r/UnbelievableThings 18h ago

Police Arrest a Student for Allegedly Riding Bike in Wrong Lane

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u/theBubblyHannah 9h ago edited 3h ago

Oregon State Police publicly released the body camera footage of the controversial arrest of a 21-year-old Oregon State University student Read more...

Please join r/UnbelievableThings community if you haven't yet. Thank you for your support and hope you have a great day.🙂

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u/OsoRetro 17h ago edited 17h ago

How about a “Hey heads up, I need you to ride in the bike lane, going such and such direction. Don’t want anyone getting hurt.”?

You know… being human and a good Public servant??

Sometimes all someone needs is a quick verbal.

Somewhere a bicycle rider is shitting themselves because someone is momentarily blocking a bike lane.


u/Davey488 16h ago

I’m a peace officer proceeds to slam small lady into the ground… How peaceful.


u/Necessary_Petals 16h ago

I was in the military 23 years and saw tons of combat, remotely and in person. I recently watched some police documentary and the Sgt says to the group going out on patrol, "What's the #1 mission, everyone?" and all the police replied, "EVERYONE COMES HOME". I almost puked. The first mission is the mission, the 2nd mission is safety, but wtf, they are out there just protecting themselves? And they just say it like a motto.


u/InternationalArt6222 13h ago

As a combat vet of Afghanistan and Iraq, I'd be embarrassed to act as fearful of harm as some of the officers do in such videos. When carrying a weapon, violence directed at you is part of the deal. Can't let fear of harm overcome the protective and caring role of policing. I've also seen innumerable instances of fearlessness and compassion by peace officers.


u/NZImp 10h ago edited 4h ago

Even as a skinny arsed ex corrections officer. Lets be realistic in most situations your brain is your best weapon. In this respect too many cops are unarmed

Edit for typo


u/Knerdedout 9h ago

So underrated


u/StillTimely 8h ago

is it the training? or the people attracted to law enforcement? the job is tough no doubt and I respect people who want to do it, but sometimes it attracts the wrong people?


u/NZImp 7h ago

I feel its both. The system created an us against them. They attract good and bad into the role. If those in charge were the latter they drive out the good.

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u/thejohnmc963 3h ago

You need only a high school diploma to be able to carry a gun and be a judge/jury/executioner.

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u/D_dUb420247 8h ago

Not enough cops are unarmed.

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u/Abject_Natural 7h ago

What f violence? No one is coming at these cops. They make this shit up. Want to play soldier but never served. What’s the death rate of cops on the job compared to soldier? They’re clowns and there’s a reason why military are different than donut cops

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u/TheBeaarJeww 6h ago

It comes across to me that most of the police I see doing crazy shit in videos are just unwilling to have the chance that they get injured or killed on the job be above like… a very small amount.

If you’re a cop I feel like a 100% prerequisite for the job is that you are willing to on occasion have your life in a decent amount of danger and you’re not allowed to just start blasting because of that. Firefighting involves having your life in danger, if you’re not cool with that you can’t do the job.

I’ve seen videos of teams of cops decked out still behave like fools. You have body armor, a helmet, a rifle which is a huge advantage, a team with you, you’re all trained in tactics… You SHOULD win almost any engagement. Calm down a bit


u/Miigwetch 5h ago edited 4h ago

I swear! Prime example is those cowards who waited nearly an hour to confront a gunman who was shooting up a school. Battle Drill 6, get in there, and SAVE THOSE KIDS! 🤦‍♂️ I know there's a baseline level of danger involved in my work. That's why the younger me picked it. That being said, Im held to a standard of conduct that doesn't reward mindless blasting or freezing due to fear... edit: Incompetent sentence

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u/SchemeIcy5170 12h ago edited 12h ago

After I separated from the military, I interviewed in Florida for a position with FDLE. The head person on the interview panel asked me about my military background and then said, "well we're essentially a military organization too so you should fit right in"... which I found to be a disconcerting statement coming from someone higher up within a law enforcement agency at the state level and at a formal interview... and that was reflected on my face because she then asked, "...or do you disagree?!". To which my first thought was she was testing to see if I would speak up or just go along with things... so I didn't hesitate saying something to the effect of if any constabulary were acting like a military force then something had gone very very wrong with that constabulary, starting with its leadership. Which I could tell by her own reaction/body language was not the answer she wanted to hear... At which point I knew it was pointless to continue interviewing so I wrapped it up by saying I was no longer interested in continuing the interview with them. Still pisses me off to this day to think about.


u/morostheSophist 9h ago

That's exactly the problem with the police: they say "we're the police, everyone else is a civilian". No, motherfucker. You are the civilian police. You're supposed to be part of the community, not an occupying military force.

