r/Music 14d ago

Dave Grohl admits cheating on wife as he confirms new baby article


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u/TastyMagic 14d ago

100% this was about making things right with his spouse. A public acknowledgement of how he wronged her. Especially because he is generally liked and perceived as a good guy.


u/duaneap 14d ago edited 14d ago

I’ve met him. He’s super nice. Nice people can do terrible things.

Edit: I’m enjoying people thinking this is a ringing endorsement of his behaviour. Or that I’m some blind fanboy. From my predominantly professional interaction with the guy, he was very nice. I didn’t stay up all night with him talking about the complexities of life… I’ve known plenty of people I would consider nice that have done awful stuff. You go by what you know 🤷‍♂️

Edit: I… regret sharing my experience. Y’all feel however you want to feel 😽


u/BoreJam 14d ago

Humans are complicated. Nice people can still be selfish sometimes, just as assholes can occationaly do considerate things.


u/happydwarf17 14d ago

This is generally why I’ve stopped accepting Reddit’s opinion on people. I think humans are vastly complicated beings and everything is not very black and white.


u/alaskanloops 14d ago

That's why I always question the am I and asshole posts, like, sure it sounds like you're not, but there's always more to the story right?


u/sdjacaranda 14d ago

I had to stop looking at those. In general all of the top replies were burn it to the ground level takes in one direction or the other. Life in general is a lot more nuanced and ambiguous.


u/Lazer32 14d ago

Yeah, it is a very toxic subreddit. Not a very healthy attitude being cultured there. Remember when being an adult meant admitting your mistakes, making amends, and doing your best to meet in the middle? Learn from your mistakes and move on as a better person? What ever happened to being able to talk about our problems and showing a little bit of compassion and forgiveness? It's almost like a fire is being stoked to radicalize us against each other or something...

If we lived in the black and white world of those subreddits the world would be a really dark place. Because by their logic, it's 1 mistake and you're done. If that sounds good to you see Authoritarian Regimes and the outcomes they produce.

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u/happydwarf17 14d ago

Or they might be - in that specific instance! And then can redeem themselves later. Or are generally not an asshole. Or the opposite.

I think it just has to do with age. My guess is most on this site are just young and haven’t experienced much nuance, or have particular trauma that has them see more black and white. I certainly was more hard headed and less empathetic when I was younger.


u/CodyFinishedTheStory 14d ago

AITA posts are mostly fake writing prompts to karma farm.

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u/CandidGuidance 14d ago

I stopped even reading those because it’s impossible to judge anything off of one persons’ super subjective stance. It just made me angry lol


u/KCBandWagon 14d ago

Those posts are just echo chambers to encourage someone to be an asshole because someone else was too.


u/LouSputhole94 14d ago edited 14d ago

There’s three sides to every story. Yours, theirs and the truth. Very rarely does someone tell the full truth in a story about themselves. And even when they try, their description is usually marred by their own opinion. That’s why couples counseling can be so beneficial, it allows a neutral third party to fjord the minutiae.


u/3yeless 14d ago

Nuance is lost on social media. You are either with us or against us.


u/FlasKamel 14d ago

It has been so refreshing to hear this sentiment from more ppl recently. Of course there are ‘’evil’’ acts, and of course some people do bad things more consistently than others. But I genuinely believe EVERYONE are capable of going against their trur selves, their values, and it doesn’t have to say anything about their character.

This doesn’t mean you should accept everything or forgive everyone but life isn’t simple. I myself went through a period where, while I didn’t do anything that harmed anyone else, I was acting completely contradictory to who I truly feel I am. And despite it understandably being nearly impossible to explain to other ppl, the fact that every action I took for a while were the actions of someone who didn’t care about my close ones, I always did genuinely care, even then.

You can call it weakness and it would be fair. But I find it wrong whenever ppl do something wrong, that’s instantly what ppl see as the ‘’truth’’ coming out.


u/norcaltobos 14d ago

Never take reddit's opinion on people. They fucking love to tear down anyone and anything that even slightly makes a mistake.

You would think most redditor's are perfect little angels the way they condemn random strangers they don't know on the internet.


u/Specialist-One-712 14d ago

Same. We love how artists think differently and they're so moody and complicated and then get really mad when they're not gods. Makes no sense.

