r/interestingasfuck 15h ago

Midwest woman, 64, dies in Sarco suicide pod used for the first time as cops make 'several' arrests


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u/newscotian1 14h ago edited 9h ago

My wife and I have an agreement. It’s not our bodies we worry about that’s already busted and beaten. Life of the working class. For us the time will be the onset of anything related to any form of dementia. The moment I/we forget who we are is the time to check out. I’m thinking just old fashioned bottle of pills. Go off to sleep one last time.

Edit: Thanks to the anonymous person for the award! I can’t believe how this comment blew up. Seems I’ve touched a nerve for a lot of people. A lot of you had the unfortunate opportunity to watch firsthand the mental decline of a loved one. I just think we all want to go out with our dignity in tact. To be remembered for who we really were. All my very best to all of you!! This shows me the world needs more love all around. ❤️


u/The_Frog_Fucker69 13h ago

I do not recommend bottles of pills as a paramedic here it can be more painful and risk surviving I can't say you should do something else but yah know not pills


u/Thebeardinato462 9h ago

Oh come on my medic friend. We both know it depends on WHAT pills..

For others info, I’d you can get them over the counter, probably not a good choice.


u/The_Frog_Fucker69 8h ago

Eh I've seen people take a lot of the strong shit and pull through cause someone found them etc and they ended up really fucked up from it again I don't advise ever hurting yourself but for the layman meds are not the way to go


u/nonmysD 5h ago

Basically, my mom hit a mean combo right before this past Christmas and still didn’t find what she was looking for for that exact reason. Not a guarantee by any means


u/Marcusafrenz 6h ago

That's cause you gotta combo that stuff.

Lil bit of this lil bit of that and to top it all off a lil bit of alcohol.

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u/Life-LOL 9h ago

Depends what pills tbh.

Tylenol? Nah.

20 perc 30s? Yeah that will probably do it.

5 or 8 or whatever it was won't though. Thought 99 proof liquor would have helped but guess not


u/CityFolkSitting 8h ago

I don't know if I would trust 20 pills of 30mg of oxycodone to kill me. I'd be concerned it would be slow and that I'd regret like 5-10 minutes after swallowing.

My plan has been the Kurt Cobain one. Take a lethal dose of a medication but shoot myself in the head before the drugs kill me.

Basically there's just no way of surviving a lethal dose of something plus a gunshot to the head. People have survived just doing one of those, but how many have survived a bullet to the head plus a lethal dose of a drug?

Only going to do this if I get diagnosed with a terrible cancer or Alzheimer's or something terrible though.


u/Life-LOL 8h ago

All I know is 150mg oxycodone and a fifth of 99 proof isn't lethal. Need more than that. Lol for me anyway.

A normal person prob would have been dead long ago. Not me I guess. I'm doomed to watch everyone around me die instead and be even more alone than I ever thought I could be it seems.

So there ya go. You want some real shit? That's some real shit.


u/mollierocket 6h ago

I am sorry you are in such pain.


u/Life-LOL 6h ago



u/Dependent-Name-686 11h ago

What is the most reliable, in your professional opinion?


u/Shlocktroffit 11h ago

i'm no professional either but I've heard straight nitrogen gas you can easily get from a welding supply place together with a hose and a bag will do the job very effectively and with no feeling of suffocation, you just slowly fade out


u/No_Flow_5806 7h ago

The pod system described in the article uses nitrogen for this reason, although it says it induces death pretty quickly.


u/Shlocktroffit 4h ago

apparently it's a buildup of CO2 in the body that causes that suffocation feeling, if there's no excess of CO2 but a complete lack of oxygen, the body just keeps breathing the nitrogen or argon or whichever inert gas it happens to be with no issues whatsoever until the lack of oxygen causes unconsciousness very quickly and then death follows relatively quickly after that


u/Dependent-Name-686 8h ago

I didn't know nitrogen gas was so easy to come by. I knew about helium, but there's a global shortage and all.


u/uiucengineer 6h ago

Most of the air we breathe is nitrogen


u/Dependent-Name-686 5h ago

I know. But I have no idea what the process of separating it from the oxygen and CO2 also present looks like. It also hasn't occured to me that it would be readily available commercially. 