That's why they get it so stuck in their heads that they have to support each other no matter what. That's why they escalate instead of treating people like human beings. If you treat everyone like an enemy combatant, no shit people are gonna be scared of you and have difficulty cooperating. And if you interpret a reasonable question as an attack on your authority that merits a violent response, that is straight up gang behavior.

I am not part of the acab crowd, but you have to be blind to not realize that this is a systemic, self-sustaining problem that will never fix itself. Massive intervention is needed by the governments that are supposed to regulate these chucklefucks, and that means we need politicians with the will to challenge the gangs in blue, and voters committed to putting them in office. (That's only the beginning, obviously.)

We might not quite have the problem of the Mexican cartels here—you're probably not going to wind up murdered with your whole family if you cross the police—but they have a similar level of power, only all official-like, and they're damn near untouchable in many jurisdictions.

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u/Ryeballs 5h ago

This was from the 2003 series of Battlestar Galactic and resonates pretty hard with what you described

“There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.”

-Commander Adama

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u/D_dUb420247 8h ago

Absolutely brother. Some of theses cops are cowards the way they point there muzzles at peoples heads to get compliance. They constantly bypass de-escalation or rules of engagement.


u/The_Cartographer_DM 9h ago

Gang gang gang


u/figgerbit 16h ago

They're basically civilians with 6 months of training. Their job isn't to protect you, it's to uphold the law. For them, it's their day job. They're not going to die for it, and they're not going to die for you. First they protect themselves, then uphold the law. If you get helped in the process, great. Thinking the police protect and serve YOU is wrong. They protect the laws and serve the government.


u/FuzzyPlastic1227 11h ago

They protect each other and serve themselves. - Source: I was Military Police, Law Enforcement.

I DO NOT trust civilian cops.


u/FrysOtherDog 10h ago

Former Fed officer and trainer in the USCG.

Seconded. I tell people all the time "don't fucking trust local cops".

Some are good, yes. But holy fucking shit has the abuse of power and brutality gotten way, way, WAY out of hand with PDs and SDs everywhere.

It's that stupid fucking bullshit Killology training model. It's created a generation of lunatics with badges.


u/Sea-Appearance5045 7h ago

M y brother was an AP in the USAF for 10 years, went to Saudi and had his barracks bombed. Got out and joined the local Sheriff's Department where we grew up and had to quit because he feared for his life. From other deputies because he wouldn't put up with the racism and brutality of the officers. In the late 2000s. Cops are asses for a multitude of reasons, but qualified immunity, and lack of records following officers to their new jobs are number one.


u/--_--what 4h ago

My local PD has a rude awakening, personally.

I encourage y’all to do something within your communities if it’s really that bad.

Do anything you can to make a difference in your community. Hold your local government accountable for their actions, however you can!

Except… it’s easier said than done, by far. I’m learning that part. I just have to hope it’s all gonna be worth it.


u/FrysOtherDog 3h ago

I cannot recommend this advice enough. I commend you for your efforts, bravery, and dedication to your community. It really isn't easy and can be dangerous even (if things are bad enough).

To your point - we had an issue with a rural Sheriff who had created a boys club with the department over the span of about a decade. It was getting very corrupt. It was especially dangerous for young women and anyone who the force didn't like for stupid personal vendettas.

I pushed hard for his opponent (a detective at the time) and advocated for him during the election. I'm known very well in the community as I own a farm and small businesses (and as I said above, I was a former Fed and LE trainer), so we got him in there despite people being afraid of being on the old Sheriff's radar.

Once he got elected he cleaned house surprisingly quickly and we've had such a huge turnaround in the entire greater community's attitude and optimism ever since.

But seriously it doesn't take someone who is known, or has political sway, or any of that. It takes someone SHOWING UP and putting in the effort. That's seriously it. It takes time and effort, but showing up and having the backbone to do so is the hardest part for anyone.

Get involved in local politics, people!!


u/--_--what 3h ago

I’m likely the youngest person who’s ever existed in this city to have been in the city manager’s office before.

