r/television 13h ago

Ellen DeGeneres Is Unapologetic, Unrelatable and Totally Insufferable in Her New Netflix Special 'For Your Approval'


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u/poiuy43 13h ago

I was under the impression we would never see her again according to her...


u/ClickF0rDick 12h ago

She took offense everybody was ok with that


u/cornylamygilbert 9h ago

and now that you say that I can see how NDA’s gave her this luxury air of never having to care about people’s feelings.

I wonder if that on its own also created the toxicity, not to defend her, she can go back to living in her gilded hole for all I care


u/GoldenBrownApples 1h ago

My thing about Ellen is I understand why she is not the person she was pretending to be all these years. In the 90's she was an "it" girl. She was popular and relatable and everyone loved her. She was everywhere. Then she decided to come out of the closet, which was an incredible step for Lesbians everywhere, and she lost everything because of it. She did a stand up special about it, years after the fact. People she thought of as her friends wouldn't even talk to her. The industry threw her away like she meant nothing. People who did associate with her got cut out too. Laura Dern got shit for awhile after just acting as a lesbian in Ellen's coming out arc on her show.

So when she came back and got all these deals and started a talk show that made her out to be the next Oprah anyone who thought that wasn't her greatest act was lying to themselves. Of course she's still bitter. Of course she wouldn't actually be the person she was showing everyone she was. No one should be shocked by this, but also no one cares to look at the history of Ellen.

I'm not saying she's right, but I am saying that no one should take her persona falling off personally. It's not about anyone but her not being able to heal from the incredible disrespect she endured when she came out of the closet. I'm surprised she came back and did a special, she should just quietly retire, but the thing about celebs is they need attention. It's one of their main driving forces. They wouldn't do it if they didn't want people paying attention to them.


u/leshake 7h ago

You were supposed to be sad when I said I was fake retiring.


u/Lost_Pantheon 2h ago

Ellen: "Okay... So I guess I'll be going now..." Us: "Sure, bye.' Ellen: "Unless....I mean... If you want me to stay..." Us: "Nah, we good. Get lost." Ellen: ... Ellen: "So about my new show..."


u/Drezhar 2h ago

Yep, it's textbook narcissism. She threatened to disappear, nobody cared and someone even said it was about time, so she came back because it's the opposite of what people would want her to do.


u/SectorFriends 4h ago

These 2000's talk show hosts really dont understand how much younger people dont give a shit about them in the slightest. Its like Seinfeld, he's tone deaf and begun bellowing about cancel culture even though he spoke in the same "woke terms" about 10 years ago.
Go fishing grandpa, grandma, enjoy your twilight you constantly brag about "earning."


u/letitgrowonme 2h ago

Cancel culture as a term is the dumbest shit. It comes from a generation that could pause TV. . I didn't get canceled from my job, I was fired. It was poor performance, but not an army of Ipad kids


u/SectorFriends 1m ago

Damn, sorry you got fired. I've been laid off before and it sucked, but also that job was shit and i was probably gonna quit so i kinda felt ok with being cut other than someone who was putting their all in. Though i felt sorry for them, they were being taken advantage and we had no recourse other than move on or stay and take the mismanagement and bullshit.


u/Melicor 26m ago

The people that whine about cancel culture are just assholes that are mad that people aren't letting them walk all over them. The spoiled children that got used to always getting their way and then have a tantrum when people tell them no.


u/FanAshamed6696 3h ago

You hit the nail on the head 👏


u/baconlover28 2h ago

Comments like these really whats make me laugh on the internet. Thank you 🤣