I'm sure the authorities will crack down on it once they realize that people may "misuse" it when exercising bodily autonomy.


u/uiucengineer 5h ago

Oh ok. I think they get it really cold until it condenses but I’m not sure.


u/Shlocktroffit 4h ago

yeah it's easily obtained, just put welding supplies into google maps and it'll start showing you lots of places in industrial areas you can get it from. They'll hook you up but probably shouldn't tell them you're using it for self-deathing purposes


u/Koil_ting 11h ago

I'm not a professional but a hot shot should do it.


u/Dependent-Name-686 11h ago

I hate needles. 😂


u/Subliminal-413 8h ago

What about a 9mm needle that moves super fast?


u/_annie_bird 4h ago

My grandad was a doctor and he chose to go out by driving his convertible full speed into a concrete pillar once his Alzheimer's started progressing (yes, we are sure it was intentional). Seems like it was pretty effective. I just wish he had a better option.


u/gobblegobble4094 10h ago

If you add a tall building to the equation...


u/GrapefruitFren 9h ago

what about oxycontin?

u/YaGanache1248 1h ago

Not paracetamol or ibruprofen.

Strong opiates and benzodiazepines on the other hand…

I’m surprised you don’t know the difference as a paramedic


u/karmagirl314 14h ago

The line for me is a very clear one- if I can’t wipe my own ass, or if I lose the cognitive ability to know that my ass needs wiping, and if there’s no possibility of me regaining that ability in the future, that’s my cue to leave.


u/Impressive_Jaguar_70 12h ago

The scary thing is once you reach that stage you likely won't have the cognitive function to recognise you're in that position you never wanted to be in plus there'll likely already be safeguards in place to protect your well being


u/Cowboywizzard 12h ago

1,000% this. People think they won't be able to wipe their own ass or recognize their wife and still be able to carry out self euthanasia? Also, do people think they are the first ones to ever think this way? Maybe there is a reason or two everyone doesn't just self check out. People say this stuff, but it's hot air almost all the time.


u/Substantial-Sky-8097 9h ago

I think deep down people know this, but I also think these plans exist more to provide some comfort instead of spending countless years worrying about what will happen.


u/pink-ming 9h ago

yeah, right up there with "I'm gonna spend my final days strung out on heroin because it always sounded fun to do heroin but I don't wanna be addicted to heroin", usually coming without a hint of irony from someone who doesn't do drugs


u/johnfigjfjvdh 6h ago

@newscotian1 @cowboywizzard gets it tough to find a bottle of pills that isnt a painful way to go out the world does need more love and acceptance & a more complete internalization that death is absolutely a part of life, that it should be prepared for beyond just the parsing out of earthly possessions


u/Kamikaze_Ninja_ 4h ago

Two big reasons are that it’s not legal and hard to pull off given your faculties are going. I don’t think it’s hot air almost all the time, just not considered acceptable or accessible.


u/WutangWuhan 8h ago

well i guess this is my cue to load the shotgun and beat the curse of life…


u/Codykb1 11h ago

My mom worked at a state care facility for handicapped adults in PA, and she said it felt like they were keeping some of them alive just so they could keep billing them. No quality of life at all. Sad as hell. Cant believe my mom worked there as long as she did taking care of them


u/Resident_Goat_Crow 7h ago

(Spoilers) There is a movie with Julianne Moore I just watched over the weekend where she was a linguistics professor with early onset dementia I think and she made herself a test that once she couldn't answer the questions on her phone, she made a video for her future self to take some pills she hid in her drawer and don't tell anyone. Well she lost her phone and didn't take that test every morning for many weeks. I forget how she ended up not taking the pills, though. Super intense scene.


u/R33p04s 13h ago

lol word for word…same


u/ExtraSpicyGingerBeer 6h ago

My uncle was a biker who lived and eventually died by those words. I was only around ten, but I still remember how hard it was on the whole family to make that final decision to take him off life support. Maybe he'd have woken up eventually, or maybe he'd still be lying there comatose in a hospital bed. the only thing for certain is that he went out on his own terms, and that's what really matters.


u/maaaatttt_Damon 13h ago

What if you just have an accident where you lose your lower arms. Can't wipe your ass, because you can't reach, but you're still 100% mentally OK.


u/Berkut22 11h ago

I have a DNR in place. If I permanently lose the use of one or both hands, or if I'll be wheelchair bound, or blind, don't resuscitate me.

That could be from maiming, or paralysis, or whatever.


u/windwhiskey 12h ago

What if you just shut up?


u/The_Back_Hole 12h ago

The irony of someone making no contribution, telling someone that is, to shut up.

You should probably shut it, but we know you won't.

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u/moontwenty 8h ago

Having spent the last 5 years wiping my mom's ass, I would suggest that it is not a reason to check out. Can it be a loss of dignity? Absolutely. But, my mom's mental abilities were strong and clear until her passing in June of this year. She still enjoyed a good quality of life (by her own definitions and standards), and still had my love and support, and that of my sister.

