r/excel 25d ago

Can’t get formulas to work with large numbers solved

I’m having issues with formulas. Row A1 is formatted as text and has a 21 digit number in it. When I go to row 2 and use SUM to try and make cell A2 = A1 + 1 the cell just shows the formula instead of the new number. Any idea how to make this add up?

  • Show formulas is turned off
  • Entire column is formatted to text since they are large numbers.
  • I’ve tried both SUM and ADD functions and neither work. It just shows the formula instead of the 21 digit number.

33 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 25d ago

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u/caribou16 262 25d ago

I believe Excel has a maximum precision of 15 digits.


u/Shiba_Take 80 25d ago

Did you enter = A1 + 1 or actually A2 = A1 + 1?


u/Shiba_Take 80 25d ago

IDK how you got 21-digit number. I tried entering 12345678901234567890 for a test and got 12345678901234500000 instead with General format.



u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago

Sorry, it’s formatted as Text not General


u/Shiba_Take 80 25d ago

Then Excel is just understanding your formula as text and not formula.


u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago


u/caribou16 262 25d ago

Those "numbers" are text strings. You can't sum text.


u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago

That was the only way to get the numbers to show up. I also tried highlighting multiple boxes and clicking the thing in the bottom right corner (forgot what it’s called) but that just copied the numbers instead of following the sequence


u/caribou16 262 25d ago

Yes, because Excel has a limit of 15 digits for numerical precision.


You can have BIGGER numbers, because it will support scientific notation. But you can't have more precision than #.##############. Anything after that it's going to just add zeros and you can only do math with it for values that would impact the 15 digits of precision.

Example: A number that is 21 "1" would show up as: 111111111111111000000

Adding 2 to it won't change it, but multiplying by 2 would give you 222222222222222000000


u/Shiba_Take 80 25d ago

Excel doesn't seem to natively support numbers that big with full precision. Unless there's some settings to increase the limit?


u/mspring501 40 25d ago

Did you type "=A1+1" or "A1+1"?


u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago



u/mspring501 40 25d ago

You need an "=" in front of Excel formulas.


u/PaulieThePolarBear 1438 25d ago

u/Caribou16 has accurately and succinctly provided you with the root cause of your issue.

Please tell us in words, with no to limited references to Excel functions, what you are trying to accomplish here.


u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago edited 25d ago

I basically want to add 1 number to each cell

So cell A1 show 5022440200562497977

Cell A2 show 5022440200562497978

Cell A3 show 5022440200562497979

And so on


u/Ginger_IT 6 25d ago

How many times do you want to iterate this?

Also, you have to press enter twice in reddit

to get text

to show up

on a new



u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago

500 times


u/caribou16 262 25d ago

Is it fair to say you want the the last digit increased 500 times from ...7977 to ...8477 and it's ok that the final product is a text string and not a number?

You could break off the end of the text, turn it into a number, add, then recombine it with the rest of the text string. Put the starting "number" in A1, then in A2 put: =LEFT(A1,15)&VALUE(RIGHT(A1,4)+1) and drag down.

Like THIS.


u/Ginger_IT 6 25d ago edited 25d ago

Strip the 18 digits off the front and format as text.

Iterate your 500 numbers into the next column.

Then format those as text. (& Fix the missing zeros if you start at 1)

In the third column, CONCAT the first two columns.



u/TwicePuzzled 25d ago

Thanks, this worked

Solution verified


u/reputatorbot 25d ago

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u/TheNightLard 25d ago

You could try to split the original reference to separate the "large portion" of the number that will be unaffected by your operation, and the "small portion" that will be affected, converting them to values. After the operation, convert back to text and concatenate both strings.

If you know your operation and what ranges you are handling, it kind of straightforward.

For example: A1=12345678901234567890

If you want to add "1" 500 times:


B2=B1 + 1


Drag B2 and A2 down for as long as needed. I didn't validate that so let me know if I messed up the formulas.

Edit: messed up format


u/Ginger_IT 6 25d ago edited 25d ago

Though a faster way would be to iterate the 500 digits with the same requirements from my other comment.

Then B1=CONCAT("Thatfirst18digits" & A1)

Then drag down for the iterations.


u/PaulieThePolarBear 1438 25d ago

What is the maximum number you require?

What version of Excel are you using?

It appears that from your image, your output is in an Excel CTRL+T table. Is this an absolute requirement?


u/Ginger_IT 6 25d ago

When formatting a number as text, just imagine that asking Excel to do an arithmetic operation is like asking:

apple + 1. Is that two apples? Is it "apple1"?

As explained ad nauseum, there's a limit to the number of digits in Excel. Formatting as text means that it's no longer the number it appears to be. It's now a thing. It's the name of a brick, for example.


u/Decronym 25d ago edited 24d ago

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

Fewer Letters More Letters
CONCAT 2019+: Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, but it doesn't provide the delimiter or IgnoreEmpty arguments.
LEFT Returns the leftmost characters from a text value
RIGHT Returns the rightmost characters from a text value
TEXT Formats a number and converts it to text
VALUE Converts a text argument to a number

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u/ZestycloseSection768 24d ago

Using text format for large numbers can be tricky! Change the format to 'Number' or 'General' and re-enter the formula. You got this!


u/Greedy_Phone_6934 25d ago

Sounds like you're running into a pretty common issue with Excel when dealing with big numbers. Since your cells are formatted as text, Excel isn't recognizing the formulas as something it needs to calculate—they're just being displayed as plain text. Here’s how you can fix that:

First off, you’ll need to change the format of the cell where you're trying to do the calculation (let's say A2). Right now, it’s set to "Text," which is why the formula isn’t working. Just right-click on A2, hit "Format Cells," and switch it to "Number" or "General." Once you’ve done that, re-enter your formula (`=A1 + 1`) and hit Enter. That should make Excel treat it as a real formula instead of just text.

If the number in A1 is still formatted as text (which it sounds like it is), Excel won’t be able to do the math with it. You can convert it to a number by using the `VALUE` function. For example, in A2, you could type `=VALUE(A1) + 1`, and that should do the trick. Alternatively, you can just multiply the text number by 1 to force Excel to treat it as a number, like `=A1 * 1 + 1`.

If you're working with a whole column of these big numbers, you might want to reformat the entire column. Just highlight the column, right-click, choose "Format Cells," and switch it over to "Number" or "General." This will save you from having to do it cell by cell.

After you’ve got the formatting sorted out, re-enter your formula, and Excel should be good to go. It’ll add the numbers instead of just showing the formula.

This should solve your problem and get those big numbers working in your formulas. If anything else pops up, feel free to ask!


u/AutoModerator 25d ago

I have detected code containing Fancy/Smart Quotes which Excel does not recognize as a string delimiter. Edit to change those to regular quote-marks instead. This happens most often with mobile devices. You can turn off Fancy/Smart Punctuation in the settings of your Keyboard App.

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