I’ve been trying to inspire my friends to research and vote. My roommates are warming up nicely to my escapades around the city and I may be able to get them to tag along for city meetings and all eventually. Hopefully I won’t have to do everything alone, but even if I learn that I am alone, then I will be doing my part.

I feel like a journalist.

I wanna know what really lives in the pig’s pen… and then I’m gonna tell everyone who listens.

But local government and politics is the key to changing things across the country. Absolutely.

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u/Weekly-Afternoon-395 5h ago

Also, a man who was passed over for hiring by a department because he was too smart sued them. The courts said it's fine for police departments to refuse to hire smart people.


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u/VirtualPoolBoy 11h ago

They’re afraid of a 90 lbs student?


u/binger5 11h ago

Have you forgotten about the acorns?


u/FrysOtherDog 10h ago


shoots wildly

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u/NateHate 11h ago

and thats another reason we say ACAB

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u/Captain_Righteous 17h ago

I agree sadly many of the those types of officers have retired or decided not to join.


u/GlorifiedDevil 17h ago

Officers like that aren't desirable because they don't make police departments money through extortion.


u/iminyourbase 15h ago

These days it seems like it's all about feeding the system. Gotta have courts and prisons operating at full capacity to justify their existence and meet budget. Cops are also too quick to jump straight to arrest for the slightest transgression.

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u/clowncollege 13h ago

“Protect and Serve” has also been retired.

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u/sq20_userr 12h ago

I dislike the cops as much as any ordinary person in my country does (Germany) but I have to throw in a story from a few days ago to show the polar opposite way such a thing can go.

My bf came home later the evening before, parked on our street and must have missed a sign saying absolutely no parking. The morning after, we were in bed sleeping at the doorbell rang.

I barely registered that and we didn't get up because the mail always rings every unit in our house to just put something in the hallway. It rung a second time and a police officer called us through the open window to tell us that we parked at this spot and had to move the car.

So he had to: Look up the licence plate,

look up our address,

find our unit (which no delivery person or mail carrier ever gets done),

ring once,

ring a second time and then call in the window.

He told us they called off the towing truck and to please move our car.

They could have just towed us.


u/Life_Bridge_9960 6h ago

In US, they would have towed you in a heart beat. If you came out reasoning, they would arrest you.


u/Milk-Jolly 5h ago

I think the arrest depends on your skin color.

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u/Natural_Hedgehog_899 16h ago

Hopefully she gets paid.


u/Fit_Airline_5798 12h ago

Hopefully one day this country will wake up and have lawsuits against the police department be paid from the police retirement fund instead of the general revenue of the city. Or abolish qualified immunity, if a couple of dozen of these fuckfaces are sued into poverty, this would end pretty quick.

But who am I kidding. Some paid time off. The captain or chief tells them "Don't let us Catch you doing that again". And then back to work. Or they fire them, and they move to the next town and do the same shit.


u/mr_remy 10h ago

Agreed. There should be some kind of insurance and licensure they have to have. Too much sketchy shit? Too expensive or liable across the board and they can’t get a job anywhere due to $$$.

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u/BeeKeepingAgeLol 10h ago

Hopefully this mentally ill man child masquerading as a civil servant gets fired and ostracized


u/RooTxVisualz 3h ago

Prob just go home and beat his wife into a promotion.

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u/Muffafuffin 3h ago

Agreed. Unfortunately our shitty "justice" system is so heavily in favor of the police, I don't think there is a legal case here. We are going to have to make something of this ourselves. Time to force the elected officials to clear out these cops, or get recalled themselves

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u/Purple-Frame-6882 17h ago


u/Redhawk4t4 16h ago

But if you were going off that chart, the girl would have been "OKAY"..

But clearly she was not treated okay


u/veverkap 15h ago

It’s almost like there are more characteristics they used to racially profile her.


u/LoneWolf_McQuade 14h ago

Almost as if race is a social construct

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u/Traditional-Mail7488 13h ago

It's an old sketch, the times are a changin'.

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u/stellamae29 17h ago

Biggest gang in America.


u/Flying_Alpaca_Boi 16h ago

We had a cop come into our class when I was in high school and use this as a bragging point when talking about gang violence. Want to join a gang well the police are the biggest gang there is


u/DalvaniusPrime 13h ago

We had the army do that

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u/[deleted] 16h ago

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u/ArrrgScreaming_Man 12h ago

Arrrg! Just a bunch of cowards


u/DylanFTW 9h ago

Gangs of the state

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u/CaptainRogersJul1918 16h ago

Hope she has a lawsuit and wins!