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u/sdjacaranda 14d ago

Yeah, me too. Happy to see I’m not the only one.


u/Layanheart 14d ago

Same. Many people here don't seem to understand nuanced topics in general. Liking someone who isn't a complete angel doesn't make you the devil!


u/DoctorPapaJohns 14d ago

I witnessed this happen in real time. I have a semi-famous friend involved in a minor scandal and the assumptions (and just flat-out lies) people say about him on Reddit are astounding.


u/loxagos_snake 14d ago

Insane take.

If his wife doesn't dump his lawyer, hit his ass and hire a gym, she deserves everything she gets. The world is black and white and if your moral compass isn't as perfectly calibrated as mine, you deserve bad things. In fact, from now on, I declare that anyone who listens to Dave Grohl's music -- even accidentally on the radio -- is a horrible person.

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u/M_Woodyy 14d ago

Dead internet theory is my go to when I see people being disturbingly obtuse, they're just bots that haven't picked up nuance yet lol

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u/Gran_Autismo_95 14d ago

Niceness is simply not a genuine measure of character. Anyone can be nice, it's easy.

Being kind, compassionate, empathetic, loyal, helpful, and a long list of other good qualities actually require something, real action and behaviour. Nice is just words.


u/tdr_visual 14d ago

Interesting to see reddit's rational take on infidelity when it's someone they like 😂


u/mehnimalism 14d ago

Doing it many times makes you wonder though


u/Dummdummgumgum 14d ago

Nice people also can still think with their penises alot.


u/Balthazzah 14d ago

Now apply that same amount of kindness to a public figure who is widely unliked... you wont get the same understanding from people

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u/hawkeye224 14d ago

It's easy to appear outwardly "nice" though (and internet/reddit seems to lap it up in many cases). Not as easy to actually have integrity and be a good person outside of superficialities.


u/maxdps_ 14d ago

It's easy to be nice person, but takes effort to be good person.


u/aznPHENOM 14d ago

I argue with this all the time with my brother. I tell people that people can be a good daughter, good mom, good dad, good friend but doesn't mean theyre a good person. My brother thinks every nice person is a good person. Holding the door for someone? GOOD PERSON!

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u/StevenIsFat 14d ago

It's easy to be nice person, but takes effort to be good person.

Yup, and guess what, that has to be taught. It doesn't just "happen" like people think it does.


u/TheSecularGlass 14d ago

Not even necessarily effort, but sacrifice. Discipline. You have to make peace with not getting something you want. People are generally bad at that.


u/infinitefailandlearn 14d ago

We’d give ourselves a lot of slack if we admitted this more. Most people want to be good, but we make mistakes. Life has ups and downs.

That’s why online virtue signaling is so fucking annoying.


u/meowfuckmeow 14d ago

Knocking someone up outside of your marriage is a series of bad choices. It’s not one mistake.


u/Chirimeow 14d ago

Cheating is not just a silly little mistake though. It's not some minor slipup. It's a calculated choice with damaging consequences.


u/ComfortingCatcaller 14d ago

Rich, famous musicians cheating on their wives?!?


u/YuushyaHinmeru 14d ago

The one grace I'll give to cheating celebrities is that they probably experience a level of temptation normal people would never coke close to. They probably have 10/10's throwing themselves at them constantly.


u/dark_dark_dark_not 14d ago

Dude was risking giving the mother of his children an STD by not admitting this sooner, it's just very, very bad

Men are not animals that can't control themselves like some act


u/Leading_Attention_78 14d ago

This! So tired of the excuses. He can control his urges or he can’t.


u/jmiah717 14d ago

It's not an 'or' thing. He can control his urges and he chose not to.

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u/Global_Telephone_751 14d ago

He still chose to raw dog this woman, repeatedly. Rumor has it it’s a long term affair partner, not just a fling. That’s not him giving into temptation, that’s him disregarding his wife’s bodily autonomy, her consent, etc., all just so he can get laid. It’s a CHOICE, not a mistake.


u/fukkdisshitt 14d ago

"...would never coke close to" - I see you're a person of culture


u/JayBee58484 14d ago

Zero excuse

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u/_BELEAF_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

Shit, I should have replied to you. And this is not meant for you. But in thanks to you and in agreement with your post...


It is ok to be a good person who messes up doing a bad thing. That is only human.

Everyone here has such high standards for other people and situations they know nothing about. Even for instances like bipolar, through which people can suffer hyper-sexuality.

