return multiple values in one cell.


Hi, I'm hoping this works because I'm horrible at titles and my posts get taken down.

Not the point however.

I need to know if there is a formula or a way to nest IF statements to display more than 1 value based of different data in another worksheets cell.

What I need is for my cell to display as following: Value1/Value2/ Value3.

All the values come from an individual cell on the other worksheet where I pull data from but I cant figure out how to get it to do what I want.

This is my poor attempt just as an example to try and explain what I want:

=If(info!C8="";"";"Chery & Omoda") AND(If(info!C9="";"";"Ford"))

I honestly have no idea if this is even possible but would really appreciate any assistance.

r/excel 1h ago

solved Excel Query - Vlookup table array



I'm looking for assistance on a sheet I'm working on. I've picked it up from a colleague and need to add new data in.

The example we have here is as follows:


What I would like to do is add in a value where if someone enters 1/2 or 1 & 2 specifically with the spaces then it doesn't like the formula, how do fix this as we have to use specific values, I have implied the example here but we use certain codes for certain outputs hence not just using another value like "3"


r/excel 1h ago

unsolved Would this be a Vlookup situation?


Ok so...I have a spreadsheet that I'm trying to add ProcHE codes to. I need to find the nominal code and add the ProcHE code to it in a different column... I'm not sure if a Vlookup would be useful here? Right now I've got it in a pivot and using find then plugging in the right code... any help?

r/excel 1h ago

Waiting on OP Issue with formula in spreadsheet



I am using collecting data using Microsoft forms. This data is then being downloaded into a multiple spreadsheets (unless there is a way to have them all download into a single spreadsheet). Once I have the spreadsheets they will update with any new responses I receive on the form.

I have then managed to link the separate spreadsheets into one joint spreadsheet using a power query and it displays the data I need. Once I have these sheets all linked I am then doing some very straightforward additions (all the numbers are formatted as number and not text) with the sum producing a 0. I have been able to fix this by doing a paste special and selecting formula and addition but each time I refresh the links with the spreadsheets on the combined it changes their values to 0 which is not good. Would be anyone be able to advise me on what I should be looking to do to overcome this issue?

r/excel 1h ago

Waiting on OP Simple Copy/Paste Macro Pasting Incorrect Values


I've created a simple copy/paste macro that moves data in I19:J24 on one sheet to the bottom of another sheet, but what it actually pastes is not correct. It's actually pasting some correct values as well as some values from cells that are in columns M and N.

    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
        :=False, Transpose:=False

r/excel 1h ago

solved Trying to substitute/replace values within a cell where a portion of the values are known and other are not.


I understand that SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE cannot use wildcards, so with this in mind hoping someone can come up with a solution. I have this string (as an example):


if you notice at the end of this string this value: dclid=CKvFtbjWxIYDFecPiAkd2WwH3w

I'd like to replace this value with auctid=[AUCTID]. however the issue is that the value after the "=" are always different. Also, the location of "dclid=****" can vary in it's position (although it's usually at the end). How do I create this formula? Thanks for the help

r/excel 2h ago

solved Why is Excel not displaying the simple data as a pie chart?


OK, Here is my data:


Letter Total Approved
A 155
B 3
C 47
D 44
E 1
F 34
G 5
H 2
I 11

It SHOULD be pretty simple to just select the data and say "Insert>Pie Chart>2D", right?

But this is that it is showing:


Please help me figure out why it is not working!