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u/[deleted] 16h ago

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u/joew_ 12h ago

The bootlickers in the comments need to read this.


u/veverkap 11h ago

Why are there so many bootlickers on reddit these days?


u/Little-Engine6982 11h ago

always have been, our whole world would be in a different and more advanced state without them


u/00001000U 10h ago

They've been poisoning their old watering holes and looking for new ones to shit in.


u/No-Appearance-9113 8h ago

Some of us are middle aged or older and have different perspectives because our experiences with police are very different.

I used to work for the ACLU so Im a bit more in the ACAB camp than most of my friends my age.


u/LonelySavings5244 8h ago

Ex wife is a cop, so I have no love for cops. But why feel the need to call someone a bootlicker who doesn’t agree with you on something? It seems like there are two sides, bootlickers and what ever the opposite is?

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u/Niccio36 9h ago

Wild you think they can read. They’re usually the stupidest among our population.

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u/FlexFeliciano 17h ago

uff thank god the police was there to stop that violent crime GTFO

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u/Arthurjim 16h ago

Thank you Officer for getting this violent offender off the streets 😂🤦‍♂️🤡


u/YesImAlexa 6h ago

Fuck these cops and the whole system. All these insecure ignorant big ego bitches should get shipped off to an island and have a manchild pissing match for who gets to be their leader. They'll beat thenselves into oblivion and we can let the winner have a therapist who tell him he's a big, strong manly man until he gets over his shortcomings.

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u/sarcasticbatkid 16h ago

To all the people asking is it so hard to show id for 2 seconds, Is it so hard to give a clarification of why you’re stopping someone for 2 seconds ? Cause no matter what you think about it a random commoner hasn’t been professionally trained to handle and defuse situations like a cop is supposed to be.


u/NotSureWatUMean 15h ago

Yeah, but in the state that this happened, it's not legally required to show your I. D while riding on a bike. The police are in the wrong.


u/justbrowsing987654 14h ago

And that’s what she was asking. She didn’t know, they wouldn’t explain. It’s nuts. They said they were going back and forth for 20 minutes so it seems she may have been a bit difficult but that’s not illegal and had the cops done their job and explained a reasonable suspicion and need to get the ID she likely would have complied.

Call me crazy but if you can’t clearly articulate why you’re trying to ask something of someone, you probably shouldn’t be able to do that and operate as an agent of the state legally allowed to potentially take someone’s freedom or even life.

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u/veverkap 11h ago

You're right - she didn't have to have her ID on her. The cop handled this situation poorly. There are ways to verify her identity to the degree required to issue her a citation.

Cops place citations on cars all the time without asking for the ID of the owner. If they cite the wrong person (maybe they've sold the car or weren't driving it), the person is allowed to correct that in court.

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u/codeprimate 7h ago

You still have to give your name and address. statute

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"Hey we saw you were riding your bike in the wrong lane, be careful please because that can be a citation, have a good day!"

See, that easy, they need to hire me as a cop


u/komali_2 14h ago

Can't even be a citation in Oregon anyway.

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u/Impossible_Tap_1852 16h ago

“Roll over!”

“You need to get off of me so I can roll over.”

“That’s not gonna happen. Now stop resisting and roll over.”


u/iminyourbase 15h ago

She should have simply complied and dislocated her spine then spun her torso around like a T-1000. How hard is that?


u/Stuckinatrafficjam 15h ago

They like to say things like stop resisting when they can’t force your arm to bend in unnatural and painful positions.

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u/Warriorgobrr 15h ago

This cop is sick, why did he want her to roll over so he could sit on her ass? Wtf is even going on here. He sits on her then says roll over, this is some fantasy of his clearly

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u/flightwatcher45 17h ago

He was playing out a fantasy of his. Sick

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u/[deleted] 16h ago



u/valenciansun 12h ago

Cops are 40% domestic abusers (and that's just REPORTED). They treat their family just like this.