I know there are no excuses. Only explainations. But it really ticks me off how perfect people on here and off think they are.

We all have no clue what someone else is going through. Stop the blaming and virtuosity. It's garbage.


u/Lumpy_Vehicle_349 13d ago

I’ve seen so many people hate on those celebrities who cheat only for them to be friends with people who have cheated or still love their parents who did the same thing or have mentors who did the same thing.

It’s funny when you tell them that they are hypocrites.

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u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/_BELEAF_ 14d ago edited 14d ago

It is ok to be a good person who messes up by doing a bad thing. That is only human.

Everyone here has such high standards for people and situations they know nothing about. Even for instances like bipolar, through which people can suffer hyper-sexuality.

I know there are no excuses. Only explainations. But it really ticks me off how perfect people on here and off think they are.

We all have no clue what someone else is going through. Stop the blaming and virtuosity. It's garbage.

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u/infinitefailandlearn 14d ago

We’d give ourselves a lot of slack if we admitted this more. Most people want to be good, but we make mistakes. Life has ups and downs.

That’s why online virtue signaling is so fucking annoying.

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u/ApplesaucePenguin75 14d ago

Right. Being nice and having integrity are very different.


u/captainbawls 14d ago

Personality is how you respond on a typical day. Character is how you show up on your worst day.

It's easy to demonstrate fairness, integrity, and generosity when things are going well.

The real question is whether you stand by those values when the deck is stacked against you.

-Adam Grant

Being nice to a fan is easy. Being loyal to your partner in the face of lust and temptation, especially if you believe there won't be consequences, tests that character. Unfortunately, many fail.


u/Some_Current1841 14d ago

Yep, by all accounts, serial killers were also very charming and nice people. Until, you know…


u/Self_Reddicated 14d ago

According to every Clint Eastwood movie I've ever seen, the grumpiest, most outwardly hateful, meanest old cuss you know probably has more virtue and integrity than any other you know. Of course, that *might* not always be true.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Clint Eastwood is a racist piece of shit and movies aren’t real.

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u/UnderratedEverything 14d ago

Well I can also tell you from experience that some of the nicest people out there are also some of the fakest and least reliable when push comes to shove.


u/GoFar77 14d ago

So who then is actually nice?


u/BluesyShoes 14d ago

People who don’t need or want anything from you but still care about your wellbeing. (ie unicorns)


u/cjpack 14d ago

Then you find out that unicorn was just pretending to be nice and was really a horse with a horn taped on its head and is just as resentful and misanthropic as the rest. Then you wonder, were those rainbows even real or just a reflection of light?

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u/KublaiDon 14d ago

It’s odd how many people have a 30 second interaction with a celebrity, the celebrity treats them like a human being, and then they are convinced the person is a saint for the rest of their lives lol


u/WaltWoodman 14d ago

People want to believe in the good of other people. I don’t think that’s a terrible thing.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

It’s bad when we overwhelmingly agree someone is great and then shower them with praise, money, etc. and protect them from deserved criticism. We then elevate not the best people to positions of extreme power 


u/WaltWoodman 14d ago

I’d agree with that. Deification and lionization are generally pretty bad.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Yes! Well said and more succinctly put 

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u/seattt 14d ago

People only want to believe in the good of people with wealth or higher status. Ask them if they believe in the good of people with lesser wealth or whom they perceive as lower status and then tell me how much people in the good of other people.


u/nightraindream 14d ago

People subscribe to the just world hypothesis because realising that life sucks and good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people makes people uncomfortable.


u/KublaiDon 14d ago

Yeah I agree with that, I don’t think people should make them into amazing people or horrible people… reading into some tiny interaction just doesn’t mean anything though


u/Additional_Essay 14d ago

We just don't know most people all that intimately, but definitely not celebrities.


u/ButterscotchExactly 14d ago

We are in 2024 my friend, you make a mistake and you're a scumbag now and always have been. Especially if you've made more than one mistake!

In fact, this very post will likely be considered me condoning every bad thing Dave ever did.

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u/ROTMGADDICT55 14d ago

Yes because he definitely said Drave Grohl is a saint.

We surely read the same sentence.

How do you have 300 upvotes lmao.