I would never presume to tell you how to live (or not live) your own life, your own way. But I might gently suggest that some things are more bearable than others.


u/zxvasd 12h ago

But will you know or be able to do anything about it?


u/Jean4Val 12h ago

What if they invent an automated ass wiper? It could have AI and know when to perform even if you don’t.


u/Dependent-Name-686 12h ago

Stay on top of physical exercise to avoid losing the ability to wipe your ass. The mental part can be helped a lot with constant learning. Should keep you going until heart disease or cancer gets you.


u/mud-fudd 11h ago

but what if you are coherent and can feel, think and still hold a conversation but you just cant wipe your ass?


u/I-Here-555 11h ago

can’t wipe my own ass, or if I lose the cognitive ability to know that my ass needs wiping

Those two are vastly different. Physical disability you described can be overcome. Get yourself one of those fancy Japanese toilets or something. Irreversible mental decline, on the other hand... is hard to even grasp.


u/makjac 11h ago

There’s plenty of Reddit dudes out there that don’t pass that cognition bar. So evidently there’s hope beyond that point.


u/justsomedudedontknow 10h ago

I worry that I won't realize that I have reached that point. Everything I do is "normal" and if I slowly slip into a state of incontinence I wonder if/when I will notice and accept that I am beyond help


u/gmr2048 10h ago

I've told my wife that the day that I can't wipe my own ass, I'm taking a skydiving trip and will conveniently "forget" to pull the cord at the appropriate moment.


u/prairie-logic 9h ago

Holy shit you summed up very profoundly, although not too beautiful an image to imagine, when I’d want the same.

“If I cannot wipe my own ass, or if I lose the cognitive ability to know my ass needs wiping, and if there’s no possibility to regaining the ability in the future, that’s my cue to leave”

I’m making sure my family hears this, it’s important


u/Time-to-go-home 9h ago

My dad words it as “if I ever get to the point where I shit my pants, and I’m the only one in the room who doesn’t know it, take me out back and shoot me.”


u/Thehyperninja 9h ago

That’s why my grandfather crawled into his truck and drove off a backwoods bridge into the Red River. He was a stubborn Marine ‘Nam vet who was gonna die on his terms.


u/NeonSwank 8h ago

I keep telling my wife if it ever gets that bad, to give me a knife and just drop me off in the woods somewhere.


u/Shizngigglz 7h ago

I've told my parents and wife that same thing. If I lose control of my bowels, just fkn end me. I pissed the bed until 5th grade and I'm not doing that again


u/GarbageGato 7h ago

Dang dude I got my gal bladder out and couldn’t wipe if I wanted to (thank god I didn’t have to) I’d have been toast if I were you


u/TruffleHunter3 7h ago

What if, what if—

You know your ass needs wiping you forget to do it?


u/Runs_With_Bears 5h ago

I for one look forward to the time when someone has to wipe my ass again.

u/I_am_up_to_something 2h ago

Don't ask a loved one to do it if you love them as well though.

It will come out and they will get arrested and probably convicted as well. Just please don't put them in that situation.

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u/BrookeBaranoff 13h ago

People think a bottle of pills will do it but often end up on the ER dying a slow painful death over the course of a week from the liver poisoning. 

u/YaGanache1248 1h ago

That’s people who take paracetamol. Do not try to OD on paracetamol, it’s an agonising death of liver failure.

You need a cocktail of strong opiates and benzodiazepines, which will send you to sleep and stop you breathing


u/Traditional-Hat-952 14h ago

I always tell people that I want a hundred question quiz about my life (important people, demographics, events, memories, etc) , and if I make a 30% or lower it's time to put me down. 


u/No_Research_967 14h ago

Write the quiz yourself, include things only you could know.


u/Pewkie 13h ago

Post it online here so you can't lose it, and give me those three digits on the back of the card


u/No_Research_967 13h ago

And your mother’s maiden name.


u/JadedLeafs 13h ago

Also name of first childhood friend. Favourite teacher. Name of first pet and name of elementary school. You know. Just to be sure.


u/notanaigeneratedname 13h ago

Don't forget make and model of your first car


u/HerezahTip 13h ago

I’m also going to need the color of that car


u/negativelightningdog 6h ago

And the street you lived on as a kid!


u/ArkansasWastelander 5h ago

Favorite sports team as well!


u/HighTurning 13h ago

He's been trying but keeps forgetting to write it


u/No_Research_967 13h ago

Then it’s time to put him down


u/lestatmajer 13h ago

Fun tip from someone in healthcare/ who works with dementia patients - your most recent memories typically go first. Not always the case, and really depends on what flavour of Dementia one gets. BUT, if you're writing a quiz for that purpose, make sure you write it per decade of life... If you start thinking your living your 30's again, might wanna start thinking of contingencies if that's the plan..

