r/excel 25d ago

Excel 365 Memory Issue solved

I have a fairly large spreadsheet with associated macros. It normally occupies about 300MB in memory, about 9MB on disk. After Excel's recent update to the latest current channel (Version 2408 (Build 17928.20114)), the spreadsheet immediately runs up to 4GB+ in the initial calculation process after opening and Excel crashes. Repair of the spreadsheet finds no errors. I reverted to Version 2407 (Build 17830.20166) and the spreadsheet has no issues. Curious if anyone else is experiencing a similar issue with the latest build.

Update: Testing in progress, but issue appears resolved with Version 2409 (Build 18025.20030).


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u/SealedSeven 14d ago

There was an update yesterday, but nothing in the release that would appear to fix this issue. Anyone tried out the update?


u/gk802 14d ago

No. I had been looking in the beta/preview channel as well for any notes that appear to relate to this issue and haven't seen anything. I don't plan to enable updates again until I see something definitive.


u/SealedSeven 14d ago

That's a shame. Has there been enough attention brought up in those channels of this issue that they are aware / looking into it?


u/gk802 14d ago

Good question. I raised a case with support,. In addition, I posted it to the feedback hub, but only one person has posted a supportive comment or similar issue, so I'm not sure how aware they are of the issue or that it is affecting more than a couple of users. Category in the feedback hub is "Apps"/"Office-Excel".