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u/sofingclever 14d ago

It goes the other way too. Someone meets a celebrity when maybe the celebrity is not at 100% for whatever reason, and then some random stranger knows what that celebrity is "really like" based on a 5 minute interaction.


u/Fungidude 14d ago

For sure but that is usually in contrast to celebs that just treat everyone they meet like shit.


u/SlimShadyM80 14d ago

I mean most regular people I meet cant even do that, so..

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u/Journeyman351 14d ago

Well the bar certainly is in hell in terms of celebrities and meeting them but yeah you're absolutely right lol.

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u/idroled 14d ago

Exactly. Nice is different than good.


u/youstupidcorn 14d ago

Into The Woods reference intended?


u/GolDAsce 14d ago

I consider myself a nice guy. I wouldn't trust myself to turn down a night with prime Kate Upton 10 out of 10 times.

Being moral or nice doesn't mean one can't falter. Not excusing him, because I don't know anything about him.


u/daspyknows 14d ago

Not to say right or wrong, but if he was on the road with his pick of hot groupies, this is no surprise. Pretty sure more rock stars and athletes go this route than not. As long as she was an adult and it was consensual, he didn't break any laws. That doesn't make it 5 he is no Ryan Adams.


u/luckymethod 14d ago

Or maybe he was just going through some shit with his wife and someone else made him feel appreciated and wanted. Marriage is hard, and long ones give you time to feel really alone sometimes when things aren't going great.

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u/alextheruby 14d ago

Or people are complicated. Dude cheated on his wife. That sucks but he didn’t bomb a nation. Infidelity happens. Nobody is perfect, except for on Reddit.


u/mtaw 14d ago

Yeah, I have a hard time condemning someone I don't know for cheating. I'd leave that to the person who was cheated on.

'Cheating' is something people define differently in the first place. If your SO is okay with you sleeping with others, is that cheating? Not in my book at least, although some think otherwise. And "emotional infidelity" - e.g. someone stops talking with and being close with their partner while confiding and finding comfort with another - can easily be a worse thing than a "physical" infidelity, IMO. Or what about someone in a loveless (or even abusive) relationship that they can't or don't have the strength to end for one reason or another, but find love with someone outside it? Is the technicality of their vows really more important than the content of the relationship? Or.. if someone's unfaithful, regrets it, begs forgiveness and gets it - are you still supposed to condemn them even when the actually-wronged party doesn't?

So it depends on what happened, what the couple's relationship was like, and a ton of other stuff is highly intimate and personal - I can't bring myself to judge anyone when I know nothing of that. If I was a personal friend of Grohl and his wife and knew more about the situation, I might have an opinion, but not as it stands. Bear also in mind that gossiping about the thing may well do more damage than the actual cheating, depending on the circumstances.


u/qeadwrsf 14d ago

That Bill burr clip comes to mind.


u/danidandeliger 14d ago

My ex boyfriend was the "the nicest guy ever" according to his female friends. He is actually an emotionally abusive asshole behind closed doors. He sexually assaulted me after we broke up. So whenever someone says that so and so is "so nice" I wonder how much of that is a front. My guess is a lot.


u/Salty-Obligation-603 14d ago

He's donated millions to different charities over the years, among other good deeds that took effort and planning.

Cheating on a spouse doesn't erase every good thing a person and done. If doing something awful made a person inherently bad, we'd all be inherently bad

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u/getthedudesdanny 14d ago

“Nice is a strategy. Good is a character trait.”

-Gavin de Becker


u/yantraa 14d ago



u/Just-Leopard6789 14d ago

The internet generally eats whatever you give them. Anyone can craft an image of what they want the online character to be perceived as. Just have to be two steps ahead.


u/hijoshh 14d ago

I mean he does a lot of good things tbh. I’m not gonna defend his cheating, but cheating is the only time I’ve heard of him doing something truly terrible


u/second_best_fox 14d ago

No-one can always be good and always have integrity though. That's an impossible standard to reach. All humans are fallable and make mistakes - even those with integrity. I'm speaking in the general sense. What I mean is, if a person owns up to an error and works to rectify it, that is also integrity.


u/mistermenstrual 14d ago

When i saw his episode of hot ones I was like "ya know what? I wouldn't like hanging out with this guy ONE bit"


u/No_Wrongdoer3579 14d ago

Yup Reddit has this weird idol fantasy with any celebrity that literally acts polite as if that shouldn't be the norm. Everyday people act similar and yet they don't get glazed.


u/DankAF94 14d ago

Pretty staggering how many celebs who were dearly loved in their heyday ended up being outed as total wrongens at a later date.


u/NK1337 14d ago

It’s not even about appearing nice. It’s totally normal for someone to be nice to you but end up being a piece of shit to someone else. Doesn’t mean they were being fake or superficial to you.