Great way I was once described dementia with memory loss: Imagine your life like a tall book case, where every tier is a decade if your life and memories, with your earliest years at the base. You add a new tier every decade. Dementia shakes that book case, and the first books to fall come from the top. As you keep shaking, more and more books fall off. Eventually you're only left with the books on the bottom shelf or two.


u/Traditional-Hat-952 11h ago

This is really interesting to think about, and a great analogy! 


u/Skyblacker 8h ago

When my grandmother reached the end, she mistook her daughter for her mother.


u/twatwaffleandbacon 8h ago

That's the way it went with my g-grandparents and my husband's grandmother. All of them lived very long lives, but all of them had dementia by the time they reached 80, yet they could still tell you vivid stories from their childhood.


u/Radiant_Dog1937 13h ago

What if 'put me down' is part of the 30% you forgot?


u/Traditional-Hat-952 11h ago

Oh "put me down" won't be a question. It'll just be in the scoring criteria. 


u/Waste_Click4654 13h ago

They have a quiz they give potential dementia patients. Pretty simple stuff, but it will give the patient an ‘official’ diagnosis in the medical world


u/Traditional-Hat-952 11h ago

There are a few that I know of: Mini Cognitive Screen, MOCA, and SLUMS. Although those are all screens/short assessments that give the practitioner a clue towards an official diagnosis. I'm sure there are longer more in-depth ones practitioners can utilize. 


u/Waste_Click4654 11h ago

Unfortunately it exactly 60 seconds into the test to an official diagnoses on my Dad….


u/Swimmingtortoise12 8h ago

You don’t have to give me the test, I’ll hit 20 percent no problem


u/Pop_CultureReferance 7h ago

Dementia patients are actually pretty good at remembering their past


u/CapitalistLion-Tamer 6h ago

They’re really good at remembering a very select few things from their past. Otherwise, not do much.


u/Dire88 11h ago

I icefish.

Told my wife if I ever get to that point, drop me off to go fishing during early or late ice. And she can blame it all on me.

Literally no one will question a grumpy old man insisting on going ice fishing in shit conditions.


u/FireQuad 13h ago

Pills is arguably one of the worst ways to go. And it rarely works the way you want to.


u/Turbulent-Product927 13h ago

Sleeping Beauty syndrome. Came here to say this. Possibly one of the least reliable ways to go.


u/Acceptable-Werewolf4 13h ago

What about a fentanyl pill that makes you go to sleep right away and stops all drive to breathe? That seems like a pretty nice way to go


u/chewtality 11h ago

If you are literally talking about a single pill, then that will not work. If you actually mean an entire bottle of fentanyl pills, that would be a reliable and foolproof method.

Opioid overdoses aren't exactly what most people think they are. For starters, with most ODs the only thing that really happens is that the person passes out and is unconscious for a couple hours then wakes back up and is ok. You never hear about this kind for pretty obvious reasons, because no one ever finds out it happened in the first place unless the person who did it tells them.

A lot of other fatal opioid ODs are because the person passed out and then vomited and choked on their own vomit.

Others are because their breathing becomes so shallow that they essentially just suffocate over a potentially long period of time. Could be minutes, could be hours.

If you want to actually go to sleep "right away" then pill ingestion isn't really the solution anyway because it will take some time to fully digest and process it, so you'll definitely be aware of what's happening until you've absorbed enough that you pass out. A true instantaneous lights out and done is pretty much only possible with IV injection of sufficient quantity.

Some people have naturally high tolerances to opioids too, and require a much larger dose than average. I'm one of those people and it fucking sucks because whenever I've been prescribed pain meds doctors don't prescribe enough to actually provide any pain relief. Then if you tell them that they treat you like you're a drug seeking junkie trying to "score a fix" or whatever. Like no dawg, I just had fucking invasive surgery and what you prescribed for me to take home isn't even enough to provide a single day's worth of relief, but cool, thanks.


u/RicoDePico 6h ago

I wish medical professionals were more educated about the fact that some people are just naturally tolerant to opioids and others absolutely do need it for regular pain relief because of chronic pain and illness. I’m one of the naturally high tolerant people and I’ve had your experience. It’s super frustrating to try and explain.