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u/Frankenbird77 16h ago

Land of the Free right guys/gals? To the people who say just comply... You are part of the problem. The reason the system is so frivolous is to give the armed goons of the state the most resources to subvert your constitutional rights. People will say "how easy would it be to just give ID", well "how easy would it be to investigate real crimes, with real victims"? The reason they don't is because that costs money, whereas trying to get anyone and everyone on dumb municipal code violations generated revenue for the state. Do you think you will get a fair trial that you are guaranteed by the constitution? You mean the state arrested you, the prosecutes you and the state judges you (but hey I'm sure they'll be impartial).

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u/Jef-Leppard 17h ago

This is totally believable. Cops are so dumb.

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u/FiveFootFore 16h ago

Two man that terrified of a young woman riding a bike are unfit for duty.


u/komali_2 15h ago

hope no acorns drop near them


u/Sixaxist 9h ago

I've seen a lot of ridiculous cop shooting videos, but that video 100% takes the award for most outrageous.

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u/yellowsidekick 13h ago

Gross boy sighed with horny delight when he put the cuffs on 🤮

First letting her sit up, but then refusing when she didn't want their help.. yeah they abusers.


u/APrisonLaidInGold 8h ago

Legit left me shaking so hard with rage i had to put my phone down and just breathe for a couple minutes. its so heartbreaking to hear the tone of her voice shes being so polite when it shouldnt be required for her to be the deescalator of the situation and shes scared but still trying to speak so calmly. If this is what our cops do to us then we may as well go back to the days before cops. Its mob justice either way but at least its not cops mobbing us with no way to be allowed to keep ourselves safe. We're supposed to roll over and say thank you so they can gut us in the streets and be appreciative of the "service" they do for us and pay off their lawsuits and salaries with taxpayer fucking money, so we pay them to scare and abuse and kill us.


u/diurnal_emissions 8h ago

If cops are under no legal obligation to protect us and we are legally incapable of protecting ourselves from cops, then what is the point of cops? Extortion?


u/APrisonLaidInGold 8h ago

Exactly! So bullies and bigots can get their rocks off with no punishment if lmao. You cant tell us this guy wasn't enjoying this arrest way way too much and the weirdness of wanting to "help" her with everything like why is she NOT allowed to sit up alone??? Shes cuffed whats she gonna do awkwardly stumble directly into the road and get hit by a car??


u/myaltduh 5h ago

The point of cops is enforce social hierarchy. A young nonwhite college student who “talks back” is the subject of that enforcement.

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u/[deleted] 13h ago

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u/maybejustadragon 12h ago

Petty response by the whole law enforcement institution. Children.

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u/Pufferfish1026 9h ago

If I'm understanding this correctly, the traffic infraction of failure to drive on the right side is civil then? And from this link: https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_162.247, it states: "...lawful duties of the officer with regards to another person or a criminal investigation."

So in this case she can't be arrested for interfering with a peace officer solely because this is a civil matter? If that's true, then is it possible to just avoid such citations by refusing to identify yourself in the state of Oregon?

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u/[deleted] 16h ago edited 14h ago

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u/TheBigNook 12h ago

Bro I am crying at how mad this made people, keep doing what you do


u/desexmachina 12h ago

sometimes, comments from when I just woke up, just have no filter

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u/PoxControl 14h ago

You realize that a guy can get a boner out of nowhere? I've once got a boner while ordering a burger at MC Donalds.


u/veverkap 11h ago

How good was that fucking burger, amiright?

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u/Strawberry____Blonde 14h ago

Wtf is wrong with you lmao


u/boldandbratsche 10h ago

I'd be fine with just some mild accountability and maybe a license that could be revoked the way it is for literally anybody in the medical field.

The fact you're calling them penile senors instead of their actual name, along with the severe misunderstanding of the setting and circumstances under which these (already controversial) tests are administered, leads me to believe you're not speaking from a position of knowledge but from one of outrage and short-sightedness.

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u/Lilublue 17h ago

She sounds like a child . So basically you go to jail just for existing in America

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u/lleeaa88 16h ago

Poor girl. This is pathetic. Although I wish these cops would start working in Toronto where it’s the wild fucking west in bike lanes here.