People are complicated.


u/Lolthelies 14d ago

Or people are complicated and you can be a good person and still do bad things, depending on what they are. Everything is case-by-case


u/burgernoisenow 14d ago

Yep. Whenever I mention David Bowie, Kobe Bryant, and Mike Tyson were rapists I get downvoted like crazy

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u/mnewman19 14d ago

Not to be a dick, but you or any other fan who has met him have no idea if he is nice


u/Fermonx Vinyl Listener 14d ago

Then believe the many other musicians, artists and famous people that have said he's one of the nicest guys in the industry lol


u/big_daddy_dub 14d ago

Bill Cosby was so nice that some considered him “America’s dad”. You don’t know these people.


u/whimsylea 14d ago

That's a very good point.


u/PoeticHydra 14d ago

People mistake politeness with kindness.


u/peon2 14d ago

That's a little different because that was Bill Cosby the TV character not Bill Cosby the person that was considered "America's dad". But I do agree it's not very hard to act cheery and nice to one person in one instance that you meet them and then turn around and be a jerk to someone else.


u/Ass4ssinX 14d ago

Bill Cosby was long thought to be an asshole. He frequently talked down about people.


u/thesizzleisreal 14d ago

A lot of famous people had a lot of good things to say about Harvey Weinstein


u/Thor_pool 14d ago

Harvey Weinstein was a Hollywood gatekeeper who made or broke people depending on how much he liked them, Dave Grohl is hardly in the same situation

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u/[deleted] 14d ago


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u/AdmiralCharleston 14d ago

What about king buzzo that literally got him in nirvana to begin with who called him out for having a huge ego


u/Large_Talons_ RIP 14d ago

Ok I love Melvins but Buzz is kinda famously grouchy and vindictive

Not to defend Dave


u/mnewman19 14d ago

So are plenty of people who ended up having dark second lives. Never think you know a celebrity, you are just watching them through a screen


u/Fermonx Vinyl Listener 14d ago

I don't think I know him. I'm just saying, that's what most of the people that do know him say. Its not my business nor do I care what he does with his personal life lol I don't do the parasocial relationship stuff with famous people.

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u/FictionalContext 14d ago

Are they saying that because he's actually nice or because they want to work with him and/or don't want to burn bridges by costing the studios money with an exposé post?

We hear about these people through our feed. They call it a feed for a reason.

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u/shnigybrendo 14d ago edited 14d ago

They have met him so they at least have an idea if he's nice. People aren't movie characters. We're complex and never just one thing.


u/duaneap 14d ago

I didn’t meet him “as a fan,” it wasn’t Comicon or some shit, I filmed something he was in and let me tell you, people really show you their true colours when they’re on set.


u/Mojo_Jensen 14d ago

He is very nice. That doesn’t mean he can’t make a big dumb mistake. Making the mistake doesn’t make him not a nice person. It does mean he fucked up, though. This one’s pretty unfortunate, but at least he’s trying…

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u/missmarymacaron 14d ago

In my opinion, he's friendly. I think there is a difference between being friendly and nice. Friendly people can do terrible things. People who are nice at heart tend to hold their morals a bit more closely.


u/AmethystStar9 14d ago

Seems like relationship issues follow him around. This isn’t the first time he’s cheated (just the first time he got someone pregnant [or is it?]), he seemed to be a big fan of the 5 minute phone call dump job and there was a LOT of smoke to the domestic violence issues fire surrounding him and Winona Ryder, though I don’t know if either of them ever actually accused the other publicly.


u/WiseCoyote1820 14d ago

All it takes is a moment of weakness at just the right time and even the best of us can fall from grace. It’s a sobering reminder that if I let my guard down I can become my own worst enemy with one bad choice.

I’m sure Dave is struggling with the regret of that error right now.

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u/TastyMagic 14d ago

It wasn't very nice to cheat on his wife without using protection, though.


u/TheRustyKettles 14d ago

That's literally what they just said.