Like I remember getting a morphine injection for pain when I was 19 and literally nothing happened. This was an hour after being given a 5 milligram Percocet. They gave me 2 mg dilaudid after that and it worked instantly. Then, they were giving me that dose every two hours for a WEEK and by the end of the week got upset with me because I had become dependent on it.

Then, instead of weaning me off properly, they cut me off cold turkey causing the worst withdrawal I’ve ever had to experience. I ended up getting some pills from a friend to slowly wean off myself because it was so bad I couldn’t sleep for days.

They either over or under prescribe for people and really need to find a better middle ground.


u/alinwar 5h ago

I finally found my people! I was given Valium for a LASIK procedure and it made no difference. Luckily was pretty calm about it anyway. Also played a full 90 minute soccer game in college on 2 Vicodin and a muscle relaxer because I had a pinched nerve in my back - was just fine! It’ll be great when the medical community catches up to more individualized treatment. I’ve never been through the sort of pain you’ve been through (sorry to hear it and hope you’re better now), but that’s the type of stuff that makes people want to give up because the doctors and people that are supposed to be helping just have their hands tied for fear of getting fined or worse, instead of doing what they need to do to treat a patient appropriately!


u/chewtality 5h ago

Exactly. When I was really young, 5 maybe, I got to experience getting a molar pulled straight up. Because they gave me an anesthetic that barely did anything in the first place, they waited 30+ minutes, and then my body metabolized it much more rapidly than average, so I felt everything.

More experiences after that but it'll make this comment too long.

Then in my early 20s I had to get all four wisdom teeth extracted, two of which had become extremely compacted to the point where they had to cut into my jaw bone. They gave me a few things to put me under. I have my eyes closed trying to help it work but after they started prepping for real I opened them I said hey guys I am 100% conscious and fully aware of everything happening still. Then they doubled the dose. Same thing happened.

Then they were like fuck it and cranked the gas way up (sevoflurane, an actual general anesthetic, not only nitrous) and I actually did go out. At least briefly, because then I woke up mid surgery with their hands and a saw or whatever in my mouth and I started talking to them, or making mouth sounds rather, they all started screaming at me to shut up and not move my mouth at all to prevent it from getting sliced up to shit, but I had to tell them that I was conscious again. They cranked the gas higher and I was out until it was over.

They saw first hand that that shit doesn't work on me like that, and the pain prescription they sent me home with, after pulling 4 teeth and sawing into my jawbone in two different places, was 18 5 mg hydrocodone which was supposed to last for a week.

I ended up taking them all within 2 days, never once got even the smallest amount of relief from them, I called the office and they basically said I was SOL.

Luckily, my main doctor at the time happened to be my uncle who I was close with and he knew how it was with me so he wrote me a script for 30 10mg instant release oxycodone. Keep in mind this is for what is at this point less than a week of pain management.

That's exactly what it took though. I had only taken opioids a handful of times throughout my life and never got an effect, so there definitely was zero tolerance from "abusing painkillers" or whatever. I ended up having to take 50-60 mg oxycodone every day, with a bodyweight of like 135 lbs since I used to be a stick, to not be in pain.

My more recent full invasive surgery was a whole other thing but will make this comment way too long. At least they very successfully put and kept me out during the procedure since I reallllly didn't want to take up during that. Once they woke me up from my anesthesia the dude just yelled "SURGERY'S OVER!" I opened my eyes and I was almost immediately alert. I started just chatting and joking with the dude, saying normal things, not slurring or any of the stereotypically "just woke up from anesthesia" stuff. He straight up said to me "you know, you are surprisingly coherent right now. I was like yeah dawg that's what I was trying to tell the doctor earlier.


u/fitzjmm 3h ago

I always thought 40, 10mg Ambien crushed and drank with water would work. Or just get the best sleep ever.


u/chewtality 3h ago

It absolutely would not work. The whole reason the medical community switched to benzos and z-drugs is because they have a fantastic therapeutic index compared to what was previously used.

One time I did the math, based on the LD50 of Xanax, of how many 2 mg (highest dosed instant release prescription pill available) it would take for an average weight adult male to die (maybe) from Xanax consumption. It's something around the figure of 72,000 pills. Z-drugs like Ambien have a very similar therapeutic index.