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u/Successful_Lobotomy 16h ago

Pigs. They're all the same and not a single one is to be trusted. Their entire just job is to build a case against you any time you talk to them.


u/AnonThrowaway998877 9h ago

They will also lie in their reports, plant evidence, and lie in court. So yeah, like you said, don't trust them, ever.


u/G-Nasty1701 16h ago

Every single cop is a piece of shit

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u/Human_Unit6656 16h ago

Cops are scum. Always.


u/drin8680 15h ago

These videos are getting outta control. There definitely needs to be some type of reforms. They act like they know they can own you not give you your rights as a citizen. Over riding a bike wrong direction. Insane. Hopefully they were reprimanded which is deserved after seeing this video

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u/friendly-sam 14h ago

I was sympathetic to cops, but the more I see of this type of abuse it's completely gone. They physically assaulted her because she exercised her constitutional right to not answer questions. I find the pretense for asking for ID also questionable. However, assuming they were correct to stop her, is an assault equal to the crime? There was no victim in her alleged violation. These cops are a**holes.

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u/iamlazy 12h ago

As far as I can gather, when an officer does this, it is better to comply and fight it at court, rather than risking them shooting you because a squirrel was clumsy that day.

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u/cantresetpwfuck 7h ago

No one would listen if cops were like, “hey, buddy. Please…”.

It would be chaos.

Grow up.

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u/Signal-Blackberry356 6h ago

The irony of being called a peace officer.


u/myaltduh 5h ago

You can almost hear the mental masturbation when he calls himself that.

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u/Gurrgurrburr 17h ago

All idiots who don't understand policing.


u/AllergicIdiotDtector 17h ago

Just comply! jUsT cOmPlY !! Fuck the police

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u/Ok_Explanation5631 16h ago

Agreed! Gotta teach those hardened criminals who ride on the wrong bike lane a lesson. Imagine had she pulled out another bicycle on the officers?? Glad they’re safe.

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u/W0WZUUR 16h ago

90 days in solitary should suffice for this crime......


u/[deleted] 16h ago


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u/U_R_THE_WURST 16h ago

Hardened criminal


u/Brepgrokbankpotato 16h ago

Gotta hit those diversity quotas or no more armour piercing rounds for our local police departments m1 Abram tank that we use for parking patrol (just in case the shooters have guns..)


u/Tcheudisquelpei 16h ago

the US is a joke of a country

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u/Dozer242 15h ago

Cops are gross


u/BlackGoatSemen 15h ago

Cops are dumb


u/Redleg1-7 15h ago

Cops definitely over reacted to a bicycle thing. Seriously, so what.

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u/DaGucka 15h ago

"Peace officer"? You mean "escalation expert"?

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u/MysteryGong 15h ago

It’s these types of actions by cops that I’d encourage others in the community to jump down and save this person from the unlawful arrest.

Police need to fear the public, not the other way around.

Arm everyone. I betchu in those students who were standing around were armed and watching the police they wouldn’t have acted this way.

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u/Still_Barnacle1171 15h ago

Land of the free my ass, the USA has more people in jail than anyone else, more police forces than anyone else, your govt is controlled and run by large corporations. At what point are you going to realise it is the largest propaganda routine ever and organise yourselves? In this instance there should have been hundreds surrounding these Gestapo bullies harassing them, make them feel uncomfortable for obviously violating and abusing their powers.


u/Active-Yak-9441 15h ago

those USA cops, lower IQ bullies from High School... they don't know they law they're supposed to enforce:

The district attorney said that Hansen will not be charged. “There isn’t a statute requirement for you to present your driver’s license when you are riding a bicycle,” Benton District Attorney John Haroldson told CNN.

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u/xSmeckleDorfedx 15h ago

What if I went for a jog in morning (don’t carry ID), does the pigs can legally ask me for an ID? They’re excuse is something BS about the neighbor residents reported a suspicious person in the neighborhood.

They can detain but how long can they do that? Can they arrest me because I don’t have my ID on? Where in any state law that requires a person to have ID with them at any time?

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u/moonkittiecat 15h ago

Couple of chomos. Why would you work that hard and expend that much energy when there are real violent felons out there?


u/GLC911 15h ago

This cop is pathetic.


u/UncleWillie77 15h ago

Another set of cops doin way too much


u/Rothguard 15h ago

police are armed , retarded and emotionally fragile.

stay safe out there


u/Zohvek 14h ago

When citizens finally start standing up when they see police violating someones rights... this will stop. You see cops illegally detaining or knocking a young woman around like this, it'll just take a few heros to come up behind them in their blindspot and put a couple in these pigs heads. Few incidents like that across the nation, they will shape up. Its the only way fucking pigs learn

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u/StopJoshinMe 14h ago

sitting on top of her


Jesus fucking Christ.


u/Ellemshaye 14h ago

Sooo…. You’re not required to give them ID for something like this, right? I understand they need to see a Drivers License when you’re driving, but just out walking around like this?