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u/Inevitable_Tone3021 14d ago

My favorite line from Into the Woods is after Little Red Riding Hood meets the wolf and she says "Nice is Different Than Good." I try to remind myself of that.


u/Webcat86 14d ago

Is he though? Clearly he has a well curated and deliberate image of being nice. I’ve never met him but have always felt that there was an insincerity to it. There have been reports of him cheating for many years as well. 


u/f10101 14d ago

I've never been sure if it's him curating the nice guy image, or just the media constantly choosing to parade him out as "nicest rockstar" by default because seemingly every other rock musician on the planet has been a no-show in mainstream culture for the last decade or so...


u/Webcat86 14d ago

Yeah it could be. The Foo Fighters are also designed as a very, very mainstream and safe radio band, so that pretty much necessitates DJs and music journalists feeling that Dave is friendly and always around for interviews etc. 

And I’m sure he’s pleasant enough but the persona just always felt very manufactured.  


u/idontshred 14d ago

Yeah I feel you. I don’t know much about Grohl aside from the superficial but I once saw an interview or documentary or something with him in it and someone asked him how he looks so good or something and he said “being rich helps”. Something about it just came off really tone deaf coming from an old dude who got rich and famous on a lucky break when he was 19 or 20 and kinda just rode the wave. Since then I can’t see him the way other people seem to.


u/Smart_Pig_86 Concertgoer 14d ago

Nice seeming people can also be bad people. You only ever see a public persona. You only ever see how he is with a camera around.


u/hetham3783 14d ago

People are complex. Everybody does good things. Everybody does bad things. Nobody is all one thing.


u/UnderratedEverything 14d ago

This is why it's important for people to remember that there's a huge difference between being nice and being good. Nice is how you act. Good is what you do. You can be one and not the other. Often it's goodness that is harder to really see.


u/eatingketchupchips 14d ago

yup, being nice is easy, it benefits the person being nice to be perceived that- now being kind when no one is watching, that's when you see someone's character.


u/Cruciblelfg123 14d ago

Literally every time I argue that celebrity worship is a bad thing I include “even someone like Dave grohl is just some dude you don’t know who does shitty things like the rest of us and shouldn’t be worshipped or celebrated beyond what he provides as an artist”, and now I guess case in point. A famous paragon of “good celebrity” is still just some monkey like the rest of us. No need for posters people


u/ImComfortableDoug 14d ago

Also someone that is nice to YOU isn’t necessarily nice to EVERYONE. You don’t know if he is nice. You had a nice interaction. There’s a big difference.


u/heyitsthatguygoddamn 14d ago

Beyond that like no matter how nice we all are like we're all human and capable of selfishness and hurting others. The ones who are most susceptible are the ones who think they couldn't ever do it


u/A7xWicked 14d ago

Good and great people make bad choices all the time


u/WANKMI 14d ago

Im just gonna be honest and say that on the scale of bad things a person can do, and how that scale extremely quickly goes wayyyy up as you gain money and fame - Im gonna say cheating is extremely mild.


u/ScumbagGina 14d ago

The dividing line between good and evil runs through the heart of every human being


u/Bulliwyf 14d ago

I got what you are saying dude - don’t worry about the others here.


u/Technical-Outside408 14d ago edited 14d ago

Garbage people cheat on their spouses. Throw him in the trash.


u/Empty-Way-6980 14d ago

Lmao. If this were anyone else, they would be raked across the coals. But Reddit's golden boy? "Hey, everyone makes mistakes. It's all good."

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u/Huppelkutje 14d ago

He’s super nice.

You don't know him.

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u/tistick 14d ago

People can also hide behind a mask of being nice.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago



u/oddi_t 14d ago

I've known people who are wonderful and friends and horrible as romantic partners and vice versa. Being nice in some aspects of your life doesn't mean you're nice in every setting, nor does being shitty in some parts of your life mean you are universally shitty.


u/BeeOk1235 14d ago

like be AIDS denialists.

wait no that makes you a terrible person itself even with the veneer of being "nice".


u/MiserableCrow1680 14d ago

Not the first time he's cheated on a wife, someone can be nice to people but be shitty people once you get to know them. Stop defending him.


u/xabierus 14d ago

The environment of famous people seems to indulge a lot with cheating, not that the rest of mortals do It less, but seems less frown upon.