Ok, I just did it for Ambien too. For that one you'd need to take slightly less pills, only a mere 5,500 10 mg pills. Maybe, it might take more. That's just the dose that will be fatal to half of the people who ingest it. You'll fall asleep before you can physically consume that many.


u/TheJeeronian 10h ago

I got to watch a guy go through that from H. It didn't look as nice as you seem to think. I don't know if it just shuts down the memory center of the brain so survivors don't remember, or what, but that guy looked like he'd rather be dead. Almost every muscle straining in his efforts to breathe but his lungs wouldn't listen.


u/Unlucky_Most_8757 12h ago

yep that would be my go to. Otherwise you might just wake up with multiple organ failure.


u/Life-LOL 9h ago

2 years ago I took either 5 or 8 Roxy 30s with a fifth of 99 proof liquor and beer and weed all day with absolutely zero intention of being here the next day. I still woke up somehow. Literally woke up laughing because it should have killed anyone but nope not me I guess.

And these were legit from the pharmacy.


u/poop_truck1226 5h ago

I'm glad you're still here I'm praying for you life-lol

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u/Petrichordates 13h ago

That makes no sense to say so generically, "pills" refers to thousands of different compounds. Some like tylenol will kill you horribly, others will be a warm blanket.


u/FireQuad 13h ago

Absolutely. But your organs shutting down will not feel good regardless. Hell, if you live your quality of life just decreased tenfold.


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/FireQuad 11h ago

I'm sorry to hear. But thank you for your story.


u/Spirited_Touch7447 12h ago

I’m looking for the warm blanket ones for when it’s time! Can you share any names?


u/chewtality 11h ago

A large quantity of heroin


u/k_o_g_i 9h ago

How does an anti-social person that has never even seen drugs find a "large quantity" of heroin? Asking for a friend.


u/johannthegoatman 8h ago
  • grow your own poppies or buy bulk unwashed poppy seeds. Make tea. This is essentially opium
  • go to any location with a lot of homeless, ask people to buy some for you


u/chewtality 5h ago

Much easier than many would assume in the technological age we live in.


u/k_o_g_i 4h ago

Bringing technology into it seems like a good way to get caught...


u/AnimationOverlord 12h ago

Warm blanket being propofol


u/k_o_g_i 9h ago

How does one obtain this in sufficient quantities to get the job done reliably?


u/BangBangMeatMachine 13h ago

Be sure to have DNRs and health care directives written up.


u/LocalPeasant420 13h ago

would this pod not be better? you just peacefully die

bottle of pills your stomach might melt or sum shit


u/cameron0208 13h ago

Pills? Nah.

Carbon Monoxide.


u/makemebad48 12h ago

The long drive to nowhere, how my brother in law went. When we found him he looked incredibly at peace. Like he had just fallen asleep and was having a good dream. My chose way to go.


u/McRemo 12h ago

Yep, my Dad went that way. He sealed up his truck and used a charcoal grill.

He was terminal and always vowed not to give the rest of his life savings to "those sons of bitches" to milk him till he was dead anyway.

He just wanted to do it his way and he had this big desire to leave something for his kids.


u/SnuggleBunni69 11h ago

Friend of mine did the same thing. Charcoal grill and closed himself in the trunk. This was like 20 years ago and had no idea that was even a thing.


u/Whelsey 11h ago

I tried it, two years ago on my bathroom. Was there for an hour or something before my family got home and helped. I thought it wouldve been faster, but I probably didn't seal the place properly. All I got for that was my eyes burning red and smelled like barbecue for a week


u/cd7k 10h ago

smelled like barbecue for a week

I fucking love BBQ.


u/BigManWAGun 11h ago

How you doin?


u/Whelsey 11h ago

I've had ups and downs since then but not as low as that time


u/BigManWAGun 11h ago

Good to hear, take care.


u/makemebad48 8h ago

Beauty of downs is the ups that follow, I'm glad you're holding together. Love you dude and-or dudette, be safe.


u/Nostepontaco 7h ago

Taste the meat, not the heat.


u/KarmaPharmacy 10h ago

The real answer is propane off gassing in your car. Stinky, but cheap and effective. Charcoal is brutal.


u/makemebad48 8h ago

Never heard of using charcoal or propane, always heard of just sitting in the car in a garage and letting it run. For my brother in law it was a mower in a garden shed. But he was there all night and we found him in the morning. So he had plenty of time.

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u/smokeyleo13 13h ago

After watching my grandpa deteriorate over 2-3 years, i agree. Also, deathly afraid of what dementia me would say.


u/mrblacklabel71 13h ago

Bottle of pills scares me. What do I take? Where do I get it? What if I don't take enough?