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u/jaru4122 14h ago

Typical police officer who doesn't know the laws he gets to enforce. Also another Scab ass cop who forgets that he swore an oath to protect & Serve. True Pos

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u/Omgazombie 14h ago

These are the kind of stupid ass mall cops that would point a gun at someone who’s about to commit suicide and demand they stop or else they’ll shoot them lmfao

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u/HeftyBagOfDiarrhea 14h ago

This doesn’t being on UnbelievableThings because it is all too common. All cops are cowards and thugs.

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u/ReturnOfBart 14h ago

Oh and they’re from OR ha! Those cops definitely beat their wives, “no you will not sit up or lay down without us doing it!!”


u/Able-Ad-6512 14h ago

Everyone think about that for a moment, under arrest for resisting arrest ….


u/Emotional-Lab7525 14h ago

ACAB Fuck these powertripping manbaby bullies

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u/Working-Cake7479 14h ago

Why can't this happen to me?! Like come and try motherfuckers, I need the money!

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u/b4loo69 14h ago

I wasn't aware you needed a license to ride a bicycle... Shouldn't they have just written her up warning or a citation and been on their way?

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u/Strawberry____Blonde 13h ago edited 7h ago

Looking at her hands and wrists, she's not black. Second, she was stopped for a minor crime and refused to identify herself. People who do that are hiding something, plain and simple. He probably would have given her a warning, which STILL needs to be documented (thus needing to ID her), for if she gets caught doing it again. Then she RESISTED ARREST. Cop did nothing wrong. Do you people really expect him to be like "Oh you're right random lady, byyyyee!"

Reddit is dumb AF when it comes to misplaced cop hate. I've rewritten the headline to highlight what actually happened: Not-black girl refuses to identify after committing minor crime, gets warned about the consequences then resists arrest, escalating into the use of force. Redditors circle jerk about things that didn't actually happen.

Edit: So after conversing for a couple hours I found no evidence provided backed up any of the claims that the officer did something wrong. Just insults, which also had no grounds in reality.

Good night... youabsolutedumbfucks.

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u/1-2-3-5-8-13 13h ago

Reminder that police are fucking terrible at their jobs, and instead choose to harass people who commit the grave offense of hurting their egos

In 2022, police nationwide cleared 36.7% of violent crimes that were reported to them and 12.1% of the property crimes that came to their attention.


u/Triplecrownhopeful 13h ago

Cops need to be beat up when they do this shit. If citizens would jump in and stop cops from harming other civilians they wouldn’t do this shit


u/iamadventurous 12h ago

Question for the cop haters. If you were a police officer and you had to make an arrest, and they were resisting and fighting back, what is your course of action? What do you think is the proper way?


u/spoopysky 11h ago

What video did you watch with someone resisting and fighting back?

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u/mebboomer 12h ago

Just give them the ID. Why is this hard to understand?

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u/JayFrizz 12h ago

There's a reason so many people "practice exercising their rights". Is it easy to show ID? yes. But you don't legally have to, and police cannot force you to in most cases.

Its about keeping public servants as public servants and less of a gang.


u/Quick_Attitude2147 12h ago

If you're riding a bike in the rode, you must follow traffic rules. If a car was in the wrong lane... exact same outcome.


u/Possible-Tangelo9344 12h ago

"I don't answer questions"

She pretty plainly made her choice.

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u/PartyPeepo 12h ago

Wow, thank you officers!!! 😊 So brave arresting that criminal 😍 I love our police ❤️ I feel much safer now! 🥰 /s


u/Hot_Detective_5418 12h ago

Hey America, keep telling us about all your freedom and how free ye all are.

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u/ZeroBlade-NL 12h ago

How cops not get shot a whole lot more often is beyond me


u/Dull_Woodpecker6766 12h ago

Both of them need to be fired and barred from ever working as at the or for the police....


u/djsjdndndd 12h ago

Police officer is in the right

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u/[deleted] 12h ago


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u/JayBird38 12h ago

I heard “there’s not going to be more clarification”. Cool so you’re admitting you have no idea why you’re arresting this person but, you’re arresting her anyway.

