r/AdviceAnimals 11h ago

As an Aussie

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u/Amethoran 10h ago

You don't have to be a tin foil hat guy to understand the media is lying and rage baiting you. When your business model relies on advertising that's the easiest way to get clicks. Of course if you get on Reddit you'll see Kamala is ahead it's a liberal echo chamber. If you get on truth social or Twitter I'm sure you'll see that trumps ahead. I'm banking on the fact that I think people are fucking tired of his dumbass. He's a liar and thief at best and that's been proven to the American people and the world 10xs over by now. Trump supporters are a very loud arrogant minority of people.


u/Enlowski 9h ago

My man I read this exact comment in 2016. Obviously every news source needs engagement, but there will be a lot of people shocked in November unless they go vote.


u/Psychast 7h ago

Nah "it's 2016 2.0" narrative is literally just because his opponent is a woman again, and he's not in the WH this time. It ignores 2020 AND 2022 (where conservatives kept parroting "LOL 2016 again LOL polls wrong again").

In 2016 he billed himself as a confident "drain the swamp" outsider, he told it like it was, a stark contrast to the "establishment" politicians who were out of touch with reality (unlike Trump, who is totally down to Earth /s). He managed to politically motivate a whole wave of voters that were completely off of pollsters radars, between the bad polls, the media Hilary glaze, and both the establishment and democrats in general not taking his candidacy seriously enough, it's not a wonder he won in hindsight.

There is no mystery anymore, everyone knows exactly who he is and he has managed to motivate zero new voters because he is the exact same schmuck. His people worship him like a god, but that's it. The ambivalent undecided vote that heavily favored him in 2016 has not done so again since then. Pollsters have been scared straight since that massive fuck up, and have been very on the money since then.

So when the polls say it's close but Harris has the advantage, I believe that, and it won't be shocking if she wins, it won't be super shocking if she loses either though. I personally think that if she simply stays the course and focuses on the key states, it's hugely in her favor.


u/zaphodava 6h ago

I worry that the right wing propaganda will successfully manipulate the economically ignorant into believing that inflation should be blamed on the current administration.


u/BC_Raleigh_NC 4h ago

Not all poor people are stupid.


u/zaphodava 3h ago

Plenty of economically ignorant people aren't poor.

But worry about the economy is a common stress point that can be used to manipulate people. The fact that it's being done by the people that have worked tirelessly to destroy the middle class and exacerbate wealth inequality is easy to hide.


u/BC_Raleigh_NC 3h ago

I see your point. Why do I see people talking about the middle class but not the lower class?


u/zaphodava 3h ago

Destroying the middle class and increasing wealth inequality is talking about the poor. It's taking away their ability to improve their lives.

Supporting a living wage, lowering the cost of housing, increasing access to education and medical care, protecting the ability to unionize, these are all issues that directly impact everyone that isn't wealthy.


u/BC_Raleigh_NC 2h ago

I want people to have a car, a home, and an education. Where I differ with some folks is that I don’t think that means you get everything you want right away. What’s wrong with working for a few years to save money for a home or picking a less expensive school to reduce student loan debt?


u/zaphodava 2h ago

I think you are wildly overestimating the feasibility of getting those things in many places in America.


u/BC_Raleigh_NC 2h ago

Okay so what am I overestimating?


u/CarbonBasedNPU 1h ago

People have done the math and shown people so many times clearly it doesn't work so there's no point arguing with you.

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u/Economy_Umpire8533 4h ago

Yeah they are, that’s why they vote democrat.


u/RkyMtnChi 3h ago

You think those folks living down south in the poorest states of the country are Democrats? That's adorable.


u/scorpiosweet 3h ago

Actually a lot of us are, but we are gerrymandered af


u/CarbonBasedNPU 1h ago

I don't think people realize how gerrymandered the south is.


u/Professional-Fix8518 41m ago

Theres way more dumb people in america than i ever knew. Have no idea how the different branches of government are supposed to work. No idea how limited in power the president actually is, especially if the other branches are working against him. Our supreme court is corrupt as can be. The 3 justices trump put in all under oath perjured themselves regarding roe v wade when congress was questioning them before they were confirmed. They should be impeached for perjury and clarence thomas for corruption and that ine dumb ass whose wife was flying flag in support of the january 6 insurrection. They sll need to go


u/moto_everything 19m ago

Lots of inflation should be blamed on the current administration. Maybe not all of it, but a lot of it is directly due to their actions.


u/[deleted] 6h ago

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u/NoHippo6825 5h ago

It should


u/ElectricDayDream 5h ago

Expand? I mean really just dropping “it should” ignored the multi-faceted reality that drives inflation in general, let alone in this particular time.