Oddly enough I would likely go with the shotgun outside (cleaner) route.


u/Various-Departure679 13h ago

Ever see the movie a scanner darkly? There's a scene he fucks up dosage and it's not fun. Goes from peaceful to being in a psychotic fit pretty quick.


u/mrblacklabel71 12h ago

That's my fear exactly.


u/Berkut22 10h ago

Sodium nitrite. 8g should be enough to kill most adults, but it's so cheap and easy to find, you can do double or triple that to be safe.


u/k_o_g_i 9h ago

But how long's it take?


u/mrblacklabel71 8h ago

Is it prescription or OTC?


u/WHISKEY_DELTA_6 11h ago

Pills are the worst way to go according to people who have survived attempts


u/Earthquake-Hologram 13h ago

I think about the same but there's a practical challenge in that you need to be sufficiently cognizant to know it's time to take the pills, plus the ability to obtain and take them


u/Spirited_Touch7447 12h ago

Most people hoard a bottle years before they need it. I have one but it must be 15 years old already. I worry that the strength will erode over time making them ineffective


u/chewtality 11h ago

Most prescription pills don't really lose their potency, or at least by much. Opioids are very stable. The main type of pill you should never take if expired are any antibiotics that end with -cycline.

If your bottle is stored somewhere cool or at least room temp and away from light and moisture then they'll last pretty much indefinitely. To totally avoid light and moisture you could put them in a mylar bag.

I do hope your bottle isn't codeine or hydrocodone though, because codeine won't work except to give you acetaminophen poisoning which is a horrific, incredibly painful, and very slow death, and hydrocodone is so fucking weak and only available in such small doses per pill that the slow acetaminophen death still might be the result.

If you do have hydrocodone then you should look into secondary substances to take with it to boost the effectiveness. There are a few things in particular that are what you'd want. I don't want to say it on a public forum but if you look into enough fatal overdoses of like, rock stars, actors, etc then you'll probably notice a particular combination of things that appears more often.


u/MycologistLucky3706 12h ago

Yeah sure buddy


u/Any_Ad_3885 9h ago

I think a lot of us think like this


u/ContactHonest2406 9h ago

I agree, except the last part. That’s not how overdoses work. You don’t just fall asleep. You shake and shiver, you cough, you vomit, you stop breathing and start choking, then, maybe after you start seizing, your brain shuts itself off. But yeah, drug overdoses aren’t painless.


u/Weekly-Present-2939 9h ago

Nitrous is super easy to get a you’ll feel really nice before you go. 


u/4QuarantineMeMes 12h ago

Take a cruise, enjoy your vacation, then jump off.


u/chucklesthejerrycan 13h ago

Alzheimers runs in my family. My papaw had it and it was awful to see. My dad has always joked that if he gets it to, he just wants us to smother him with a pillow.


u/k_o_g_i 8h ago

I've watched my mom decline for nearly 10 years now. It's a horrible, horrible, horrible way to go. Her dad died the same way and I'm scared shitless. If I start the same age as my mom did, then I've got 10-12 good years left. I'm only 42.


u/chewtality 12h ago

You better make damn sure it's the right kind of pills though, because ingesting large quantities of most pills will either just make you horribly sick or in the case of others, acetaminophen being a notorious example, it will result in an extended week or two long incredibly painful death as your organs slowly shut down and you fully experience every moment in agony because there is no way to treat or reverse that after it's been done.

If the pill method is used there's pretty much just one peaceful and painless option. Well, ideally it would be a combination of three different specific things but one of those things barely even exists in modern medicine anymore.

The other two things will work well together but if you take, let's call it Substance B only and don't take Substance A too, then you're just going to be unconscious for a day or so and then wake back up. If you take Substance A only, then it depends on which more specific type of Substance A it is, because with the most commonly available drug in that category you'll have to take so fucking many of them to achieve the intended results that you'll mostly likely end up puking up most of the pills before you can digest enough of them to do the job, and then instead of a nice peaceful fade into oblivion you get to have the week long excruciating agony of slow organ failure death because the majority of the pill is actually acetaminophen, and you'll have digested enough of that to be fatal.

You don't want to go out that way.

I don't really want to say which specific things will be effective and totally painless for what I think should be obvious reasons, but if that's going to be you and your wife's plan then you really should "study up" for lack of a better term well in advance.


u/rambutanjuice 12h ago

I’m thinking just old fashioned bottle of pills.

I hope you don't choose a bottle full of ecstasy and viagra.


u/KrissyKrave 11h ago

So the bottle of pills option is not a good one. Most people will experience extreme discomfort that route. Youre better off just breathing pure nitrogen as it wont cause pain or discomfort


u/AMildPanic 10h ago

someday if you wake

to a nameless stranger in me

lead me outside, let me go

if I'm already there, just let me go (I'm not)


u/H00k90 8h ago

20cc of insulin!!!


u/TheRabidBadger 8h ago

My spouse and I have a similar agreement. Dementia = pillow over the face.


u/ArkieRN 8h ago

I have one grandparent/great grandparent out of seven (one died young) that did not have some form of dementia/senility. And my family tends to be long lived on both sides.