I guess thanks for keeping people safe from other people that harm your ego.

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u/Weak-Emotion5072 7h ago

I mean, why didn't she just offer identification 🤔

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u/Godsdiscipull 7h ago

LOL she's 21 and doesn't know she has to give ID after committing a 'crime'? Take your ticket and challenge it in court.

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u/samhk222 7h ago

What's wrong with americans? Just give the freaking id

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u/Outside_Green_7941 6h ago

Fire the cops fine them 1 million each take all the own and give it to the kid, look I fixed the problem


u/corrector300 6h ago

accountability is zero among police. make the individual officers responsible for their actions, this kind of shit will happen a lot less frequently.


u/RestoSham09 6h ago

“Easy, Campbell. Easy!! She’s got a goddamn bicycle!”


u/Most_Ad_9857 3h ago

“Hey Siri, what’s the fastest way to radicalize a civilian population against an armed force that patrols the streets?”


u/BetterSelection7708 3h ago

From CNN:

A group of officers eventually arrive to the scene, and Hansen is ultimately placed in the back of a vehicle. She was arrested for interfering with an officer and resisting arrest, according to the citation released by Oregon State Police. Hansen was eventually transported to the Benton County Jail and released, according to the citation.

The district attorney said that Hansen will not be charged. “There isn’t a statute requirement for you to present your driver’s license when you are riding a bicycle,” Benton District Attorney John Haroldson told CNN.

After reviewing the tape several times Haroldson says he told police there “weren’t grounds to pursue charges.”


u/bwood246 3h ago

"It's your choice to give me ID, but I'm going to arrest you if you don't" doesn't really sound like a choice


u/Otherwise_Weight8724 16h ago

Lots of boot licking in this thread. How does it taste?

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u/Piesangbom 16h ago

Who carries identification with then? What is this, apartheid south africa??


u/kaos95 15h ago

I often don't when riding my bike . . . because it's a bike, I have my phone that lets me pay for things

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u/blueberrywalrus 13h ago

You're not required too.

You're required to identify yourself in certain situations, which can be done with just your name and birthdate.

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u/Fit_Airline_5798 12h ago

Vere are your papers?

Vat are you hiding?

Arbeit macht frei.

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u/Beneficial-Big-9915 16h ago

Organize thugs, pretending to be there to serve and protect.


u/jrev8 14h ago

More like to punish and enslave


u/Ill_Composer1883 16h ago

Ik she had to give him her id,but dude jumping on a teenager like that would've broken her ribs 4 fuck sake

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u/dogsrulecatscool 16h ago

Damn, lots of loonies defending these goons in the comments already! What a fucking world we live in.


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u/50YOYO 16h ago

Watch as brave police officer tackles a dangerous menace to society.


u/Morstorpod 12h ago

Excuse me, I think you mean "peace officer". /s

(seriously got some 1984 vibes hearing that one...)


u/ButterMahBunz 16h ago

Fuck The Police


u/Puzzleheaded_Set2300 18h ago



u/RedditFenix 8h ago

I hope one day that you need help from the police, and they come and rescue you, so you can feel guilty about all the times you said/typed that.

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u/LegendaryAstuteGhost 3h ago

All cyclists are bastards, it is known.

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u/[deleted] 16h ago

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u/[deleted] 16h ago

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u/CynicalDick 11h ago

Thank you for the link. It is amazing how easy it is to make assumptions by a short, violeent clip but watching the full video makes it so much clearer. I really hope u/AuditTheAudit covers this one.

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u/TruthSpeakin 17h ago



u/ILLpLacedOpinion 16h ago

Show the 20 minutes leading up to this.

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u/CheeriosAtMidnight 16h ago

Carful officer she’s a strong one. Better put your entire bodyweight on her.

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u/FlammenwerferBBQ 16h ago

welcome to the police state you all voted for

now the Police will investigate itself and find no wrong doings

move on


u/TBM_Chile 16h ago

BRO 2 grown ass men forcefully arresting a teenager for riding a freakin bike. What's wrong with this people? Are their lives so miserable that they need to go on such a power trip to feel some kind of validation of their authority or feel good about them selves. Yeah like you're doing a great job abusing power and spilling more crap onto the police reputation

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