r/meme 22h ago


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u/IVYDRIOK 20h ago

Bullshit like this always angers me. "Yeah ancient civilizations were so advanced, or aliens did this". They put cut rocks on cut rocks, and when you have thousands working on a pyramid, then it's not that hard to complete. Not to discredit ancient Egyptians, this is still impressive, but the concept is simple. Now we send shit to mars, build kilometer high skyscrappers, flying metal vehiclesin the sky


u/funkyb001 20h ago

Exactly, although kilometre high skyscrapers are still "easy" by comparison.

We invented this thing called a transistor, then we put billions of them onto something the size of your little fingernail...then we shit out millions of these flawlessly, for a reasonable cost.

That is where our impressive construction has gone.


u/AStorms13 19h ago

Dude, people have no god damn idea how impressive electronics and computers are. I mean, electricity in general is pretty damn impressive.


u/Bleach_Baths 19h ago edited 12h ago

Electricity? That shit still uses fuckin’ wires.

Let’s talk about how radio, wi-fi, and Bluetooth send shit through the FUCKING AIR.

I can open my phone, call someone on the other side of the planet, and look them in the face on a video call. Without plugging my phone into anything.

What the fuck? It’s magic and literally nobody cares.

Edit: For reference, I work in broadcasting and tech, I get how the stuff works. It’s still fucking magic.


u/FlamingDrakeTV 19h ago

To be fair, it's only wireless to your closest base station then it uses wires to the other side of the globe.

And this is a cool tidbit: the reason it lags a bit when talking to someone on the other side of the globe is the speed of light. We transfer stuff with bits (very basically a light blinks on your end of the globe and another reads the blinks on the other end, I'm skipping over a ton here but in a nutshell that's how it works) and since the other side of the globe is 20k kilometers away it takes light about 120ms to reach your buddy and back.

Which is also why you have high ping when playing games on servers that are overseas.


u/TehMephs 16h ago

The future is NOW, old man


u/Bleach_Baths 12h ago

I work in broadcasting, it’s all magic and I don’t care.


u/Caldersson 19h ago

LiFi, wireless power, quantum entanglement, are all insane. 


u/OccultMachines 18h ago

Bro and what's with us storing data in actual clouds. Like, those little shits up there blocking the sun can rain on us AND store our data? It blows my mind.


u/yerfdog65 19h ago

And you can access the knowledge of the world on that phone that fits in your pocket.


u/BeautifulPrune9920 18h ago

We now even have versions of these magical devices that can fold and turn into a tablet on a whim.


u/Tardooazzo 17h ago

You mean Electricity or Fucking electricity?


u/Rasp_Lime_Lipbalm 16h ago

et’s talk about how radio, wi-fi, and Bluetooth send shit through the FUCKING AIR

via light - i.e. electromagnetic waves.

Bluetooth pairing is fucking crazy and amazing though.


u/GeForce_meow 4h ago

Even more fucking crazy and even more fucking amazing is how gps and lidar arrays works. They literally fucking calculate the time interval of travelling light between satellite and phone (in gps) and then general relativity so it won't drift over time.

And then we shove them into a smartphone that sits in our hand. Which already had billions or transistors that make electrons dance in specific way so send our shitty memes to our crazy friends.

I haven't even talked about dna modification for treatment of some dieses WTF 😭.


u/arobie1992 6h ago

I'm convinced anyone who works in a highly technical field and doesn't think it's magic is either not that deep in yet or absolutely no fun.


u/CrackedAss 19h ago

This sphere is literally powered by thousands of these chips working in harmony, it's the next evolution really. Humans have always built on top of other human accomplishments. That's why we are special.


u/ConglomerateGolem 18h ago

Perfect is maybe an overstatement. At least when I heard it, the reason we have i3's 5's, 7's and 9's isn't because because of the consumer. Only the top of the line is perfect, the i9, the rest of the chips have some faults in them that cause them to not work. And since perfect chips are somewhat rare, but it's fairly easy to just turn off some of the (non-functional) cores on a chip, we get the lower end CPU's to reduce waste and increase profits.


u/funkyb001 18h ago

Yeah that's correct. Silicon fabrication has a yield, and a way of maximising yield is doing what you say, a technique called binning.

However all I meant is that we can churn out millions of them perfectly, not that each and every one of them is perfect. There are many high yield devices which also must be perfect (CCDs, FPGAs. etc.)


u/Kaguro19 17h ago

Some time back I had a fight with some redditors. They said "wE dOnT bUiLd cHiPs, jUsT pRoGrAm SoMe MaChInE tO dO tHaT."


u/Turtledonuts 7h ago

Also our manufacturing capabilities in general. The most advanced metalworking objects in antiquity are fairly basic geared mechanisms made by a highly skilled craftsman over the course of a year, done by hand filing and basic turning of small chunks of metal. A skilled machinist in modern times working 5 days a week on a project could build a vehicle capable of flying.


u/Smelldicks 4h ago

Transistors is the right answer.

The most efficient of them, by the way, are produced at a reasonable cost in one factory, currently. Only one place on earth has been constructed that can do it with such a high level of precision. Takes insane amounts of technical knowledge, time, cash, and maintenance.