r/television 13h ago

Ellen DeGeneres Is Unapologetic, Unrelatable and Totally Insufferable in Her New Netflix Special 'For Your Approval'


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u/[deleted] 12h ago edited 6h ago

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u/twillory 11h ago

Holy shit, that's sickeningly vile.


u/GoalieOfGold 10h ago

Yeah wtf, why isn't this being talked about more


u/BigChungusOP 9h ago

I don’t understand why people like her get involved with this kind of stuff. Like, you made it. You have money. Why not just get involved in something legit?


u/The_Autarch 8h ago

She's surrounded herself with sycophants. She has no one left to give her good advice and spiraled into megalomania. Same story with Elon.


u/False-Verrigation 9h ago

Can’t talk about things that might negatively impact profits, now can we?


u/First-Fantasy 7h ago

Because it's not actually a celebrity scandal, as evil as it is. This company was on every news show and talk show at the same time as Ellen, making the feel-good tour. Every news station vetted them, and they were all fooled. OP wants to lay this at Ellen because her show had the highest viewership at the time, even though the company had much more exposure overall spread across different networks and shows. It's big news, as you can see from all the articles, but it's not massive news because it's not actually tied to a celebrity, which should be obvious because none of those articles mention Ellen.