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u/ThereAreOnlyTwo- 14d ago

100% this was about making things right with his spouse. A public acknowledgement of how he wronged her.

I'm not sure, she might consider it all the more humiliating than it is to begin with.


u/Tymareta 14d ago

Right? In what world is openly airing the intimate details of your life to millions upon millions of random nobodies a positive and not just indicative that Dave is an attention seeking dickhead?


u/Ripped_Shirt 14d ago

I imagine if the mother of the child was going to go public with this, it was going to be public regardless. Either he gets in front of it like this, or it becomes even more humiliating when it's dragged out through the front page of tabloids.

While I don't know for sure, I assume if it's gotten to the point where he's openly admitting this on social media, he must have discussed it with her and what options they could go with.


u/IBeBallinOutaControl 14d ago

Dave fucked up and I find the Reddit glorification of him is insufferable. You're right that the social media post was clearly not for his wife's direct benefit however I could see how it's better than it inevitably coming out via TMZ.


u/Salty-Obligation-603 14d ago

Reddit glorification of him

That's a disingenuous way to summarize people acknowledging that humans are complicated and nuanced


u/IBeBallinOutaControl 14d ago

I meant the pre-existing glorification of Dave Grohl on Reddit before the baby.


u/Salty-Obligation-603 14d ago

No, it indicates that tabloids already had the information and this was the best PR move to ensure the drama is short-lived and that his kids can look back on his statement and not feel like they did something wrong or were unloved


u/MutedPresentation738 14d ago

Yeah I doubt the "look look, I'm still a good guy for handling this extremely trashy situation with grace" routine is exactly reassuring.

I hope she gets paaaaaid.

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u/nazbot 14d ago

I heard on Reddit a rumor that he was always very unfaithful to his wife. Supposedly he used to cruise for women with his drummer.

Seems like it was true.

Sucks to be his kids and have the public persona be so out of alignment with his real personality.


u/Shkkzikxkaj 14d ago

I get making things right but telling the whole world is inviting a media firestorm which isn’t fun for anyone involved. I don’t think they would announce it unless it was going to come out anyway.


u/Cabrit1990 14d ago

There have long been rumors about Dave getting around. Allegedly the wife would turn a blind eye as long as she didn’t hear about it. Having a baby with someone else is quite the betrayal though. He might be a nice guy, but that’s a big eff up.


u/Thin-Efficiency3216 14d ago

Not only cheating on her but cheating without protection and exposing her to god knows what. This is really bad


u/Dextercat77 14d ago

Seems like a fake "nice guy"


u/Aysina 14d ago

All I could think was “this just came out because now the tour has ended”


u/SitMeDownShutMeUp 14d ago

He’s a fraud and likes to make money and reap the rewards of it.

Just because his band has a funny sounding name and they make funny music videos and he makes funny wisecracks between songs on-stage doesn’t mean he’s automatically a big loving teddy bear.

He’s obviously a massive idiot for not only cheating on his wife and family, but for doing so without wearing a condom. And now he unloads this burden publicly onto his wife and family. People like him think they’re untouchable, welcome to the real world David.

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u/kwattsfo 14d ago

100% this was about controlling how the news came out.


u/Squirrel_Q_Esquire 14d ago

Nah this is because the DNA test was positive so there’s no way to ignore it. If it were about his wife, the announcement would’ve come before the baby was born. This came when it did because the baby was born and has now been confirmed as his.


u/OverallLawyer3888 14d ago

This is publicly humiliating his wife


u/Ohshitz- 14d ago

So public relations. Hes not a good guy by cheating on his wife and lying to his family.


u/Total-Library-7431 14d ago

Right? If any non-celebrity admitted to cheating on his wife, you know people would be metaphorically brandishing torches and pitchforks, talking about what a terrible human said man is.


u/mattmild27 14d ago

Yeah wasn't his whole brand "Dave Grohl, the nicest guy in rock and roll"?


u/cbarrister 14d ago

I mean he stated the facts of what happened, but he didn't exactly apologize to his wife either. But I guess don't bother apologizing if you don't plan on stopping what you are doing.


u/Paulyhedron 14d ago

Not really sure why a private matter has to be made public, it IS between them.


u/sithren 14d ago

It's also about acknowledging the new child. Not keeping their existence a secret makes things 'right' too.


u/TinyFugue 14d ago

No, it's because he has a new daughter. He said that he would be involved in her life.