Inflation was going to skyrocket no matter who won in 2020. They printed so much fucking money and injected it directly into the American economy on both a large business scale and into the tax paying population directly (which in turn spent that money at/in businesses for rent, food, guns, etc.) which was essentially a 0% interest loan to these businesses during Covid that came outside of the ppp and other business bailouts that were created.

The scale of damage to the supply chain also helped. Was it blamed longer than it should have been? Absolutely. But the supply chain was damaged during Covid and when demand spiked it allowed additional inflation as well.

The president doesn’t control the fed, they can influence a decision, but in the end the fed raising rates is the feds decision, not an administration.

Also, let’s not forget the “tax cuts” that were really anything but. Forcing whoever is in power to continue them in 2025 to not kill the middle class even further without a full tax code revamp (good luck passing that in the current congress). These tax cuts also lowered revenue to cover back general inflation and the inflation we saw.

Yes Biden passed another bailout/handout, but when coupled with what was already done and happening, this did not have as large an effect on inflation as the preceding years did before he took office.

The us also had and maintained some of the lowest inflation rates in the world during the COVID recovery. The fed stepping in helped keep it that way.


u/Anthony11151991 4h ago

Ever heard of "The Inflation Reduction Act" ? That's one of many pieces of legislation by this administration . "TIRA added 1 trillion to our national debt in of itself.


u/ElectricDayDream 4h ago

TIRA isn’t a sole contributor to inflation however, and I also cited Biden acts as contributing to it. Which includes TIRA.

However, that does not mean we wouldn’t have seen skyrocketing inflation without it, the damage was already done though.

Wage growth during the boom cycle post-Covid also contributed to inflation. If wage hikes had stayed consistent with inflation from the 80s to now, rather than stagnating so hard, this would have less of an effect on it due to a less sudden surge in real wages. Couple that with greed, and that new income is eaten directly by companies raising prices to “meet demand” even after the supply chain stabilized. Please bring more to the table about these issues other than a single point and then acting like you got me. Inflation and foreign policy are so multi-faceted in their drivers that you can’t blame a single piece of legislation for it. Because it’s driven by factors outside of legislative control just as much as it is by legislative acts. Sometimes more.


u/zaphodava 5h ago

What Biden policies are responsible for inflation in Europe? Australia? Russia?

I know economics is a complicated subject, but this part really isn't that hard.


u/111IIIlllIII 5h ago

exactly. the inflation the entire world experienced following a global pandemic should be blamed entirely on the evil demonrats, especially brandon and kamala. trump will fix it. he alone can fix everything/anything. thanks for being brave enough to say this <3


u/BeautifulHindsight 4h ago

Found one of the economically ignorant


u/Anthony11151991 4h ago

Not only is a large portion of our inflation jump clearly the fault of this administration, but we can directly look up pieces of legislation that contributed to it and call it out by name. Have you ever heard of a disingenuously named spending bill called "The Inflation Reduction Act" ? A piece of legislation that really was just a massive climate spending bill that added 1 trillion to our national debt ?

I'm not a huge Trump fan, but the level of gasliting, being lied to and treated like children by the democratic party is astonishing (at this point, they that gave up on any campaign tethered to truth). Their ENTIRE campaign is a hate march against their political rival & identity politics.....Then again"who needs policy when you have Trump to hate".

You act like there isn't hard date that we can see without our very own eyes. Not to mention democrats have been in control for 12 of the last 16 years....Yet, here we are. Kamala herself signed off in 33 tie breaking votes on terrible policy that hurt the U S economy specifically. Voting for a person (disregarding all logic, statistics & data) because you dislike a candidate is extremely dangerous.


u/zaphodava 3h ago

What Biden policies are responsible for inflation in Europe? Australia? Russia?

The US has recovered from the economic damage caused by COVID faster than any other nation.

You pretend to care about policy, but you supported a party in 2020 that literally didn't make a platform.

I'm not the one gaslighting anyone. You are the one grasping at straws to support a traitor.


u/WeiToGuo 2h ago

So how did the US recover faster and more robustly than anyone else? Why are economist applauding the "soft landing" and low inflation numbers?

The only reason to peg this on the Biden administration (who actually performed very impressively) is if you only consider America as the only country, existing in a vacuum. Also, you need to be fairly uninformed with economics, or at least macros.

Because if you look at the whole earth, and view each country in comparison to the others, and you understand what the economic crunch was all about... Then it's pretty damn impressive how Biden and Co pulled it off.

Then again, the public attention span cannot handle multi step logical explanations. Especially not when the other guy just ejaculates 3 word phrases and reverses the meaning of words like Trade Deficit and Tarrif.

The information space is too cynical and dumbed down to acknowledge or reward what Biden has accomplished. Americans have said the economy was shit for 30+ years straight. But they don't actually know how to tell good from bad on such matters.