I don’t want that for me.


u/garbyhardbody 7h ago

My wife and I are very open and frank about the same topic: death. We don’t have kids and we’ve decided we’ll kick the bucket and go together when the time is right.


u/itsadesertplant 11h ago

I remember this story from my English teacher who had a best friend with a muscle wasting disease. The friend requested that my teacher give her sleeping pills as soon as she can’t do anything herself. The time came where the friend wanted to go and needed help, so my teacher did what was asked and gave her the pills.

This was a lot of drop on a class of 12-year-old middle schoolers in retrospect


u/2lame2shame 11h ago

Insurance won’t pay out.


u/xebatK 11h ago

You would likely be in great pain for hours as your organs shut down, or choke to death on your vomit. Not going to sleep one last time.


u/Berkut22 11h ago

I have the same idea. I watched my dad go through a very long, and painful death, and I'll likely end up the same. I have no desire to experience that again.

Look up sodium nitrite.

It's cheap, and still relatively easy to find, for now.


u/Itsurboywutup 10h ago

What does your bodies beaten and busted, and “life of the working class” have to do with anything? Just gotta add in the Reddit circle jerk somewhere for those sweet upboats or what


u/HammeredPaint 10h ago

Few inhales of a portable helium tank for me. The ol bagged head deal.


u/EchidnaEast6549 8h ago

I just watched a family member die from dementia. She had it 5 years, was in hospice for a year. By the time she passed she looked like a 200 year old corpse, weighed 50lbs, and couldn't eat, drink, talk, or move. One of the most inhumane things I've ever seen. I fully support choosing to check out.


u/LongjumpingStudy3356 8h ago

Please be aware the line may not be an easy one to draw. One example I can think of offhand is MCI or mild cognitive impairment. It can present similarly to dementia, but in many cases remains mild and is NOT going to progress further into actual dementia. But I could see how someone who has not been adequately informed and educated on such diagnoses might jump to conclusions after getting told they have such and such.


u/llamalily 8h ago

My dad has always begged me that if he has a stroke when he’s elderly and collapses like my grandpa did, to please not call for help and to just let him die. I don’t know if I can actually keep that promise and I hope I’m never in that position but also I can understand why he feels that way. I hate that there isn’t something more humane in those circumstances.


u/Affectionate_Elk_272 8h ago

my plan has been the good ol “remington retirement”

i refuse to live as a broken shell of myself. enjoy it while it’s here, and when it’s time, it’s time.


u/thatlonelyasianguy 7h ago

I’ve seen that happen first hand with one of my parents and I’m in the same boat. If I’m not me anymore, it’s time to take me out back.


u/CapitalistLion-Tamer 6h ago

Good luck with that. My mom said the same thing for years, and even had the necessary cocktail of pills. Once dementia began to set in, her ability to recognize the situation was (and still is) long gone.


u/trendynazzgirl 6h ago

My mom is dealing with late stage dementia now. Unable to do anything for herself. I wish we’d had this pod option and that it was her wish while she was still somewhat cognizant. I know that if I get diagnosed with dementia, I’d want this for myself. It’s no way to live. It’s torture for all involved.


u/rubyspicer 6h ago

It's the reason I understand why Robin Williams did what he did. I don't think he knew for sure it was dementia but he might've had a guess. Who knows, maybe he googled it or something, and just - wanted to punch out while he still had some sense of who he was.


u/throwawaypoliticstuf 5h ago

There is no dignity in death

u/Crixxa 2h ago

I had an elderly cousin who had dementia when her husband died. Dozens of times a day she would go into a panic looking for him, worrying that he didn't come home last night and start calling everyone in her phone to ask if they'd seen him.

Then she would fall to pieces and mourn him every time someone told her he died. But hours later she'd be at it again. This went on FOR 2 YEARS. We eventually got everyone together who was in her phone and everyone agreed to tell her he was over at their place helping them fix something or out golfing with their husband or whatever.

Eventually she got to where she couldn't work the phone and the ppl in her care facility kept up the charade another year before she died.

It was so awful for her though, even with ppl trying to shelter her. She'd get mad at him for being gone all day etc. It was crushing to watch her endure that for so long.


u/willyb100 13h ago

Watching my fathers decline worries me so much for my kids. Take me scuba diving and pull my air at 100ft.

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