If he did not announce this, then as soon as the paparazzi caught some photographs of him with the other woman and a baby the speculation would begin.


u/PricklyPeeflaps 14d ago

Who also happens to have a terrible band.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago


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u/ih8comingupwithaname 14d ago

Yeah I really doubt that.


u/cute_polarbear 14d ago

There's definitely an aspect of preemptive response to spouse, may it be anticipating divorce / lawyer or otherwise. We likely never know what has been going on behind the scenes between him and spouse...



This is why if I'm ever famous I'm taking the Charlie Sheen type of approach. No one would ever care if I scream at an old lady or something


u/nedzissou1 14d ago

Because nice guys have never been revealed to be awful people. I hope nothing awful comes out about him, but it wouldn't be the first time.


u/skr80 14d ago

Or just because he doesn't want it getting out through gossip magazines. The mother of the child has just hopped on board the gravy train.


u/lolas_coffee 14d ago

Do they have an open relationship? They've been married a very long time.


u/sinister-fiend 14d ago


Important distinction!


u/Nomad_moose 14d ago

I don’t know, I’m not excusing the behavior, but how can you marry a rockstar and expect them to be loyal?

Wikipedia removed it, but there was once a page with the list of famous people who had died from STD related illnesses, and the number of professional musicians far exceeded the number of actors and athletes.


u/prairie_buyer 14d ago

Yeah- one of my clients is from Seattle and has known him since before he was famous. She says he is the best person.

This is disappointing.


u/Anna_Lilies 14d ago

Especially because he is generally liked and perceived as a good guy.

I never assume literally any celebrity is a good person. History has proven so many aren't.

The good ones are often just better at managing a PR campaign to improve their image.


u/MoreGoddamnedBeans 14d ago

Well not anymore. I think it's safe to say chances are low the affair partner got pregnant after one instance.


u/ldnthrwwy 14d ago

Or the story was going to come out anyway and he got ahead of it.


u/ShovelingSunshine 14d ago

I doubt he would've said anything if he could've kept the baby hush hush.  BMama may have made that difficult.  No wife wants to be publicly humiliated by their husband. 


u/Vkardash 14d ago

I'd say there's a better chance the tabloids contacted his rep for a comment before publishing the story. So he realizes he's caught and the story is going to be made public. So he posts it on Instagram.



Cheating is an automatic divorce for me. I wouldnt be able to stay in the marriage as much as I’d want to.

And I’d be happy if I was her, get half his money, get your kids, and she can go find a normal guy who won’t cheat on her


u/Salty-Obligation-603 14d ago

100% this was about making things right with his spouse

We can't pretend to know what his wife would've wanted here. From a PR and privacy standpoint, it makes more sense that he'd keep it quiet. This tells me tabloids got it, and he's trying to calm the storm


u/no202 14d ago

No, this was probably because the tabloids got ahold of this story, lol.


u/Rube18 14d ago

Or the other person was blackmailing him and threatened to go public. Probably the most likely option.


u/2OttersInACoat 14d ago

His wife may not have wanted this kind of public humiliation, it’s embarrassing for her. Now she has to either look a doormat by standing by him or leave him. I was thinking it’s probably that a tabloid has got a hold of the story so he’s coming out ahead of that. Trying to minimise how salacious a story it is by telling it himself.


u/KCBandWagon 14d ago

Baby was just born. Wife probably got told when mistress got knocked up so they’ve been working through it for awhile.


u/Valentinee105 14d ago

100% this was about making things right with his spouse.

Some spouses don't want dirty laundry announced to the world.


u/Hunter042005 14d ago

It is also likely that he wanted to say something before tmz or something finds out and slanders him he probably wanted to get his side of the story out first before that would happen


u/Obsequiouspsychofart 14d ago

WRONG! This was about getting out in front of the tabloids that were ready to drop the story. 


u/chameleon_magic_11 12d ago

No doubt he is trying to make things right with his wife and kids, but how would publicly announcing it make anything better for his wife? All the announcement is doing currently it is driving more public interest to him and his family.

The statement sounded more like he was getting it out there before someone else did, almost like there was a threat or blackmail attempt. I just hope he had already told his wife and kids long before the public announcement so they had time to mentally prepare and adjust to the news before the rest of the world found out.

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